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Writing a DBQ. AP World History. DBQ Analysis and Organization. DBQ #3 RELIGION and GEOGRAPHY. DBQ STEP 1: Analyzing the Prompt. QUESTION.
Writing a DBQ AP World History
DBQ Analysis and Organization DBQ #3 RELIGION and GEOGRAPHY
QUESTION Religions of common geographic origins tend to differ from those that originate in other areas of the world. How do religions having common geographic origins tend to share somewhat common codes of behavior and views of the nature and reason for existence? What is the prompt (question) asking for? What regions are we looking for? Why do “humans” exist? Why were they put on earth? What are the “rules” or accepted behavior codes?
Historical Background There were three great geographic centers of religious origin: southwestern Asia (Islam, Judaism, Christianity), south Asia (Hinduism, Buddhism), and east Asia (Confucianism, Taoism). Obvious categories have been provided in the supplemental material Regions OR Use everything available! Religions
Analysis and Organization Develop a table or chart • Document number • Major point of the document • Point of view • Information needed Certain pieces of information (“universals”) will be the same for every DBQ
Your Table B R4E SWA SA EA MAJOR CONCEPT DOC NEED P of V In addition to the “universal” categories, we’ll add… GEOGRAPHIC AREAS Southwest Asia = SWA South Asia = SA East Asia = EA SPECIFIC PROMPT Codes of behavior = B Nature and reason for existence = R4E We know what to look for in the documents, now we determine how they are linked.
Your Table B R4E SWA SA EA MAJOR CONCEPT DOC NEED P of V Let’s look at the documents one at a time. Number, location, specific behavior noted? (Include specifics in major concept) Reason for existence? (Include specifics in major concept) Complete each document, separated by a line.
DOCUMENT 1 Source: The Bhagavad Gita, (8.03) (Hindu) The Supreme Lord said: Brahman is the Supreme imperishable. The individual self (or Jeevaatrna) is called Adhyaatma. The creative power that causes manifestation of beings is called Karma. The region is South Asia (SA) It covers codes of acceptable behavior (Karma) (B) The concept here is that individuals are no more than the impression produced by their actions (Karma is the controlling factor). This would be codes of acceptable behavior (B), good and bad Karma. There is an emphasis on the effect of events on the individual, but does not link to the Supreme Lord. The point of view is that of a devout believer taking a position of faith (generally difficult to offer secular rationales). There is a need to know more about the “Supreme Lord”—is it one of many or a single entity as with monotheistic beliefs?
DOCUMENT 1 Need a clarification of “Supreme Lord”— Is it one god or one of many? Your Table MAJOR CONCEPT B R4E SWA SA EA DOC NEED P of V x x #1 There is a supreme being, but the essence of the individual is a result of Karma Follower with a specific view based upon religious literature
DOCUMENT 2 Source: Qu’ran: Surah 1 (Islam) In the name of Allah. the Beneficent, the Merciful. [1.1] All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. [1.2] The Beneficent, the Merciful. [1.3] Master of the Day of Judgment. [1.4] Thee do we serve and Thee do we beseech for help. [1.5] Keep us on the right path. [1.6] The path of those upon whom Thou hast bestowed favors. Not (the path) of those upon whom Thy wrath is brought down, nor of those who go astray. The region is Southwestern Asia (SWA) Existence is based on pleasing the god (R4E)
DOCUMENT 2 This document is more specific as to the importance of the specific god and making that god happy with an individual’s actions. There is less of a sense of the influence of “surroundings” and more of an emphasis on pleasing a central authority and knowing what that authority desires. The point of view is again that of a devout believer taking a position of faith.
DOCUMENTS 1 & 2 Need a clarification of “Supreme Lord”— Is it one god or one of many? Your Table MAJOR CONCEPT B R4E SWA SA EA DOC NEED P of V x x #1 There is a supreme being, but the essence of the individual is a result of Karma Follower with a specific view based upon religious literature x x Devout believer taking a position of faith based on religious text #2 Single god, importance of making that god happy with an individual’s actions
DOCUMENT 3 Source: The Analects of Confucius, 1.6 (Chinese) 1:6 Confucius said: “A young man should serve his parents at home and be respectful to elders outside his home. He should be earnest and truthful, loving all, but become intimate with humaneness. After doing this, if he has energy to spare, he can study literature and the arts.” The region is East Asia (EA) The document covers codes of acceptable behavior (Respect for elders, be truthful) (B) This document also stresses the influence of “surroundings” and the idea that one should give weight or emphasis to experience and age as opposed to a single supreme source. Even the “spare energy” is directed to pursuits rather than to a “supreme” guidance.
