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SEIN –SEGE Step by Step....... 2009-2011 Final meeting of the project

SEIN –SEGE Step by Step....... 2009-2011 Final meeting of the project. CZECH REPUBLIC 22-25 May 2011 ZDAR NA SAZOVOU. August – September 2009 Establish the Project Team Members and the responsibilities for the team member. Activities

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SEIN –SEGE Step by Step....... 2009-2011 Final meeting of the project

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  1. SEIN –SEGE Step by Step.......2009-2011Final meeting of the project CZECH REPUBLIC 22-25 May 2011 ZDAR NA SAZOVOU

  2. August – September 2009 Establish the Project Team Members and the responsibilities for the team member. Activities • creating a detailed presentation about the institution to be used in introductory activities; • designing a form in order to collect contact data of each team members and sending it to each partner; • distribution of the general responsibilities for partners and team members; • developing the on-line communication network between the partners (chat, group discussion,e-mail...etc)

  3. October – November 2009 • Preparing the materials for the first project meeting in Turkey (October 2009) • Selecting the target group by applying questionnaires (November-December 2009) • Participating in the first project meeting Sorgun-Yozgat-Turkey (5-8 November 2009)

  4. November – December 2009 • Applying questionnaires to parents of selected schools (28 schools); • Creating the working group to achieve the curriculum for parents, curriculum developed by ISJ Iasi and used by all partners in the project. The curriculum is designed to develop communication skills for parents to promote a nonviolent education of children, to develop their harmonious personality, to provide their integration into family life, local community and society.

  5. 15th - 18th January 2010 Meeting in Italy Verona For the Romanian delegation Liliana Rujanu and Maricica Buzescu presented a ppt with the social situation in Romania, due to economic problems of working parents. With regard to Internet security are studying various authorities which control software of an action figure of reference (counsellor) that can support parents in their choices to be taken to address the problems.  Also the Romanian delegation presented the draft of Parents Guide, realised by School Inspectorate Iasi.

  6. Results: • Research papers on Parent Education Curriculum • First draft of Guidelines to Parent Counselling • ICT Knowledge of Parents (Computer Literacy Level) • Internet Safety in the country

  7. 15th - 18th April 2010 Meeting in Iasi-Romania Activities In 15 April 2010 start of the project meeting at Iasi School Inspectorate.The romanian General School Inspector Liliana Romaniuc present the ,,Role of ISJ in the training of human resources, according to the European quality standards’’.

  8. All participants in SEIN-SEGE project visit Casa Corpului Didactic( Teacher Training Centre) Iasi (associate project partner). Teachers Training Centre Iasi – Institution providing Lifelong training courses to Secondary education teachers. The head of Teacher Training Centre , Lidia Andronache present the role of Teacher Training Centre in continuous education of teachers.

  9. The Romanian team present the final Parents Guide and we give to all partners and coordinator this Guide. • We provide information about parents, their level of ICT knowledge and Internet Safety in Romania. • We present the results of the QUESTIONNAIRE APPLIED TO PARENTS REGARDING THE EXCESSIVE CHILDREN USE OF THE INTERNET in 28 schools from Iasi region.

  10. Results: • ,,Guidelines to Parent Counselling’’ was presented in Iasi Meeting and give to all participants and parents; • Booklets and fliers about PARENTS & INTERNET SAFETY • Analysis Paperresults of the QUESTIONNAIRE APPLIED TO PARENTS REGARDING THE EXCESSIVE CHILDREN USE OF THE INTERNET in 28 schools from Iasi region; • Meeting report translated into the languages of the partners.

  11. April – June 2010 • Achieving the ,, STUDY ON THE ADDICTION LEVEL OF STUDENTS USING COMPUTERS’’ • Only the parameters below have been referred to. The questionnaires allow the establishment of other correlations: 1. How often children use the computer; 2. The general perception on the influence of the use of the computer on the psychomotor development of children and youth; 3. Interference of excessive use with school results and social life; 4. Identification of a possible computer addiction; 5. Parents’ opinions on the use of computer by the students.

  12. Activities done betwen July 2010 – February 2011 A. The choice of the team (learners) to take part in the project meeting in Greece (18-22.09.2010 and in Spain) B. Planning the activities for the second year of the project C. Dissemination of the knowledge acquired in the last meetings to the local community

  13. Meeting in Greece (18-22 September 2010) Presentation from the Romanian partners: a. ,,Study on the addiction level of students using computers - Proposals and possible solutions’’ , by Mrs L. Rujanu, and Mrs I. Savinescu b. Working with parents: ,,The study circle’’ , by Mrs. S. Manea c. What parents should know about the computer’s danger / pitfalls and how to intervene properly in relationship child-computer by Mrs. E. Motas, Mrs.I. Savinescu, and Mrs.A.Apopei

  14. 1. Training courses for parents, through T.T.C. Iasi, member of the SEIN –SEGE partnership The following arguments underlie the training course necessity: • During the latest years the dependency of computer seems to be growing under its different forms. The social context cannot be isolated from the family and school environment where the child develops. • In order to be able to intervene for the prevention and limitation of these phenomena, it is necessary to explain the causes, conditions and sources which determine the addiction to computer, as well as the positive effects of using it. -,,SECURE INTERNET & SECURE GENERATIONS– tips for parents’’ - ,,DESIGN OF THE SCHOOL – FAMILY PARTNERSHIP ‘’ - ,,AXIOMS OF PARENTS’ COUNSELLING’’ Number of participants: 83 parents

  15. A new selection of the schools where the questionnaires will be applied to parents, an counselling sessions will be organized for parents (from both rural and urban communities) took place – a number of 43 parents from high schools “V.Alecsandri” and “GarabetIbraileanu”, and 50 parents from Colegiul National Iasi Iasi, took part in counselling sessions. 2.Counselling sessions for parents were organized at “V.Alecsandri” and “GarabetIbraileanu”, Iasi, high schools. Number of parents: 43

  16. The following counselling activities were organized: ACTIVITY 1 “Parents come back to school’’ ACTIVITY 2 “Parents and children between parallel mirrors’’ ACTIVITY 3 “Good parents – happy children”, “To be a parent is easy, but not simple’’ ACTIVITY 4 “How to avoid our children’s addiction to computers?’’ ACTIVITY 5 “Living together – Tolerance begins in the family’’ ACTIVITY 6 “Children live the way they learn”!

