1. Leading in Lean Times AASHTO Spring Meeting
Hal Kassoff
Parsons Brinckerhoff
Maryland State Highway Administrator for 12 years (1984 -1996)
3. Leading in Lean Times (Doing Less with Less) Era of ‘doing more with less’ began 30 yrs ago . . . following 20 years of plenty (50’s to ‘70’s)
Late ‘70’s period of “Stagflation”
Stagnant economy – revenues declining
Double-digit inflation – costs sky rocketing
Most DOTs have experienced varying degrees of ‘austerity’ ever since – even when their programs were growing
4. Leading in Lean Times (Doing Less with Less) DOT Responses:
At first - Pick low hanging fruit
Zero-base budgeting – question everything
Value engineering – are we designing efficiently?
Freeze hiring – trim staffing through attrition
Also, some opportunities
Improve efficiencies
Post-Interstate down-sizing
Re-think mission and priorities
5. Leading in Lean Times (Doing Less with Less) DOT’s Responses:
As low hanging fruit was picked over. . .
. . . We began cutting limbs, not just fruit
Programs & Projects Cut
Maintenance deferred
Furloughs and layoffs
Some places raising revenue still an option
At some point, ‘doing more with less’ gives way. . . either do ‘more with more’ or ‘less with less’
6. Leading in Lean Times (Doing Less with Less) Early ’90’s Recession: (A Maryland Microcosm –
After program tripled, the bottom fell out)
Immediate response
Hit the brakes or cancel contracts: The perils of cash flow accounting
Suspend Lettings: 11-year letting streak ends for a year
“Rubber band theory” – stretching to the limit
Cut positions (4000+ down to 3800)
7. Leading in Lean Times (Doing Less with Less) Early ’90’s Recession: (A Maryland Microcosm)
Lemons to Lemonade
Fostered asset management mindset
System preservation priority reaffirmed
Retained critical mass of core competencies
Retained internal and external credibility
Back to the fuel tax – it could still be done
(By selling some projects for the 2nd time)
8. Leading in Lean Times(Doing Less with Less) Late ‘90’s:
TEA-21: nearly 50% more Fed $
Yet austerity mind-set endured
Doing more with less - -
a permanent mindset somehow independent of workload?
9. Leading in Lean Times (Doing Less with Less)
“…we’re challenged to run like a private business. What business could run this way and survive…?”
10. Leading in Have we picked every fruit, squeezed every drop?Lean Times (Doing Less with Less) 2010 & Beyond - What Now?:
Are we making the right choices? In the right way?
Have we demonstrated/communicated that we are?
Are we losing credibility? Can we figure out how to gain credibility in lean times?
If doing ‘less with less’ is a response, what is our strategy for cultivating ‘more with more’?