DOCUMENT 3 Your Table MAJOR CONCEPT B R4E SWA SA EA DOC NEED P of V x x Experience, respect for elders; no emphasis on a god #3
DOCUMENT 4 Source: Samyutta Nikaya LVI.11 (Buddhist) Bhikkhus, these two extremes ought not to be cultivated by one gone forth from the house-life. What are the two? There is devotion to indulgence of pleasure in the objects of sensual desire, which is inferior, low, vulgar, ignoble, and leads to no good; and there is devotion to self-torment, which is painful, ignoble and leads to no good. The middle way discovered by a Perfect One avoids both these extremes; it gives vision, it gives knowledge, and it leads to peace, to direct acquaintance, to discovery, to nibbana. And what is that middle way? It is simply the noble eightfold path, that is to say, right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration. That is the middle way discovered by a Perfect One, which gives vision, which gives knowledge, and which leads to peace, to direct acquaintance, to discovery, to nibbana.
DOCUMENT 4 The region is East Asia (EA) The document covers codes of acceptable behavior (Middle path) (B) The document does not make clear the meaning of Bhikkhus, but we do see again how an individual’s surroundings influence decisions. A “Perfect One” focuses on a balance of the extremes, not on a commitment to a “supreme” direction. Answers center on a prescribed path of action, but are not directly linked to divine control. We are now starting to see a pattern of central direction by a supreme authority and a “path” influenced by earthly surroundings. Although the documents from south and east Asia provide vague references to a supreme direction, they tend to focus more on the importance of choices within an individual’s environment.
DOCUMENTS 3 & 4 Need a clarification of “Bhikkhus”—how does it relate to context? Your Table MAJOR CONCEPT B R4E SWA SA EA DOC NEED P of V x x Experience, respect for elders; no emphasis on a god #3 x x Description of two paths for an individual; the middle way is best; no controlling god #4
DOCUMENT 5 Source: Genesis 1:26–27 (Judaism/Christianity) [26] Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.” [27] So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. The region is Southwestern Asia (SWA). Existence is based on “managing” creation (R4E). Again, the document centers on control and “authorization” granted by a supreme being. There’s a sense of passing authority or dominion to humans, but no sense of balance or options exercised by humans in relation to their surroundings. This directly contrasts belief systems emphasized by south and east Asian groups. The point of view is again that of a devout believer taking a position of faith, justified by religious text.
DOCUMENT 5 Your Table MAJOR CONCEPT DOC B R4E NEED P of V SWA SA EA x x Devout believer taking a position of faith based on religious text God gives power to humans to manage Creation #5
DOCUMENT 6 Source: John. 1: 1–11 (Christianity) [1] In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. [2] He was in the beginning with God; [3] all things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. [4] In him was life, and the life was the light of men. [5] The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. [6] There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. [7] He came for testimony, to bear witness to the light, that all might believe through him. [8] He was not the light, but came to bear witness to the light. [9] The true light that enlightens every man was coming into the world. [10] He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world knew him not. [11] He came to his own home, and his own people received him not.
DOCUMENT 6 The region is Southwestern Asia (SWA). Again, reason for existence is to fulfill the edicts of the creator (B). In this document, there is a similar sense of vagueness as to the meaning of the “Word,” but the document quickly establishes an image of a central controlling authority who has prescribed a “path”—similar to what we saw in documents 2 and 5. This document also introduces a new element—a “messenger” sent to enlighten, but whose “message” might not always be accepted. The point of view is again that of a devout believer taking a position of faith, justified by religious text and not subject to earthly interpretation (as in the case of Buddha and Confucius). Again, note the difference in the approach: one stresses direction by a central authority, the other focuses on achieving a balance or “harmony” with existing realities.
DOCUMENTS 5 & 6 Your Table MAJOR CONCEPT DOC B R4E NEED P of V SWA SA EA x x Devout believer taking a position of faith based on religious text God gives power to humans to manage Creation #5 x x #6 Devout believer taking a position of faith based on religious text Describes God and the Word; indicates that messengers are sent to provide guidance, but are not always accepted
DOCUMENT 7 Source: Tao Te Ching (Chinese) The Way that can be experienced is not true; The world that can be constructed is not real. The Way manifests all that happens and may happen; The world represents all that exists and may exist. To experience without abstraction is to sense the world; To experience with abstraction is to know the world. These two experiences are indistinguishable; Their construction differs but their effect is the same. Beyond the gate of experience flows the Way, Which is ever greater and more subtle than the world. The region is East Asia (EA). The document covers codes or rules for understanding the balance between real and abstract concepts for a more complete existence (B).
DOCUMENT 7 Although Document 7 refers to a “Way,” it doesn’t attribute this knowledge to a supreme authoritybut to a balance between the real and the abstract. This continues a common theme of balance between two contending concepts. Consistent with Confucian philosophy, experience rather than supreme guidance is the key. Documents 1, 3, 4, and 7 now form a grouping based on ideology and geographical locations, and they are linked by sensitivity to surroundings and an understanding of one’s environment. They also have a limited focus on a powerful central authority providing a specific path. These documents also put less of an emphasis on a rigid point of view linked to the writings of a specific deity.