  17. 3. Questionnaires have been applied to a number of 93 parents from rural and urban schools 4.The platform has been achieved (a discussion group withparents,http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sein_sege_parents/messages) doneby Stelian Hadimbu 5. The project blog was posted on the web page of ISJ Iasi:http://seinsege.wordpress.com/ done by Gabriela Conea

  18. 6. Making a short research and studies on a possible Internet Safety curriculum. 7. Establishing the project team (learners) and the responsibilities for each member of the team for the Spain Meeting.  8. Preparing the materials for the fourth project meeting in Spain (5- 9 March 2011)

  19. 9.Selecting the target group by applying questionnaires (November-December 2010) Creating the working group to achieve the curriculum for parents, curriculum developed by ISJ Iasi and used by all partners in the project (December 2010- January 2011). The curriculum is designed to develop communication skills for parents to promote a nonviolent education of children, to develop their harmonious personality, to provide their integration into family life, local community and society. The participation of the children in their education, in partnership with the parents. The prevention against the disharmonies inside the personalities of children due to excessive computer use. The address of the yahoo group is: sein_sege_parents@yahoogroups.com

  20. 10.Creating a project link on the ISJ Iasi webpage: http://seinsege.wordpress.com/ 11.Applying questionnaires to parents of selected schools (10 schools) (December 2010) 12.Achieving counselling courses for parents (November 2010 -January-2011) within “Casa Corpului Didactic” Iasi, local partner in the SEIN-SEGE project, in the following schools: “GarabetIbraileanu’’ College Iasi and “VasileAlecsandri’’ College Iasi. A number of 43 parents received counselling.

  21. C. Dissemination of the knowledge acquired in the last meetings to the local community • Participating in Timisoara at the Adult Education National Conference, with the theme 10 Years of European Development in Adult Education. Achievements and challenges in reaching the Lisbon objectives''2010'',19th to 21st of March 2010, with the participation of ISJ Iasi (General School Inspector, Prof. LilianaRomaniuc and LilianaRujanu - Methodist Professor within ISJ Iasi) in discussions of: "Achievement of professional status by the staff involved in adult education'' Workshop. At the conference the project SEIN – SEGE was presented within the informal GRUNDTVIG sessions.

  22. The dissemination of information on the project meeting with the national agency ANPCDEF was achieved (11th May and 15th of October 2010) .( de pus imaginile pe slide-uri) • Info bulletins were posted on the discussion list of the programmes: Grundtvig Partnerships for learning: grundtvigers@yahoogroups.com and on the web portal http://www.edumanager.ro/

  23. A roundtable debate was organized on the 9th of December 2010: ADULT EDUCATION – EXAMPLES OF GOOD PRACTICE IN GRUNDTVIG PROJECTS. The meeting was organized within the Adult Education Week in partnership with CCD Iasi and ”FormareStudia” Association. Teachers NGO representatives, psycho-pedagogues and parents were present. The book “FAMILY AND SCHOOL - A PARTNERSHIP TOWARDS QUALITY AND EDUCATION” was launched as well. • The documents presented at all the project’s meeting were posted on the project’s webpage: http://sein-sege-akate.iab-center.de/ • The 4th Newsletter of the project has been posted on the webpage of ISJ Iasi. • The testing and the impact of the project’s curriculum on the parents was achieved: ,,SECURE INTERNET & SECURE GENERATIONS– tips for parents’’ ,,DESIGN OF THE SCHOOL – FAMILY PARTNERSHIP ‘’ ,,AXIOMS OF PARENTS’ COUNSELLING’’

  24. Impact and Parents’ opinion on the training/counselling courses they attended 1. Grade the activity: • Interesting / interactive, very useful, pleasant, relaxing; • Contributed to the development of one’s personality. 2. What have you found out about yourself? • I am a normal, outgoing, friendly parent; • A small success of my child has a good effect in me, while a failure must not deter me; • It is difficult to change and it takes a lot of will on my part and the others’ support; • I enjoy listening to others; • I had drawbacks in the relationship with my parents, which I want to avoid as a parent.

  25. 3. What have you learned about the others? • The others’ children also have successes and failures, greater or smaller; • People are not the same but the situations can be similar; • Each person has a solution of their own in dealing with children’s problems; • Success and failure can influence a child’s self-esteem 4. What did you like about the meetings organized at the counselling? • The relaxed manner in which the problems were tackled; • The confident atmosphere; • The new information about internet security; • The useful information; • The interactive style; • The beneficial effect on myself; • The discussion group.

  26. Project meeting in Spain

  27. School Inspectorate Iasi has finished the folowing documents: • GUIDELINES TO PARENT COUNSELING • STUDY ABOUT INTERNET SAFETY&PARENTS IN ROMANIA AND IN IASI

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