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Perspectives on Substance-Related Disorders: An Overview. The Nature of Substance-Related DisordersUse and abuse of psychoactive substancesWide-ranging psychophysiological and behavioral effectsAssociated with significant impairment and costs Some Important Terms and DistinctionsSubstance use vs. substance intoxicationSubstance abuse vs. substance dependenceTolerance vs. withdrawal.
1. Chapter 11
3. Perspectives on Substance-RelatedDisorders: An Overview (cont.) Five Main Categories of Substances
Depressants – Result in behavioral sedation
Stimulants – Increase alertness and elevate mood
Opiates – Primarily produce analgesia and euphoria
Hallucinogens – Alter sensory perception
Other drugs of abuse – Include inhalants, anabolic steroids, medications
4. The Depressants: Alcohol Use Disorders Psychological and Physiological Effects of Alcohol
Central Nervous system depressant
Affects several neurotransmitter systems
Specific target is GABA
Effects of Chronic Alcohol Use
Alcohol intoxication & withdrawal
Associated conditions – Dementia & Wernicke’s disease
Fetal alcohol syndrome
DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Disordered Alcohol Use
5. Fighting Addiction
6. In the United States
Most adults view themselves light drinkers or abstainers
Over 50% of the U.S. (> 12 years age) report current use
15 million Americans are alcohol dependent
Rates are highest among Caucasian & Native Americans
Males use and abuse alcohol more than females
Violence is associated with alcohol
Alcohol alone does not cause aggression
Alcohol: Some Facts and Statistics
7. Sedative, Hypnotic, or AnxiolyticSubstance use Disorders: An Overview The Nature of Drugs in This Class
Sedatives – Calming (e.g., barbiturates)
Hypnotic – Sleep inducing
Anxiolytic – Anxiety reducing (e.g., benzodiazepines)
Effects Are Similar to Large Doses of Alcohol
Combining such drugs with alcohol is synergistic
All Influence the GABA Neurotransmitter System
DSM-IV-TR Criteria for this Class of Disorders
Main criteria and distinguishing features
8. Stimulants: An Overview Nature of Stimulants
Most widely consumed drug in the United States
Such drugs increase alertness and increase energy
Examples include amphetamines, cocaine, nicotine, and caffeine
9. Stimulants: Amphetamine Use Disorders Effects of Amphetamines
Produce elation, vigor, reduce fatigue
Effects are followed by extreme fatigue and depression
DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Amphetamine Intoxication
Ecstasy and Ice
Produces effects similar to speed, but no “comedown”
2% of college students report using Ecstasy
Both drugs can result in dependence
Amphetamines stimulate CNS by
Enhancing release of norepinephrine and dopamine
Reuptake is subsequently blocked
10. Stimulants: Cocaine Use Disorders Effects of Cocaine
Short lived sensations of elation, vigor, reduce fatigue
Blocks reuptake of dopamine
Highly addictive, but addiction develops slowly
DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Cocaine Intoxication and Withdrawal
Psychological symptoms
Physiological symptoms
Most Cycle Through Patterns of Tolerance and Withdrawal
11. Stimulants: Nicotine Use Disorders Effects of Nicotine
Stimulates nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
Results in sensations of relaxation, wellness, pleasure
Nicotine is highly addictive
Relapse rates equal those for alcohol and heroin users
DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Nicotine Withdrawal Only
Psychological symptoms
Physiological symptoms
Nicotine Users Dose Themselves
Maintain a steady level of nicotine in the Bloodstream
Examples include smoking before sleep or after waking
12. Stimulants: Caffeine Use Disorders Effects of Caffeine – The “Gentle” Stimulant
Found in tea, coffee, cola drinks, and cocoa products
Blocks the reuptake of the neurotransmitter adenosine
Small doses elevate mood and reduce fatigue
Used by over 90% of Americans
Regular use can result in tolerance and dependence
DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Caffeine Intoxication
Psychological symptoms
Physiological symptoms
13. Opioids: An Overview The Nature of Opiates and Opioids
Opiate – Narcotic like chemical in the opium poppy
Opioids – Substances that produce narcotic effects
Often referred to as analgesics (i.e., help relieve pain)
Examples include heroin, opium, codeine, and morphine
Effects of Opioids
Activate body’s enkephalins and endorphins
Low doses – Euphoria, drowsiness, and slow breathing
High doses can be fatal
Withdrawal symptoms can be lasting and severe
14. DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Opioid Intoxication and Withdrawal
Psychological symptoms
Physiological symptoms
Mortality rates are high for opioid addicts
Users at increased risk for HIV infection Opioids: Diagnostic Criteria and Associated Features
15. Hallucinogens: An Overview Nature of Hallucinogens
Substances that alter perceptions of the world
Produce delusions, paranoia, hallucinations, and/or altered sensory perception
Examples include marijuana, LSD
Active chemical is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
Symptoms – Mood swings, paranoia, hallucinations
Impairment in motivation is not uncommon
Withdrawal and dependence are uncommon
16. Hallucinogens: An Overview (cont.) LSD and Other Hallucinogens
LSD is most common form of hallucinogenic drug
Tolerance tends to be rapid
Withdrawal symptoms are uncommon
Can produce psychotic delusions & hallucinations