DOCUMENT 7 Your Table MAJOR CONCEPT B R4E SWA SA EA DOC NEED P of V x x Refers to a balance between the “real” and the “abstract,” and that experience is key (same as Confucianism) #7
DOCUMENT 8 Source: Surah 69, The Qur’an. (Islam) [69.13] And when the trumpet is blown with a single blast, [69.14] And the earth and the mountains are borne away and crushed with a single crushing. [69.15] On that day shall the great event come to pass, [69.16] And the heaven shall cleave asunder, so that on that day it shall be frail, [69.17] And the angels shall be on the sides thereof; and above them eight shall bear on that day your Lord’s power. [69.18] On that day you shall be exposed to view-- no secret of yours shall remain hidden. [69.19] Then as for him who is given his book in his right hand, he will say: Lo! read my book: [69.20] Surely I knew that I shall meet my account. [69.21] So he shall be in a life of pleasure, [69.22] In a lofty garden,
DOCUMENT 8 The region is Southwestern Asia (SWA). Again, reason for existence is to emulate the model prescribed in the teachings (B). This final document again establishes the importance of supreme guidance and direction. In addition, it emphasizes that human actions are being monitored and will be exposed in a final accounting. The “book” provides the path and the document stresses that there should be no deviation from the path. Point of view again centers on the infallibility of the religious text. Documents 2, 5, 6, and 8 all promote this view, while also emphasizing the importance of a central authority to provide humans with the “proper” path.
DOCUMENTS 7 & 8 Your Table MAJOR CONCEPT B R4E SWA SA EA DOC NEED P of V x x Refers to a balance between the “real” and the “abstract,” and that experience is key (same as Confucianism) #7 x x #8 There will be a final judgment; heaven and the alternative; God sees all and will assess your actions as directed by the “book” Devout believer taking a position of faith based on religious text
GROUPINGS Documents 1, 3, 4, and 7 Documents 1, 3, 4, and 7 follow a general pattern of emphasizing the importance of worldly surroundings. The “path” focuses on balance and experience as the goal. Rather than emphasizing a supreme dictate, the documents stress an evolving understanding of “man’s” relationship to the reality of his surroundings. In terms of how we define religion, the ideologies associated with the south and east Asian geographical regions seem to be more philosophical and flexible to interpretation.
GROUPINGS Documents 2, 5, 6, and 8 Documents 2, 5, 6, and 8 center on the religions based in southwestern Asia (Islam, Judaism, and Christianity), and they promote a concept of central supreme authority guiding “man” on the proper path through the use of religious texts. Human existence is centered on catering to the dictates of this authority. The documents also tend to consistently express a specific point of view based upon the religious text.
GROUPINGS Your Table B R4E SWA SA EA DOC x x #1 All documents reflect a specific region. x x #2 All documents describe existence as based upon following the dictates of a single controlling authority. x x #3 x x #4 All documents are associated with religious texts and present a very rigid analysis of an individual’s responsibilities. x x #5 x x #6 x x #7 x x #8
GROUPINGS Your Table B R4E SWA SA EA DOC x x #1 All documents reflect a specific region. x x #2 All documents describe codes of behavior that lead to a beneficial existence. x x #3 x x #4 All documents place less emphasis on a single deity that controls and monitors human actions, focusing instead on individuals’ interactions with their surroundings. x x #5 x x #6 x x #7 x x #8
TOPIC SENTENCE 1st paragraph Documents 2, 5, 6, and 8 center on southwest Asia and religions that stress the importance of a single god. The “fill-in” sentences will contain specific references to each document that support its use.
WHAT’S MISSING? Is there additional information that would be valuable? Although the question seeks a link between religion and geography, there are no documents indicating how religious beliefs and practices fit with physical surroundings. Can geography help explain, justify, or somehow offer a method of how people dealt with their surroundings? What geographical characteristics might have produced similarities between each of the religions for that specific region?
THESIS AND CONCLUSION A QUESTION A RATIONALE or DILEMMA? or CONCEPT? IS THERE… Then you have a thesis A PATTERN? EXAMPLE Religions associated with southwestern Asia center on a single supreme authority and seem to be more dogmatic and less flexible regarding interpretation. Religions associated with the south and east Asia seem to be more philosophical in nature, less dogmatic, and ultimately more flexible regarding interpretation. Do you need other information? Is there an opposing view?
PROCEDURE DISSECT THE QUESTION OR PROMPT 1 USE A TABLE OR CHART TO ORGANIZE 2 GROUP AND LINK DOCUMENTS 3 4 DEVELOP A TOPIC SENTENCE DEVELOP A THESIS AND A CONCLUSION 5 • What does the prompt require? • Use all of the information available • Universal categories • Specific categories • Body paragraphs • Fill-in sentences • Links to prior knowledge
QUESTION: ______________________________________________________ NAME: ____________________________________ DATE:______________ PER:____ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ DOC NEED P of V MAJOR CONCEPT