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January 15, 1929

Martin Luther King : his life and his work close to the violence and the segregation in 12 dates. January 15, 1929. Birth of Martin Luther King. November 7, 1947. June 18, 1953. Luther King becomes minister . Luther King gets married to Croretta Scott. December 1, 1955.

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January 15, 1929

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Martin Luther King :his life and his work close to the violence and the segregation in 12 dates

  2. January 15, 1929 Birth of Martin Luther King

  3. November 7, 1947 June 18, 1953 Luther King becomesminister. Luther King getsmarriedto Croretta Scott

  4. December 1, 1955 Rosa Parksrefused to giveup her place in a bus. December 5, 1955 Martin Luther King boycotted a bus company.

  5. January 11, 1957 Martin Luther King is president of the SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) 1960 Martin Luther King leftMontgomery for Atlanta

  6. April 12, 1963 Martin Luther King arrestedduring a protest in the city of Birmingham. Le temps est toujours bon à ce qui est juste

  7. August 28, 1963 Martin Luther King’sdream http://cmvc-ecjs.e-monsite.com/pages/la-vie-de-martin-luther-king-en- 13-dates-clees.html

  8. October 14, 1964 Martin Luther King receivedthe Nobel peaceprize. 1967 Martin Luther King demonstrated against the warin Vietnam

  9. April 4, 1968 Murder of Martin Luther King.

  10. Conclusion : Martin Luther King is a man who has struggledagainstsegregationand for peace in the United States. He issimilarto Gandyfor examplebecause Martin Luther King had the same conviction : jointogetherto live in peace

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