DSM-IV-TR Criteria
Marijuana and Hallucinogen Intoxication
Psychological and physiological symptoms are similar
17. Marijuana Brains
18. Other Drugs of Abuse: Inhalants Nature of Inhalants
Found in volatile solvents
Breathed into the lungs directly
Examples include spray paint, hair spray, paint thinner, gasoline, nitrous oxide
Such drugs are rapidly absorbed
Effects similar to alcohol intoxication
Produce tolerance and prolonged withdrawal symptoms
DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Inhalant Intoxication
19. Other Drugs of Abuse: Anabolic Steroids Nature of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids
Steroids are derived or synthesized from testosterone
Used medicinally or to increase body mass
Users may engage in cycling or stacking
Steroids do not produce a high
Long-term mood disturbances and physical problems
20. Other Drugs of Abuse: Designer Drugs Designer Drugs
Drugs produced by pharmaceutical companies for diseases
Ecstasy, MDEA (“eve”), BDMPEA (“nexus”), ketamine (“special K”) are examples
All heighten auditory and visual perception (taste and touch)
Popular in nightclubs, raves, or large social gatherings
All designer drugs can produce tolerance and dependence
21. Causes of Substance-Related Disorders: Family and Genetic Influences Results of Family, Twin, and Adoption Studies
Substance abuse has a genetic component
Much of the focus has been on alcoholism
Genetic differences in alcohol metabolism
Multiple genes are involved in substance abuse
22. Causes of Substance-Related Disorders:Neurobiological Influences Results of Neurobiological Research
Drugs affect the pleasure or reward centers in the brain
The pleasure center – Dopamine, midbrain, frontal cortex
GABA turns off reward-pleasure system
Inhibition of neurotransmitters for anxiety / negative affect
23. Causes of Substance-Related Disorders:Psychological Dimensions Role of Positive and Negative Reinforcement
The self-medication and the tension reduction hypotheses
Substance abuse as a means to cope with negative affect
Opponent-Process Theory
Why the crash after drug use fails to stop drug use
Role of Expectancy Effects
Expectancies influence drug use and relapse
24. Causes of Substance-Related Disorders:Social and Cultural Dimensions Exposure to Drugs is a Prerequisite for Use of Drugs
Media, family, peers
Parents and the family appear critical
Societal Views About Drug Abuse
Sign of moral weakness – Failure of self-control
Sign of a disease – Caused by underlying processes
The Role of Cultural Factors
Influence the manifestation of substance abuse
25. Exposure or Access to a Drug
Is necessary, but not sufficient for abuse and addiction
Drug Use Depends on Social and Cultural Expectations
Drugs Are Used Because of their Pleasurable Effects
Drugs Are Abused for Reasons that are More Complex
The premise of equifinality
Stress may interact with psychological, genetic, social, and learning factors An Integrative Model of Substance-Related Disorders
26. Figure 11.11 An integrative model of substance-related disorders.
27. Biological Treatment of Substance-Related Disorders Agonist Substitution
Substitute safer drug with a similar chemical composition
Examples include methadone and nicotine gum or patch
Antagonistic Treatment
Drugs that block or counteract pleasurable drug effects
Examples include naltrexone for opiate and alcohol problems
28. Biological Treatment ofSubstance-Related Disorders (cont.) Aversive Treatment
Drugs that make use of drugs extremely unpleasant
Examples include Antabuse for alcoholism and silver nitrate for nicotine addiction
Efficacy of Biological Treatment
Generally ineffective when used alone
29. Psychosocial Treatment of Substance-Related Disorders Inpatient vs. Outpatient Care
Overall efficacy is comparable
Controlled Use vs. Complete Abstinence as Treatment Goals
Community Support Programs
Alcoholics Anonymous and related groups
Seem helpful and are strongly encouraged
30. Psychosocial Treatment ofSubstance-Related Disorders (cont.) Comprehensive Treatment and Prevention Programs
Individual and group therapy
Aversion therapy and convert sensitization
Contingency management
Community reinforcement
Relapse prevention
Preventative efforts via education
31. Summary of Substance-Related Disorders DSM-IV and DSM-IV-TR Substance Related Disorders
Cover four classes
Depressants, stimulants, opiates, and hallucinogens
Diagnoses include dependence, abuse, intoxication, or withdrawal
Most Activate the Dopaminergic Pleasure Pathway
Psychosocial factors interact with biological influences to produce substance disorders
Treatment of Substance Dependence
Largely unsuccessful – Highly motivated persons do well
Important to use a comprehensive treatment approach
32. Impulse-Control Disorders DSM-IV-TR
Intermittent explosive disorder
Pathological gambling
Each is Characterized by the Following
Increased tension/anxiety prior to the act
A sense of relief following the act
Impairment of social and occupational functioning
34. Impulse-control Disorders (cont’d.) Pyromania
Involves having an irresistible urge to set fires
Diagnosed in less than 4% of arsonists
Little etiological and treatment research
Pathological Gambling
Estimated to affect 3-5% adult Americans
Treatment is similar to that for substance dependence
Treatment studies are currently underway
Inability to resist the urge to pull hair
Observed in 1-5% of college students, mostly female
Clomipramine and CBT have been shown to be helpful