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Explore the Multimedia Potential of Windows Embedded Standard 7

Required Slide. SESSION CODE: WEM302. Explore the Multimedia Potential of Windows Embedded Standard 7. Preston VanderWeyst Software Development Engineer Microsoft Corporation. Session Objectives and Takeaways. Session Objectives.

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Explore the Multimedia Potential of Windows Embedded Standard 7

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  1. Required Slide SESSION CODE: WEM302 Explore the Multimedia Potential of Windows Embedded Standard 7 Preston VanderWeyst Software Development Engineer Microsoft Corporation

  2. Session Objectives and Takeaways Session Objectives • Gain an general understanding of Windows Embedded Standard 7 • Gain an understanding of the multimedia technologies available • Explore the customer value of each technology WES 7 provides customer value for multimedia devices Windows 7 multimedia features open up major new markets for embedded

  3. Agenda Windows Embedded Standard 7 Overview Multimedia Technologies Applied to Embedded Survey of Embedded Multimedia Devices Categories Q & A

  4. Windows Embedded Standard 7 Modularized Version of Windows 7 Toolkit Highlights Value Added Features Common Devices Overview General Customer Value

  5. Modularized Version of Windows 7 Embedded Foundation Bootable Usable ~600 MB (x86) ~850 MB (x64) ~160 Selectable Feature Packages • Shell Foundation, Networking Services, BITS, etc Media Player IE Wireless etc. Win7 RTM Inbox Driver Packages Package Dependencies • Required Optional

  6. Package Architecture Provide a user selectable Functionality Framework Application API • Wireless • .NET 3.5 SP1 • Internet Explorer Goal is to satisfy the user’s needs for image composition

  7. Windows Media Player Dependencies DVDBurning MediaCenter MediaPlayer Diagnostics Common Media Support Graphics Platform Networking QoS AV-Core Power Management

  8. Windows Media Center Dependencies MediaCenter Terminal Services Client AV-Core Wireless Networking QoS Networking NASC Media Support MDAC-SQLLITE Diagnostics Common Accessibility Networking RAS Media Player NetFx20Client

  9. Internet Explorer Dependencies IE Explorer Graphic Platform IE Foundation IE Core App Support ComBase

  10. Toolkit Frameworks designed for performance Frameworks designed for performance Frameworks designed for performance ICE IBW SDA • Embedded version of WSIM • Embedded version of setup (IBS) • Static Dependency Analyzer • Builds Answer files • Consumes Answer files • Templates

  11. Image Configuration Editor (ICE) DEMO

  12. Value Added Features Embedded Enabling Features Alternate Boot Media Write Filters • Dialog Filter • Shell Launcher • USB • Volume Based • SD • File Base Embedded Friendly Activation Model Similar Servicing Model

  13. Common Devices Overview Frameworks designed for performance Frameworks designed for performance Frameworks designed for performance Frameworks designed for performance Frameworks designed for performance • Thin Client POS • Kiosk • Medical Devices • Headless

  14. General Customer Value Reduced Footprint Reduced Attack Surface Enables Non-client Scenarios Custom Branding Embedded Friendly Activation Model

  15. Multimedia Technologies Applied to Embedded Windows Touch Windows 7 Graphics Technologies Windows Media Player Windows Media Center XNA

  16. Windows Media Player Music Video Pictures Recorded TV Play To Remote Media Streaming

  17. Windows Media Player Engine DEMO

  18. Windows Media Center “Use your PC to watch your favorite TV and movies when and where you want.” Internet and Broadcast TV Playback DVR Capabilities Netflix Extensibility model

  19. Windows Media Center DEMO

  20. Windows 7 Graphics Technologies “Game developers will utilize new features to create rich worlds, realistic characters, and more fluid gameplay.” DirectX 11 Direct2D DirectWrite

  21. Windows Touch “…But Windows 7 is the first to fully embrace multitouch technology.” Basic Touch Multi-touch Standard Gestures

