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End of Year (EOY) 1 & 4 Reporting

End of Year (EOY) 1 & 4 Reporting. Course Completion, CTE, and Waivers. Who’s Supposed to Be Here. Individuals a ssigned to CALPADS maintenance. Supervisor of staff assigned to CALPADS. Training Sequence. Rules. Mute yourself. Silence cellphones. HOLD. 1 c onversation at a time.

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End of Year (EOY) 1 & 4 Reporting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. End of Year (EOY) 1 & 4 Reporting Course Completion, CTE, and Waivers End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  2. Who’s Supposed to Be Here Individuals assigned to CALPADS maintenance Supervisor of staffassigned to CALPADS End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  3. Training Sequence End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  4. Rules Mute yourself Silence cellphones HOLD 1 conversation at a time Name & LEA End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  5. Agenda Overview EOY 1: Course Completion & CTE Status Wrap-Up EOY 4: Waivers & Exemptions End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  6. Overview End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  7. Acronyms EOY [ee-oh-why] End of Year CTE [see-tee-ee] Career Technical Education CALPASS [kal-pass] California Partnership for Achieving Student Success ROP/C [ar-oh-pee-see] Regional occupation program or center AVID [av-idd] Advancement Via Individual Determination IB [eye-bee] International Baccalaureate End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  8. Acronyms UC [you-see] University of California CSU [see-ess-you] California State University CAHSEE [kay-see] California High School Exit Exam ELA[ee-ell-ay] English-Language Arts End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  9. Information Reported in EOY EOY1: Course Completion and Career and Technical Education (CTE) • Count of completed courses and CTE students EOY4: Student Waivers • Count of CAHSEE Waivers and Exemptions End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  10. School Types Which Need to Report Y= Expected to submit data N= NOT allowed to submit data P= Permitted but not expected to submit data (1) Students completing courses in grades 7-12 only (2) Only schools with students in grades 10-12 (3) Records for students enrolled at Nonpublic Nonsectarian Certified Schools (NPS) should be submitted using school code 0000001 in the School of Attendance field (1.05) and NOT the individual NPS school codes. The actual NPS school code is submitted in the School of Attendance NPS field (1.06) (5)ROC/Ps will not submit data directly to CALPADS. CALPADS will collect data on student ROC/P course enrollment and completion through the student's primary school course enrollment and completion submission. (7) Home and Hospital schools are assigned a distinct county-district-school code and are not the same as a district-level operated Home and Hospital Program End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  11. Grades Which Need to Report (8) Updated SINF data for Infant, Toddler, and Prekindergarten in EOY 2 are only required for purposes of certifying report 5.4 - Homeless Students Enrolled - Unduplicated Count by School End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  12. How Data Was Reported Before End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  13. How Data Will Be Used End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  14. Updating CALPADS for End of Year • Update CALPADS with EOY records throughout the Academic Year (AY) • July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 • Any student enrolled during the Academic Year will be counted • All new and updated records must be posted the day before certifying to be included in the snapshot End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  15. What Record Types to Enter or Update U= UpdateR=Required * Full replacement files Do not submit SASS. It is not required for EOY and submitting it may wipe out Fall 2 data End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  16. Batch Submission 1 2 3 4 EOY file types are highlighted. Submit updates on other file types as needed to ensure accuracy. End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  17. End of Year Roles End of Year 1 EOY1 Data collection Certifier SDEM CRSE SCTE End of Year 4 EOY4 Data collection Certifier SWAV All • Superintendent Certifier SENR SINF End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  18. Important Dates for EOY 1-4 CALPADS Calendar: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sp/cl/rptcalendar.asp End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  19. EOY 1: Course Completion & CTE Status End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  20. EOY 1: Purpose Count of departmentalized courses completed CA Department of Education DataQuest Count of Career Technical Education participants Carl Perkins Program End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  21. EOY 1: Information Reported Courses Completed CTE Participants Courses completed are not compared to course enrollment reported during Fall 2 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  22. EOY 1: Terminology CTE Participants Completers Completed apathway Non-concentrator Concentrators Completed a CTE coursebut not on a pathway On a pathway CTE Pathway A sequence of courses providing academic knowledge and skills needed to prepare students for further education and careers… and which may lead to proficiency, a credential, a certificate, or a degree in a given career path. End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  23. EOY 1: Data Included Course Completion Student Course Section Completion SSID Enrollment Student Information Course Section Completion Staff Demographics Enrollment in departmentalized courses including ROP/C Primary, secondary, or short term enrollments Grades 7-12 and US Departmentalized courses including ROP/C Teachers of courses completed End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  24. EOY 1: Data Included Course Completion Optional Do Not Submit Homeroom Student aide Study hall Before/after school Summer session* * Unless the student is already enrolled in your school during the normal school year, do not submit summer course completion records. End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  25. EOY 1: Data Included Career and Technical Education SSID Enrollment Student Information Concentrators or Completers: Student CTE Non-Concentrators: Student Course Section Completion Primary, secondary, or short term enrollments Grades 7-12 and US Departmentalized