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Introduction to Microbiology

Introduction to Microbiology Summer 2008 Introduction to Microbiology Microbiology: An Introduction, 9/E Gerard J. Tortora, Bergen Community College Berdell R. Funke, North Dakota State University Christine L. Case, Skyline College ISBN-10: 0805347909 ISBN-13: 9780805347906

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Introduction to Microbiology

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  1. Introduction to Microbiology Summer 2008

  2. Introduction to Microbiology • Microbiology: An Introduction, 9/E • Gerard J. Tortora, Bergen Community CollegeBerdell R. Funke, North Dakota State UniversityChristine L. Case, Skyline College • ISBN-10: 0805347909ISBN-13: 9780805347906 • Publisher: Benjamin CummingsCopyright: 2007Format: Cloth Bound w/CD-ROM; 960 ppPublished: 02/27/2006


  4. Additional resources available to help you get the most from your course • Companion Website — This website provides practice tests and other online resources. Visit http://www.microbiologyplace.com. • "e-tips for A grades" Website — This website was written and edited by top students and recent grads from colleges and universities across the U.S. There's no condescending advice here - just stuff to help you succeed in tackling your academic, social, and professional challenges! • Visit www.etipsforagrades.com

  5. Course Introduction: Instructor: Professor Gwen Hauer Office: Bldg 7 Room 111 E mail: ghauer@broward.edu Biological Sciences # 954-201-6557 WEBSITE: www.broward.edu/faculty/ghauer Text Website: www.microbiologyplace.com

  6. Topics of Discussion • Objective of course. • Attendance • Withdrawals • Grading Policy • missed exams • Academy Honesty Policy • Proposed Lecture Outline • Supplemental Materials • Written Report

  7. Course objectives • An introduction to microbiology emphasizing principles of basic morphology, physiology, modes of transmission, biochemistry, and genetic mechanisms of microorganisms. • The course will include a survey of representative types of microorganisms and the role of pathogenic organisms in causing diseases and infections.

  8. ATTENDANCE • Success contingent on attendance. • Powerful indicator. • Material not in text stressed in class. • Exam ideas stressed. • If you are not attending class you can be withdrawn for nonattendance. Usually in the summer a 3 day period with a missed assignment/exam will be grounds for withdrawal (WF)

  9. Withdrawals • Withdraw/Audit officially through registrar • Date listed in college catalog. July 22, 2008 • Grade based on incomplete record or “F”.

  10. GRADING • Exams based on lectures IN CLASS. • Text and Lecture • Website • Homework • Pop quizzes • Research Report :Case Study • ARTICLE REVIEWS • Library research assignments

  11. GRADING • Research REPORT Case Study (100 pts) • Exams; 6 total (100 pts each) • Pop quizzes (25 pts) • NOTE DUE DATE. • NOTE PENALTIES. • GRADE SCALE. • MISSED EXAMS.

  12. Academic Honesty Policy • Cheating and plagiarism are ethical misconduct. • Read the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook for detailed definition of cheating and plagiarism.

  13. LECTURE OUTLINE Overview and history of Microbiology Survey of the Microbial World Microbial Growth Microbial Genetics Epidemiology Immunology Bacterial Diseases • Selected topics

  14. SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS • INTERNET SITES www.microbiologyplace.com • On reserve at Library • Learning Resources Center • videos, computer programs, tutoring BSC 1005

  15. Research Report • Subject in Microbiology • 4-6 Written pages • 1 bibliography page • Format • Due Date

  16. Herpes Influenza Malaria Botulism Anthrax Bacterial meningitis Strept throat Smallpox HIV Warts Chlamydia Measles Ebola Diphtheria Subjects

  17. Why Study Microbiology? • The majority of serious diseases in humans (especially those of early childhood) are due to microbial infections • 1900, the average life expectancy in the United States was 40 years of age • 2000, 80 years, largely due to the near eradication of most serious early childhood diseases • This trend is seen in the gap between developed and developing countries in terms of causes of death (mortality)

  18. Effects • Basic medical care, antibiotics, childhood vaccination, and increased sanitation • Infectious disease causes a very low proportion of deaths in developed (high technology)  countries, while it is the major cause of deaths in developing (low technology) countries

  19. Effects • In developed countries, the causes of death are primarily those associated with longer life (cancer, cardiovascular disease) and accidents/stupidity (miscellaneous).  • In developing countries, people typically do not survive infectious or parasitic disease long enough to develop these diseases associated with advanced age.

  20. "The role of the infinitely small in nature is infinitely large" -Louis Pasteur

  21. Interesting facts…….Some big microbes Thiomargarita namibiensis

  22. Smallest of the small Parvoviruses magnified by an electron microscopeSmallest DNA containing Virus effecting humans and dogs Close-up of individual nanobes Mycoplasmas. Mycoplasma pneumoniae

  23. Oldest living microbes • 250 million years??? • Salt crystals in SW states • soil bacteria that form protective spores • danger in reviving ancient bacterial spores??

  24. Deadliest • Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV “Aids” Influenza virus “Flu” virus

  25. Yersinia pestis “the plague”

  26. Most common Staphylococcus aureus is the most common cause of foodborne illness.

  27. Weirdest bacteria • Bacteria that are vertically transmitted through female hosts and kill male hosts that inherit them • Rickettsia • are carried as parasites by many ticks, fleas, and lice Male dog tick A tick hemolymph cell Infected with R. rickettsii CDC website

  28. Most abundant • mysterious - bacteria called SAR11 • These bacteria are widespread in the world's oceans and have been detected in freshwater lakes, according to microbiologist Stephen Giovannoni, the lab's director at Oregon State • 1 million per teaspoon Oregon State University microbiologist Steven Giovannoni

  29. "The role of the infinitely small in nature is infinitely large" -Louis Pasteur

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