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GREENING BUILDINGS. WHAT IS A GREEN BUILDING?. Resource efficient Healthy work environment Low environmental impact Green doesn’t cost money, it saves money!. TRADITIONAL LCC ANALYSIS. LCC = I + S + O + M + E + R I = Investment S = Salvage Value O = Operation Costs
WHAT IS A GREEN BUILDING? • Resource efficient • Healthy work environment • Low environmental impact Green doesn’t cost money, it saves money!
TRADITIONAL LCC ANALYSIS LCC = I + S + O + M + E + R • I = Investment • S = Salvage Value • O = Operation Costs • M = Maintenance Costs • E = Energy Costs • R = Replacement Costs
TRADITIONAL LCC ANALYSIS • Traditional LCC focuses most on building costs, with some focus on operation and maintenance costs, ignoring the elephant in the room. • Real LCC costs for a typical building • 6% for operations and maintenance • 2% for the land and building • 92% for personnel!
GREEN LCC ANALYSIS GLCC = (I + S + O + M + E + R) + (H + EV + P ) • H = Health Costs • EV = Environmental Costs • P = Productivity Costs But can we quantify the GLCC factors?
HEALTH COSTS Cost of indoor air pollution, including direct medical costs, lost productivity, and increased sick leave is estimated at over $260 billion per year.
ENVIRONMENTAL COSTS • Acid rain precursors (SO2, NOX, HF, HCI) • Greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4) • Particulates and ozone • Air toxics • Heavy metals (mercury, cadmium, lead) • Volatile organic compounds • Carbon monoxide (CO) • Water pollution and water consumption
ESPC PROJECT SAVINGS PRODUCTIVITY = $$$$$$$ • 500K ft2 Building • 1 employee/200 ft2 = 2500 employees • Average employee cost = $69,700 • Total personnel cost = $174,250,000 • 1% reduction in employee cost • $ 1,742,500 savings/year
PRODUCTIVITY COSTS Pennsylvania Power and Light upgraded their lighting system for drafting engineers using T8 lamps and electronic ballasts to reduce glare. • Lighting energy use dropped 69% • Employee absenteeism fell 25% • Productivity jumped 13.2% PP&L calculates these improvements had a 540% return on investment based on energy and productivity savings.
ESPC PROJECT : COUNTING ALL BENEFITS Comprehensive retrofit project, 500K ft2 bldg. Utility Costs $ 500,000 Maintenance Costs $ 25,000 Employee Costs $1,742,500 Environmental Costs $ 100,000 TOTAL $ 2,367,500
GREENING AN ENERGY PROJECT • Optimize the indoor environment • Implement Green maintenance practices • Institute procurement innovations
WHAT DEFINES AN OPTIMUM INDOOR ENVIRONMENT? • Comfortable and healthy air • Appropriate temperature and humidity • Optimum lighting for visual performance • Low noise levels • Access to the natural environment • Containment and control of pollution sources
FACTORS THAT IMPACT INDOOR AIR QUALITY (IAQ) • Outdoor Air Quality • Exhaust from adjacent buildings • Exhaust from adjacent roadways • Adjacent industrial and agricultural sites • Site Conditions • Pesticides and fertilizers • Sporulating plants • Building Materials Selection • Fibrous materials • Microbial contamination • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) • Toxic components
FACTORS THAT IMPACT INDOOR AIR QUALITY (IAQ) • Building and HVAC Design • Location of fresh air intakes and exhaust • Interior pollutant generating sources • Print/copy rooms, loading docks, cleaning supply closets • Air and moisture flows through walls • Fibrous insulation exposed to the airstream, e.g., internal duct liner • Ventilation and filtration standards
OPTIMUM ZONE Bacteria Viruses Fungi Mites Respiratory Infections* Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Chemical Interactions Ozone Production RELATIVE HUMIDITY OPTIMUM RANGES FOR HEALTH Decrease in Bar Width Indicates Decrease in Effect 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent Relative Humidity *Insufficient data above 50 percent R.H. SOURCE: STERLING (1984) ASHRAE Transactions
GREEN MAINTENANCE PRACTICES • Inadequate maintenance can defeat HVAC project design, installation, and operation. • After building materials, outgassing, and HVAC system design and commissioning, chemicals used for cleaning can have the next largest controllable impact on indoor air quality.
GREEN MAINTENANCE PRACTICES • Use automated portion control equipment for housekeeping chemicals; reduce usage 30%-60% • Switch to recycled paper and print documents two-sided • Dispose of cleaning wastes in environmentally safe ways
GREEN MAINTENANCE PRACTICES • Clean to reduce health risks first, and to improve appearance second • Minimize employee exposure to harmful contaminants • Minimize the pollutants entering the building through effective outdoor air filtration
PROCUREMENT INNOVATIONS • Shifting to life cycle economic costs will require a culture change in procurement practices • Maximizing the net life cycle value of the project must replace minimum first cost as the decision criterion
PROCUREMENT INNOVATIONS • Considering the full range of economic impacts on health, productivity, families, the local economy and environment, must complement considerations of equipment costs and utility bill savings • Shift to performance-based service contracts that guarantee results and future value rather than low-price projects that fail to produce long-term value
WHAT ABOUT LEED? • Recognition for achievement • Standard for green buildings • Difficult/expensive for some buildings Your building can be green and achieve substantial savings without being LEED
ESPC PROJECTS POTENTIAL LEED-EB POINTS • Exceeding ASHRAE 90.1-1999 (Energy Standard) • Meeting ASHRAE 62-1999 (Ventilation) • Building Commissioning • IPMVP Option B--Continuous Metering • Exceeding ASHRAE 129-1997 (Ventilation) • Compliance with ASHRAE 55-1992, addenda 1995 (Thermal Comfort) • Demand Control Ventilation (DCV) by using CO2 Monitoring