CTE courses End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  26. EOY 1: Required Fields Course Completion or CTE Non-Concentrator See the CALPADS File Specifications (Forms) on the Resources slide near the end of the presentation for detailed field requirements End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  27. EOY 1: Required Fields Course Completion or CTE Non-Concentrator continued End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  28. EOY 1: Required Fields CTE Non-Concentrator CTE Concentrator CTE Completer End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  29. EOY 1: Online – Adding or Maintaining Course Section Completion Data 1 2 7a 4 3 6 5 Make sure the academic year is correct and Submission Type is set to Course Completion 7b Click add a new course section Click edit an existing course section End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  30. EOY 1: Online – Adding Course Section Completion Data Course Instructional Level Code is referred to as Non-StdInstr Level in snapshot reports Fields not relevant to EOY1 are not required or stored by CALPADS and are greyed out when editing course section records Required Conditional End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  31. EOY 1: Online – Adding Student Course Section Completion Data via Course Section 1 Make sure Submission Type is set to Course Completion 3 2 4 6 5 7 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  32. EOY 1: Online – Adding Student Course Section Completion Data via Course Section 8 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  33. EOY 1: Online – Adding Student Course Section Completion Data via Course Section 9b 9a End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  34. EOY 1: Online – Adding Student Course Section Completion Data via Course Section Add a record for each marking period that accrues credits for which a grade is given within a single course. Enter the SSID, then click Lookup. Required if student grade level is 9-12 or US 10 11 Required Conditional End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  35. EOY 1: Online – Adding Student Course Section Completion Data via Student 1 2 3 4 6 5 7 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  36. EOY 1: Online – Adding Student CTE Status via Student 1 2 3 4 5 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  37. EOY 1: Online – Adding Student CTE Status via Student 7 6 Required Conditional End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  38. EOY 1: Error Highlights Rejected Records Certification Errors End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  39. EOY 1: Reports 3.16 – Educational Options Course Completion – Student Count 3.11 – Course Sections Completed – Student List for Departmentalized Courses 3.9 – Course Sections Completed – Count by Content Area for Departmentalized Courses 3.10 – Course Sections Completed – Count and Details for Departmentalized Courses 3.12 – Career Technical Education Participants – Count Disaggregated 3.13 – Career Technical Education Participants – Student List 3.14 – Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers – Count by Pathway 3.15 – Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers – Student List End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  40. EOY 1: 3.9 - Course Sections Completed Student Course Section Completion (SCSC) data Course Completion (CRSC) data • Course Completion counts exclude courses that are: • Completed by students in grades K-6 • Self-contained (course code=1000) End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  41. EOY 1: 3.12 - Career Technical Education Participants Student CTE (SCTE) data Student Course Section Completion (SCSC) data Click to expand the view of the data Includes CTE Pathways and CTE course completion records End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  42. EOY 1: 3.13 - Career Technical Education Participants - Student List Absence of CTE Pathway code indicates courses only (non-Concentrator) Student CTE (SCTE) data Student Information (SINF) data Absence of CTE Completion Year indicates that student was not a completer this reporting year Student Program (SPRG) data End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  43. EOY 1: 3.14 Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers – Count by Pathway Student CTE (SCTE) data Student Information (SINF) data Student Programs (SPRG) data CTE course completion records excluded from this report End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  44. EOY 1: Reminders Course completion for End of Year 1 is not compared to Course enrollment from Fall 2 Do not submit the SASS file. Staff Assignment data is not required for EOY and submitting a file may wipe out previously submitted data SEIDs submitted in Course Section Completion (CRSC) records are checked to make sure a corresponding Staff Demographic (SDEM) record exists in CALPADS (unless SEID is 9999999999) CTE Non-Concentrators are reported in the CRSC file only while CTE Concentrators are determined using the SCTE file Course completion is only required for departmentalized classes in grades 7-12 End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  45. Break Time! 5 minute break Remember that you can attend the CALPADS Q & A sessions on Wednesdays at 3 p.m. if you have additional questions during the submission window. Sign up on the CSIS CALPADS training registration page listed in the Resources section near the end of this presentation. End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  46. EOY 4: Waivers & Exemptions End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  47. EOY 4: Purpose • Waivers and exemptions that have been granted, denied or withdrawn CA Department of Education Reporting per California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 1207.1 DataQuest End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  48. EOY 4: Information Reported Waivers Exemptions End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  49. EOY 4: Terminology As of July 1, 2009 students with disabilities (Special Ed or 504 Accommodation Plan) are not required to pass the CAHSEE to graduate End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

  50. EOY 4: Data Included Waivers or Exemptions • Student Information • Student Program • Waiver or Exemption • SSID Enrollment • If student exited, exit date is between 7/1/2012 and 8/15/2013; completion status is 106 or 108 • Grades10-12, or US • Program Type = 144 (Special Ed) or 101 (504 Accommodation Plan) Primary or specialized services enrollments End of Year Training 1 & 4 v1.32, June 13, 2013

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