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Learn what is a rootkit and how you can scan, detect and protect your computer. A rootkit is a collection of computer software, typically malicious, designed to enable access to a computer or an area of its software that is not otherwise allowed (for example, to an unauthorized user) and often masks its existence or the existence of other software. Get more information at https://blog.reasonsecurity.com/2015/06/08/what-is-a-rootkit/
POINTS OFDISCUSSION What is rootkit? History of rootkit What can a rootkitdo? Howcanarootkitgetonmycomputer? What are the types ofrootkit?
WHAT ISROOTKIT? A rootkit is a collection of computer software, typically malicious,designedtoenableaccesstoacomputeroran area of its software that is not otherwise allowed (for example, to an unauthorized user) and often masks its existenceortheexistenceofothersoftware.
HISTORY OFROOTKIT The term rootkit or root kit originally referred to a maliciously modified set of administrative tools for a Unix-like operating system that granted "root" access. If an intruder could replace thestandardadministrativetoolsonasystemwitharootkit,the intruder could obtain root access over the system whilst simultaneouslyconcealingtheseactivitiesfromthelegitimate systemadministrator.
TheGreekwiretappingcaseof2004–05,alsoreferredtoasGreek Watergate,involvedtheillegaltelephonetappingofmorethan100 mobilephonesontheVodafoneGreecenetworkbelongingmostly tomembersoftheGreekgovernmentandtop-rankingcivil servants. The taps began sometime near the beginning of August 2004 and wereremovedinMarch2005withoutdiscoveringtheidentityofthe perpetrators.
WHAT CAN A ROOTKITDO? Rootkits grant attackers full control over a system, which means they can modify existing software at will—particularly the software designed to detect its presence. As a result, rootkitdetectionisdifficultsincethesoftwareresponsiblefor detectingitisoftenusurpedorblindedbyanattack.
HOW CAN A ROOTKIT GET ON MY COMPUTER? RootkitscaninfiltrateaPCoranycomputerjustlikeregular malware,throughinfectedlinksandwebsitesorbycoming bundled with freesoftware.
WHAT ARE THE TYPES OFROOTKIT? Therearedifferenttypesofrootkits,andtheyareclassified bythewaytheyinfectatargetedsystem.Herearethemost commonly usedones: Kernel moderootkit User mode rootkit Firmwarerootkits
KERNEL MODEROOTKIT These are designed to change the functionality of an operatingsystembyinsertingmalwareontothekernel—the centralpartofanoperatingsystemthatcontrolsoperations between hardware and applications. They pose big threats sincekernelshavethehighestlevelsofprivilegeswithina system.
USER MODEROOTKIT These rootkits are executed by acting as ordinary user programs.Theyaresometimesreferredtoasanapplication rootkitsincetheyoperatewhereapplicationstypicallyrun. Theytendtobeeasiertodeploybutoftenposelessdamage than kernelrootkits.
FIRMWAREROOTKIT Thesetakeadvantageofsoftwareembeddedinasystem’s firmware—routers, network cards, hard drives—which can allow a rootkit to remain hidden for longer since these devicesarenottypicallyinspectedforcodeintegrity.
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