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KECAMATAN-BASED RECONSTRUCTION AND RECOVERY PLANNING OF NIAS ISLANDS Presented at the Technical Review Meeting of Multi Donor Fund Jakarta, 20 March 2006 Presentation Outline Damage Challenges and Strategy Coordination Strategy How KRRP fits into BRR Nias Strategy
KECAMATAN-BASED RECONSTRUCTION AND RECOVERY PLANNING OF NIAS ISLANDS Presented at the Technical Review Meeting of Multi Donor Fund Jakarta, 20 March 2006
Presentation Outline • Damage • Challenges and Strategy • Coordination Strategy • How KRRP fits into BRR Nias Strategy • BRR Housing Strategy and Its Application in Nias • Coordination between BRR Nias and Implementing Agencies in Housing • Housing in the Context of Infrastructure
Challenges and Strategy(three out of seven key challenges) • Underdevelopment is complicating the recovery process: the cost for recovery is more than two times the damage… • Given the social and economic problems of embedded underdevelopment of the people of Nias, it is unjust to only rebuild the damage without considering society as a whole. • Nias Formula for Recovery: • Recovery = Relief + Reconstruction + Redevelopment • Local institutions have long been marginalised, and local government is very poor. The challenge is to create the good governance required for successful recovery. • Helping in the development of regional autonomy and a broader civil society • Helping appreciation and development of Nias’s culture and society as the basis of a new development ethic • Working together with local institutions to transfer knowledge and improve capacity • Making Nias a model for disaster recovery and disaster risk reduction driven by local institutions, with extensive support from international community • The infrastructure was in poor condition before the disasters, and now seriously hampers the logistic chain for reconstruction. • For the short term: Transport infrastructure needs urgent rehabilitation work to assure safe and efficient reconstruction. Strict adherence to a comprehensive logistic supply system • For the longer term, Nias Islands should all benefit from at least national minimum service standards in all infrastructure.
General Coordination At district level: BRR and Head of Districts (lead), all stakeholders At kecamatan level: BRR/KDP and Camat (lead), all stakeholders in Kecamatan IDP UNORC (lead), BRR, IFRC, Unicef, Oxfam, YEU, Canadian Red Cross, PMI, LPAM, Caritas, CRS, UNHABITAT Housing BRR (lead), UNHCR, Canadian Red Cross, Belgium Red Cross, Dutch Red Cross, Spanish Red Cross, ACTED, Help, CWS, UNHABITAT, LPAM, Delasiga, Medan Peduli, YTB, YEU, Samaritan’s Purse, Holiana’a, Caritas Sibolga, and ADB Watsan UNICEF (lead), Oxfam, World Vision, Acted, French Red Cross, Sabsas, GTZ, Holi’ana’a Education UNICEF and Dinas Pendidikan (lead), World Vision, Tommorow’s Hope, Save the Children, Pos KRK, BRR Health WHO and Dinas Kesehatan (lead), BRR, Malteser, JICA, IFRC, Oxfam, IMC, Caritas, Belgium RC, Spanish RC, Bulan Sabit Merah Indonesia, Save the Children, Pelkesi, Tim GKI Livelihoods UNDP (lead), Help, World Vision, Holi’ana’, Dian Tama, Howu-howu, UNIDO, ILO BRR Nias Coordination Strategy
Coordination between BRR Nias and implementing agencies • Housing commitments are 18,000 versus a 60,000 need (15,000 reconstruction and 45,000 rehabilitation). However, agencies are not delivering on original commitments, so the housing data is difficult to • Because of the uncertainty between commitment and actual building, BRR Nias must ensure coordination with other implementing agencies. Identify housing gap from Camat or Village Heads Verify needs/plan against data Existing plans? Begin implementation No Verify needs/plan with Nias Shelter Working Group Yes Agency capacity? No Yes
Housing in the context of infrastructure • House building would be quicker and easier if we waited for the completion of infrastructure. But leaving people in tents for longer than necessary is not a viable option. • BRR’s approach is to coordinate with infrastructure programmes during implementation as much as possible and to use interim solutions wherever possible. Interim logistics solutions (e.g. TNI) BRR-MDF housing programme implementation coordination BRR-MDF infrastructure programme BRR infrastructure programme 2006 2007 2008 2009