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The computer is always under a threat from computer viruses. A computer virus is a software program that ruins the performance of a PC and damages the valuable data stored on its hard disks. Today, when almost all the computers are connected to the internet, viruses have posed an even greater risk with different forms of viruses, malware, and spyware circulating on the web. What’s even more unfortunate is that sometimes even the best antivirus programs and firewalls are not capable of preventing these.
The Zero Access Rootkit The ZeroAccess rootkit has been around for a while now and is considered a dangerous threat. Accordingto SophosLabs, the number of ZeroAccessrootkitcaseshas increased significantlyover theyearsandalthoughsimilartootherformsofmalware,maindistributionmethodsarethrough exploit packs and social engineering. Exploit packs Anexploitpackisusuallyinanarrayofphpscriptsstoredonawebserverunder thecontrolofthe attacker,whichistriggeredwhenthevictim’sbrowseraccessestheloadedwebsite.Exploitpacks usually target applications found on Windows PCs such as Internet Explorer, Acrobat, Flash and Java. Acommonmethodofdrivingtraffictowebsites hostingexploitpacks isbyusinglegitimatesites that have been hijacked by the attacker. It has also been verified that some amounts of the JavaScript code are found on the pages of a website that drives the user to the infected site. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques have also been used to influence search engine rankings and thus increasing the traffic that gets sent to the attack site. Email is another common tool that is used which works as a mode of transport to send links containing exploit packs. Social engineering Social engineering has managed to get through to the most unsuspecting by luring them into downloading software that are known to build appeal such as a game or a copyright protection bypassingtool. TheseTrojansdisguiseaslegitimatefilesandplacedon uploadsites tocause the credulous to download them.