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Clinical Quality Framework. Initiative Launch March 21, 2014 12-1pm cqframework.info. Co-Coordinator: Ken Kawamoto Co-Coordinator: Marc Hadley ONC Sponsor: Alicia Morton CMS Sponsor: Minet Javellana ONC Sponsor: Lauren Richie Project Manager: Bridget Blake.
Clinical Quality Framework Initiative Launch March 21, 2014 12-1pm cqframework.info Co-Coordinator: Ken Kawamoto Co-Coordinator: Marc Hadley ONC Sponsor: Alicia Morton CMS Sponsor: Minet Javellana ONC Sponsor: Lauren Richie Project Manager: Bridget Blake
Clinical Quality Framework Initiative: Background • The standards used for the electronic representation of CDS and CQM were not developed in consideration of each other, and use different approaches to patient data and computable expression logic • Adhering to different standards places an additional implementation burden on vendors and providers with homegrown systems • It is currently difficult to share logic between eCQMs and CDS rules ,
Clinical Quality Framework Value Statement • CDS and eCQM are both important aspects of clinical quality improvement (CQI). Harmonizing the electronic standards used for these two domains will have a number of important benefits including: • Reduced burden on implementers. • Increased re-use of expressions from eCQM in CDS and vice versa. • Improved standards quality through the unification of community effort.
Clinical Quality Framework Draft Scope • To identify, define, and harmonize electronic standards that promote integration between Clinical Decision Support (CDS) and electronic Clinical Quality Measurement (eCQM) in the areas of: • Metadata: Identify common metadata across the two domains and harmonize the identification and representation of that metadata • Patient Data Model: Develop a patient data model that supports the requirements of eCQM and CDS • Logical Expression Language: Develop a common expression language that can be used to define both CDS and eCQM logical expressions. • To refactor existing CDS and eCQM standards to utilize the harmonized standards. • To the extent possible, to pilot the standards and refine them accordingly. • To engage the clinical quality community to optimize the rigor and usability of the harmonized CDS and eCQMspecifications. Note: Out-of-scope items will be identified by the Clinical Quality Framework initiative team during the discovery phase.
Clinical Quality FrameworkCall for Participation • The kickoff will be on 3/21/14 from 12-1 p.m. • https://siframework1.webex.com/siframework1/onstage/g.php?t=a&d=669782317 • Dial In: 1-650-479-3208 • Access code: 669 782 317 • Community involvement in the harmonization of the eCQM and CDS standards gives participants the following: • The ability to accelerate the standards development process • Early access to standards under development for internal prototyping, etc. • We are seeking volunteers for the following: • Use Case Sub-team Lead(s) • Standards Editorial Sub-team Lead • HL7 Clinical Quality Information Work Group Liaison • HL7 Structured Documents Work Group Liaison • Sign up at http://wiki.siframework.org/Clinical+Quality+Framework+Join+the+Initiative