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Group 3 Heavy Lift Cargo Plane

Group 3 Heavy Lift Cargo Plane. William Gerboth, Jonathan Landis, Scott Munro, Harold Pahlck November 12, 2009. Presentation Outline. Project Objectives Final Conceptual Design Q&A From Phase I Technical Analysis Approach Technical Analysis Plan For Phase III Nugget Chart.

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Group 3 Heavy Lift Cargo Plane

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  1. Group 3Heavy Lift Cargo Plane William Gerboth, Jonathan Landis, Scott Munro, Harold Pahlck November 12, 2009

  2. Presentation Outline • Project Objectives • Final Conceptual Design • Q&A From Phase I • Technical Analysis Approach • Technical Analysis • Plan For Phase III • Nugget Chart

  3. Project Objectives • Design and build an airplane to successfully compete in the SAE Aero East competition • Plane must successfully take off from a runway of 200 feet and land on a runway 400 feet • Constraints of 55 pounds total weight, and the combined height, length, and width of 200 inches • Plane must make one complete 360° circuit of the field per attempt

  4. Conceptual Designs • From our concept matrices we chose the designs that scored the highest, the final design concepts are as follows • Airfoil Shape: Eppler 423 • Wing Shape: Straight • Landing Gear: Tricycle • Tail shape: T-Tail

  5. Q&A from phase I • Competition Scoring: • The total score is the flight score + Design Report+ Oral presentation • FS=RAW+PPB+EWB-TP • RAW=Raw weight score=Wx4 (W=weight lifted in LBs) • PPB= Prediction point bonus= 20-(PP-PA)2 (Pp=predicted payload, PA =actual payload • EWB=empty payload bonus (10 point for a successful empty flight) • TP= total penalties (From design report, technical inspection, Aircraft modifications) • Design report is out of 50 points

  6. Q&A from phase I (cont.) • Plan For victory in completion • Control of the Plane • A 2.4GHz radio controller will be used (competition rules) • Flaps, Ailerons, Rudder, Elevators, and Throttle will be moved by servos controlled by radio

  7. Technical Analysis Approach • Perform Calculations for: • Drag • Lift • Velocity • Take off distance (>200 ft.) • Landing distance (>400ft.)

  8. Technical Analysis: Friction Drag • Assumptions • Altitude 3000 ft. • ρ = 0.002175 slugs/ft3 • µ = 0.36677x10-6 slugs/ft – sec • Friction drag depends on velocity so it must be calculated for takeoff, landing, and cruising

  9. Technical Analysis: Drag (Fuselage)

  10. Technical Analysis: Drag (Wing)

  11. Technical Analysis: Drag (Horizontal Tail)

  12. Technical Analysis: Drag (Vertical Tail)

  13. Technical Analysis: Drag (Tail Boom)

  14. Technical Analysis: Drag (landing gear and engine)

  15. Technical Analysis: Total Friction Drag

  16. Technical Analysis: Profile Drag (Fuselage & Landing Gear)

  17. Technical Analysis: Profile & Induced Drag (wing at cruise)

  18. Technical Analysis: Profile & Induced Drag (wing landing)

  19. Technical Analysis: Profile & Induced Drag (wing takeoff)

  20. Technical Analysis: Total Drag

  21. Technical Analysis: Flaps and Aileron Span C .25C Aileron Flap Flap Aileron 35-40% 60-65% 100% • Length • Ailerons = 35-40% of span  .38*57.5 = 35.65 • Flaps = 60 -65% of span  .62*57.5 = 21.85 • Width • 25% of chord • Aileron width  3 in. • Flap width  3 in.

  22. Technical Analysis: VelocityFlaps fully down at 40 deg. Stall Velocity =24.18 mph =35.47 ft/s Takeoff Velocity =29.02 mph =42.56 ft/s Landing Approach Velocity =31.44 mph =46.11 ft/s Cruise Velocity =35.07 mph =51.43 ft/s

  23. Technical Analysis: Landing CL =2.5659 Takeoff Velocity =915.13 =2195.41 3110.547 =2.160

  24. Technical Analysis: Lift CalculationAt .7Vto T = Static Thrust Available = 11.865 Fc = Coefficient of Rolling Friction = 0.035 =17.105 =6.684 =135.52 ft With a 25% safety factor = 169.397

  25. Technical Analysis: Landing CalculationAt .7Vl W = 35 lb. = 560 oz. Fc = Coefficient of Rolling Friction = 0.035 =24.47 =376.67

  26. Plan for Phase III • Complete Final Design • Create CAD models of Aircraft • Use CAD models to analyze final Aircraft design

  27. Title: Heavy Cargo Lift Plane Team Members: William Gerboth, Scott Munro, Jonathan Landis, Harold Pahlck Advisor: Professor Siva Thangam Project #: 3 Date: 11/12/09 ME 423 Phase II Nugget Chart– Design Selection and Technical Analysis

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