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kSA BandiT: Band-edge Thermometry

kSA BandiT: Band-edge Thermometry. Band-edge Thermometry Principles. Semiconductors: transparent for h ν < E g , opaque for h ν >= E g Semiconductors: as substrate temperature increases, E g ↓ and λ g ↑

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kSA BandiT: Band-edge Thermometry

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  1. kSA BandiT: Band-edge Thermometry k-Space Associates, Inc.

  2. Band-edge Thermometry Principles • Semiconductors: transparent for hν < Eg, opaque for hν >= Eg • Semiconductors: as substrate temperature increases, Eg ↓ and λg ↑ • Look at diffusely scattered light component– not the specular component. Specularly reflected (front surface) light does not interact with the wafer. k-Space Associates, Inc.

  3. Band-edge Thermometry vs. Pyrometers • Pyrometers: • Typically inaccurate or no measurement below 400-450oC • Potential interference from stray IR (esp. at low Ts), internal reflections (heterojunctions), coated view ports • Absolute temperature calibration from machine to machine is difficult • Eg thermometers: • Need good light collection & detection system • Need good normalization & fitting software • Absorbing over layers limit thickness for temperature measurement k-Space Associates, Inc.

  4. kSA BandiT vs. Competitor Instruments • State-of-the-art solid state spectrometer - 1000x more sensitivity and no moving parts (longer lifetime, no need for constant recalibration) • Excellent S/N without a chopper • Efficient collection optics • Powerful software and full software development team • Operates in either transmission or reflection mode • Single USB connection to laptop computer • Full technical service and support k-Space Associates, Inc.

  5. kSA BandiT Product Specifications BandiT System Schematic k-Space Associates, Inc.

  6. kSA BandiT Product Specs. Cont’d BandiT Light Source • 150W halogen lamp with gold coated parabolic reflector. • Light source collimating optics. • Real-time output power control via BandiT software. • Internal feedback control for stable intensity and spectral output. • NOTE: above ~300oC can use heater as light source k-Space Associates, Inc.

  7. kSA BandiT Product Specs. Cont’d BandiT Detector • 2-inch collection optics focusing to 400 um fiber. • Single-axis gimble mount for radial scanning between inner/outer platen rings • Dual fiber with visible laser for easy alignment. k-Space Associates, Inc.

  8. kSA BandiT Product Specs. Cont’d • Spectrometer Visible Model (B-VIS): • 512x64 element Peltier-cooled CCD array detector • Wavelength Range: 380 nm – 1100 nm or custom • SiC, ZnTe, ZnSe substrates NIR Model (B-NIR): • 128 element InGaAs temperature stabilized photodiode array with on-board interpolation yields 1024 elements • Wavelength Range: 875 nm – 1400 nm • GaAs, Si, InP substrates k-Space Associates, Inc.

  9. kSA BandiT Software • Full hardware control and real-time feedback of lamp and spectrometer • Powerful, flexible fitting algorithms • Ability to store full, partial, or no spectra and temperature data • Full analog and digital I/O capability • USB interface, runs from a laptop k-Space Associates, Inc.

  10. Wavelength Ranges: 380-1100 nm1 875-1400 nm2 Temperature Update Rate: 20 Hz typical, 1 Hz minimum Typical Temperature Ranges: ZnSe: RT – 700 °C1 ZnTe: RT – 700 °C1 SiC: RT – 700 °C1 GaAs: RT - 690 °C2 InP: RT - 650 °C2 Si: RT – 600 °C2 Temperature Resolution: 0.1 °C Stability: +/- 0.2 °C (4 hours) Accuracy: +/- 2 °C Outputs: Real-time display Thermocouple (selectable) 10V analog (configurable) Inputs: Thermocouple, Analog kSA BandiT Performance Specifications k-Space Associates, Inc. [1] B-VIS model [2] B-NIR model

  11. BandiT Stability Data – GaAs @ 300C k-Space Associates, Inc.

  12. kSA BandiT Performance Specs (cont’d) • Noise from rotation ~1-2oC for all size wafers • Pyrometer noise typically much worse for ¼ X 3” pieces • No interference from: • hot sources • highly doped epi (2um of GaAs:C, p = 6.5e19/cm3) • high-on-low Eg growth (AlGaAs/GaAs) • Low-on-high Eggrowth: InGaAs/InP • InGaAs strong IR absorber • Clean measurement thru ~ 1.2 um of epi (using heater only) k-Space Associates, Inc.

  13. kSA BandiT Calibration File Generation • material • thickness • dopant level Calibration depends on: k-Space Associates, Inc.

  14. BandiT, TC, and Pyro Measurement GaAs Oxide Desorption Pyro reads high at low temps because substrate is transparent k-Space Associates, Inc.

  15. Interference Oscillations Oscillations in temperature k-Space Associates, Inc.

  16. Low Temp GaAs Growth TC does not see temp rise due to As Absorption Temp increase due to As absorption k-Space Associates, Inc.

  17. BandiT Measurement During Substrate RotationSpatially Resolved Wafer Temperature • Speed of solid state spectrometer provides spatially resolved temperature across all wafers • Wafer temperature can vary widely depending on thermal contact with holder • Temperature uniformity across each wafer depends on holder mechanism k-Space Associates, Inc.

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