  22. XNA Framework “The XNA Framework is the set of .NET libraries that developers will code against to build their games.” –XNA Team Blog Managed Code Development 2D/3D Graphics Content Pipeline Abstracts complex application details

  23. XNA Framework DEMO

  24. Survey of Embedded Multimedia Device Categories • Medical Devices Digital Signage • TV • Entertainment Devices

  25. Digital Signage • Windows Touch • DirectX • Windows Media Player

  26. Medical Devices Ultrasound Imaging Monitoring Technologies DirectX Windows Touch

  27. Television Set Top Box Connected TV • Technologies • Windows Media Center • XNA

  28. Entertainment Devices PC Game KioskInflight Entertainment Specialized Arcade Game Slot Machine Jukebox • Technologies • DirectX • XNA • Windows Touch • Windows Media Player

  29. Required Slide Track PMs will supply the content for this slide, which will be inserted during the final scrub. Track Resources • http://www.WindowsEmbedded.com • http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windowsembedded • http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/category/embeddedwindows/ • http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/category/windowsembeddedcompact • https://connect.microsoft.com/windowsembeddedce

  30. Required Slide Speakers, please list the Breakout Sessions, Interactive Sessions, Labs and Demo Stations that are related to your session. Related Content • Breakout Sessions • WEM201 | Discover Windows Embedded Standard 7 as Your Next Application Platform • WEM301 | Deploying Windows Embedded Standard 7 with Style • WEM302 | Explore the Multimedia Potential of Windows Embedded Standard 7 • WEM303 | Gamechanger: Using Microsoft Silverlight for Windows Embedded to Create an Amazing Embedded UI • WEM305 | How to Choose a Windows Embedded Operating System • WEM306 | Using the Sensor & Location API on Windows Embedded Standard 7 to Create Exciting Connected Applications • WEM307 | Windows Embedded Compact: New Tools and Developer Story • WEM308 | Windows Embedded Overview: Demos of the Latest and Upcoming Releases • WEM309 | Programming Microsoft Silverlight for Windows Embedded Using Microsoft .NET • Interactive Sessions • WEM01-INT | Build a Secure Device with Windows Embedded Standard 7 • WEM02-INT | Delivering Flexible Peripheral Support for Point of Sale • WEM03-INT | How Windows Embedded Solutions Help to Protect the Environment • WEM05-INT | What a Desktop Developer Needs to Know to Develop for Windows Embedded • WEM06-INT | Windows Embedded Compact Compete • WEM07-INT | Server Appliances with Windows Embedded Servers • WEM08-INT | Roundtable: Windows Embedded @ Tech·Ed 2011 - Tell Us What You Want to Learn

  31. Required Slide Speakers, please list the Breakout Sessions, Interactive Sessions, Labs and Demo Stations that are related to your session. Related Content • Hands-on Labs • WEM01-HOL | Build Your Own Embedded System • WEM04-HOL | Porting Third-Party Drivers into Image Configuration Editor • Product Demo Stations (all on Windows Embedded booth) • TLC-46 | Get Your Hands on Windows Embedded • TLC-47 | Powered by Windows Embedded POSReady – Touch Screen • TLC-48 | The Intel® Intelligent Digital Signage Proof of Concept • TLC-49 | Windows Embedded Automotive • TLC-50 | Windows Embedded Device Showcase

  32. Required Slide Resources Learning • Sessions On-Demand & Community • Microsoft Certification & Training Resources www.microsoft.com/teched www.microsoft.com/learning • Resources for IT Professionals • Resources for Developers • http://microsoft.com/technet • http://microsoft.com/msdn

  33. Required Slide Complete an evaluation on CommNet and enter to win!

  34. Sign up for Tech·Ed 2011 and save $500 starting June 8 – June 31st http://northamerica.msteched.com/registration You can also register at the North America 2011 kiosk located at registrationJoin us in Atlanta next year

  35. © 2010 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

  36. Required Slide

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