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COORDINATING ICT RESEARCH ACROSS EUROPE Madrid, 16th of September 2008. Europe must better coordinate its efforts - private, regional, national and European - if it is to become a global leader in ICT research.
Europe must better coordinate its efforts - private, regional, national and European - if it is to become a global leader in ICT research. The vast majority of all public ICT research funding in Europe is spent by national and regional research programmes, so the EU’s own Research Framework Programmescan only ever be a small fraction of all research funding across the EU. Withincreasing global competition, no single EU country can nowbuildtheknow-how and skillstomastertheseincreasinglycomplextechnologies. Staying at thecuttingedge of ICT researchthereforemeansboth: CoordinatingResearchPolicy Coordinating European, national, regional and privateresearchprogrammes "THE VAST MAJORITY OF ALL PUBLIC ICT RESEARCH FUNDING IS SPENT BY NATIONAL AND REGIONAL PROGRAMMES"
A keymechanismhere is theNational ICT ResearchDirectorsForumwhich is an informal frameworkthroughwhichnationalministriesresponsiblefor ICT researchpolicy and funding (typicallyresearch and industryministries) and theirCommissioncounterpartsmeettwice a yeartodiscuss and developsharedvisions and strategiesfor ICT research in Europe. FurtherinformationaboutpastForummeetings and accompanyingevents is available.. TheNational ICT ResearchDirectorsForum is complementedby a number of supportingmeasures: ISTAG, the IST AdvisoryGroup: establishedtoadvisetheCommissiononoverall ICT researchwithinthe Framework Programmeforresearch as well as toreflect and adviseonpoliciesrelatedtotheEuropean ResearchArea (ERA) and i2010; Coordination of IST Research and NationalActivities (CISTRANA), whichaimstofostercoordination of national ICT programmeswitheachother and with European RTD programmes. ResultsincludetheCISTRANA IST research portal, whichprovidesinformationonrelevantresearchacrossmost European countries, and a range of studies. ForesightonInformationSociety Technologies in the European ResearchArea (FISTERA): a projectwhich compares results of national ICT R&D foresightexercises and helpsexchangevisionsforthefuture. COORDINATING RESEARCH POLICY
Industry, finally, playsanimportant role viaEuropean TechnologyPlatforms (ETPs) - industry-ledinitiativestocreateStrategicResearch Agendas in strategicallyimportantareas. • SomeETPs, moreover, are leadingtothecreation of JointTechnologyInitiatives (JTIs) - long-term, public-privateresearchpartnerships.
Programme-level coordination in strategic ICT research areas can range from basic information exchanges to strategic cooperation and possible joint initiatives, depending on the maturity and nature of the area. COORDINATING RESEARCH PROGRAMMES While national funding has been coordinated by several EUREKA project clusters and under the intergovernmental COST initiative for many years, the creation of a European Research Area (ERA) became a Commission priority with the launch of its Sixth FP6 Research Framework Programme (2002-2006 - see EU Research). During FP6, the Commission launched CISTRANA and some 25 “ERA-NET” projects to coordinate national research programmes in the ICT area. Building on the success of the 25 ERA-NET projects in FP6, the coordination of national or regional research programme or initiatives is an objective within Challenges 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7, as well as FET, within the ICT Research under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013).