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Pipetting. Single pipetting head Pipette volumes as low as 1 µL Repeatable to within 0.1 µL 50 µL and 200 µL tips Filtered Conductive tips. Level Sensing. Level sensing is standard Requires conductive tips (black, carbon impregnated) Limits tip immersion More accurate pipetting.

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  1. Pipetting • Single pipetting head • Pipette volumes as low as 1 µL • Repeatable to within 0.1 µL • 50 µL and 200 µL tips • Filtered Conductive tips

  2. Level Sensing • Level sensing is standard • Requires conductive tips(black, carbon impregnated) • Limits tip immersion • More accurate pipetting

  3. Software interface • Intuitive layout • Multiple options to suit user • Prepare master mix from reagents or add pre-prepared master mix • Dilute Standards each time or use pre-prepared dilutions • Normalize sample concentrations • Import/Export of sample names (from CSV or tab delineated file or barcode) • Wide range of plates can be used(384-, 96-, 72-, Gene-Disc etc)

  4. Compatible with 1.5 ml tapered tubes sample format Compatible with Corbett X-tractor sample trays Compatible with 0.2ml tubes

  5. Gene-Disc rotor ready for cycling The heat sealer provides a permanent or removable film seal(user selectable switch) Rotor-Gene™ Gene-Disc™ Vertical tube orientation means a robot can set up all reactions directly into Gene-Disc tubes

  6. Position and height • Before using the robot each block must have definitions for position then height • Once you have specified the position to the middle of well 1 on a selected plate all other wells are automatically calibrated • Height is defined either using either automatic or manual calibration • Recommend checking height automatically first then repeat manually, especially if using small volumes • If unsure do not change position and height as this will affect all users

  7. Plate position • Select “Options” on the toolbar, then “Robot Setup , Calibrate plate positions • Choose plate then use X and y adjustments to select the middle of the first well

  8. Plate height • Select “Options”, “Robot Setup”, Calibrate plate heights” • Warning comes up to make sure you know what you are doing • Select plate, change 4 to 1, click autodetect • Repeat, change 4 to 1, and use manual Setup, lower tip until it feels tighter

  9. Sample names and IDs can be imported from CSV or tab delineated files (also excel)

  10. Starting the run Click green arrow button on top toolbar

  11. During the run

  12. After the run

  13. Error Messages

  14. Tip usage options • Robot can re-use tips when dispensing mastermix • Tip can be re-used 96 times if required • We recommend re-use 8-12 times • Tip re-use is less precise than single use tips • Tips can’t be re-used for samples going into a wet well • Robot programmed not to allow a tip that has been in a wet well (e.g. with MM) to be re-used • If pipetting sample into a dry well the same tip can be used

  15. Rotor-Gene™ 3000 results 20 µL reaction volume, 18 replicates Hand pipetting CT std dev 0.07 CAS-1200 robot CT std dev 0.05

  16. Rotor-Gene™ 3000 results 15 µL reaction volume, 18 replicates Hand pipetting CT std dev 0.11 CAS-1200 robot CT std dev 0.07

  17. Rotor-Gene™ 3000 results 10 µL reaction volume, 18 replicates Hand pipetting CT std dev 0.12 CAS-1200 robot CT std dev 0.10

  18. Rotor-Gene™ 3000 results 5 µL reaction volume, 18 replicates Hand pipetting CT std dev 0.64 CAS-1200 robot CT std dev 0.12

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