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ANIMATE YOUR NAME / EDUCATOR GUIDE. ANIMATE YOUR NAME / EDUCATOR GUIDE. EDUCATOR GUIDE Animate Your Name. Workshop Overview. Here’s a suggested agenda for a one-hour workshop:. With this guide, you can plan and lead a one-hour workshop using Scratch.
ANIMATE YOUR NAME / EDUCATORGUIDE ANIMATE YOUR NAME / EDUCATORGUIDE EDUCATORGUIDE Animate YourName WorkshopOverview Here’s a suggested agenda fora one-hourworkshop: With this guide, you can plan andlead a one-hour workshop usingScratch. Participants will gain experience withcoding as they animate the letters in theirname. First, gather as a groupto introduce the theme and sparkideas. IMAGINE 10minutes Next, help participants as they animate their names, working at their ownpace. CREATE 40minutes At the end of thesession, gather together to share andreflect. SHARE 10minutes 1 2 SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE •scratch.mit.edu/go SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE •scratch.mit.edu/go
ANIMATE YOUR NAME / EDUCATORGUIDE ANIMATE YOUR NAME / EDUCATORGUIDE Imagine Get Ready for theWorkshop IMAGINE Begin by gathering the participants tointroduce the theme and spark ideas forprojects. Use this checklist to prepare for theworkshop. Preview theTutorial The Animate Your Name tutorial shows participants how to create their own projects. Preview the tutorial before your workshop and try the first fewsteps: scratch.mit.edu/name Warm-up Activity: Letter Shapes Gather the group in a circle. Ask each participant to say their name, and then have everyone in the group act out theshape of the firstletter. Print the ActivityCards Print a few sets of Animate Your Name cards to have available forparticipants during the workshop. scratch.mit.edu/name/cards Provide Ideas andInspiration Show the introductory video for the Animate Your Name tutorial. The video shows a variety of projects for ideas andinspiration. Make sure participants have Scratchaccounts Participants can sign up for their own Scratch accounts at scratch.mit.edu, or you can set up student accounts if you have a Teacher Account. To request a Teacher Account, go to: scratch.mit.edu/educators Set up computers orlaptops Arrange computers so that participants can work individually or inpairs. Set up a computer with projector or largemonitor You can use a projector to show examples and demonstrate how to getstarted. View at scratch.mit.edu/name or vimeo.com/llk/name 3 4 SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE •scratch.mit.edu/go SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE •scratch.mit.edu/go
ANIMATE YOUR NAME / EDUCATORGUIDE ANIMATE YOUR NAME / EDUCATORGUIDE Create Support participants as theycreate interactive nameprojects. Demonstrate the FirstSteps CREATE IMAGINE Demonstrate the first few steps of thetutorial so participants can see how to getstarted. Start withPrompts Ask participants questions to getstarted In Scratch, clickCreate. Choose a letter from the SpriteLibrary: Which letter doyou want to startwith? Do you want to animateyour name, initials, orusername? ProvideResources Offer options for gettingstarted Make it dosomething: Add asound: Some participants maywant to follow the online tutorial: scratch.mit.edu/name Others may want to explore using the activity cards: scratch.mit.edu/name/cards Choose a newbackdrop: Suggest Ideas forStarting • Choose aletter • Make it changecolor • Add asound • Add abackdrop 5 5 6 SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE •scratch.mit.edu/go SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE •scratch.mit.edu/go
ANIMATE YOUR NAME / EDUCATORGUIDE ANIMATE YOUR NAME / EDUCATORGUIDE Share Have participants share their project with theirneighbors. SHARE CREATE More Things toTry • Draw aletter • Make itspin • Make itglide • Changesize Add more letters andmotion! Ask questions they candiscuss: What do you like bestabout the project youmade? Whatwasthe hardestpart? Supportcollaboration If you had more time, what would you add orchange? • When someonegetsstuck, connect them to another participant who canhelp. • See a cool idea? Ask the creator to share withothers. What’sNext? Participants can use the ideas and concepts from this workshop to create a wide variety of projects. Here are a few variations on the animated name project you couldsuggest. Encourageexperimenting Help participants feel comfortable trying different combinations of blocks and seeing whathappens. Acrostics Make aninteractive acrostic (apoem in which the first letters of eachline spell out a word readingdown). OtherNames Animate the name of afavorite character froma book or movie. Or, animate the letters of the name ofyour school ortown. Startwith anImage Have participants bring in a picture(or find a picture onthe web) and animate a word that goes with thepicture. To understand their thought process, you can askquestions: What are you working onnow? What are you thinking of tryingnext? Scratch is a project of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT MediaLab. 7 8 SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE •scratch.mit.edu/go SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE •scratch.mit.edu/go