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PeopleSoft 8.4 Grants Preview

PeopleSoft 8.4 Grants Preview. June 2004 Training & Communication II Team. PeopleSoft Grants Go-Live Date is July 1, 2004. Introduction to the module Screenshots Review web approval forms no more “blue sheets” Review web forms More training. PS Grants . PeopleSoft pages:

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PeopleSoft 8.4 Grants Preview

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  1. PeopleSoft 8.4 Grants Preview June 2004 Training & Communication II Team

  2. PeopleSoft Grants Go-Live Date is July 1, 2004

  3. Introduction to the module • Screenshots • Review web approval forms • no more “blue sheets” • Review web forms • More training

  4. PS Grants • PeopleSoft pages: • proposals entry • award processing and sponsor billing • UD webforms: • Proposal Approval Summary • Contract & Grants Budget Revision • Enhancements to “Journal Voucher” for effort reporting • Enhancements to “Employee Demographic Data” for professional bio data

  5. The New Modules…. • Grants Module • Replaces Grants Management System (GMS) • details in follow on training • GMS to be turned off 7/30/04 • As of 1 July should be using PS • Migrating GMS data into PSoft.

  6. TENTATIVE: WILL BE CONFIRMED ON JUNE 14, 2004 Timeline for Grants PeopleSoft Go-Live DATA INPUT CUTOFFS AND TURN-ONS Data Migration from Legacy/GMS to PeopleSoft Grants and related modules will begin Saturday, June 19, and will continue through June 30. In order to accomplish this, the following schedule will be necessary: New Awards Award Modifications Budget Revisions New Proposals Cutoff: June 16, 5:00pm No further entry in GMS No new awards will be generated between June 16 and June 30. Cutoff: June 16, 5:00pm No further entry in GMS No Award modifications will be generated between June 16 and June 30. Cutoff: June 16, 5:00pm No further entry in GMS No budget revisions will be generated between June 16 and June 30. Cutoff: July 30, 5:00pm No further entry in GMS Turn-on: July 1 Awards must be entered in PeopleSoft Grants Module Turn-on: July 1 Budget modifications/increases must be entered in PeopleSoft Grants Module Turn-on: July 1 Budget modifications/increases must be entered in PeopleSoft Grants Module Turn-on: July 1 Entry allowed in PeopleSoft Grants, or GMS. Please note that all proposals entered in GMS after July 1, will need to be RE-ENTERED by the Department in the PeopleSoft Grants module by August 15.

  7. Instances

  8. PeopleSoft “Instances” • What is an instance? • Different PeopleSoft databases are used for Reporting, Production and Training • FIRPT – Financials Reporting – using now • FIPRD – Financials Production – Grants users will use FIPRD for proposal data entry or inquiry • FITRN – Financials Training – used for on-going training and may be used for “practice.” There is no security on this data because it is not real. • Keep track of different instances by renaming link in Internet Explorer or Netscape • Favorites or Bookmarks

  9. URL’s for Grants users • Grants Proposal entry and inquiries (FIPRD): www.udel.edu/grants • Grants training and practice (FITRN): https://turvy.nss.udel.edu:4490/psp/fitrn/?cmd=login • Grants reporting (FIRPT): www.udel.edu/financials Add to “Favorites” in Internet Explorer (IE is the preferred browser for PeopleSoft)

  10. Logging on to Training Instance…

  11. Access & Security

  12. System Security and Access • Proposal and Award data will be based on your user logon name and… • the Dept ID’s you have permission to view • Proposals on which you are PI or Co-PI • Security is setup for 7/1/04 for key personnel based on input from colleges and other units that have grants. • New access is requested through Deans’ Offices or equivalent, and then to OVPR

  13. Pre-Award

  14. Proposals STEP 1: Proposal information in PeopleSoft: • Enter basic information for each dept or project • Allows attachments for additional data • Enter budget details including F&A and cost share • “copy” features can make entry easier • Print proposal reports for Bio Sketch and Other Support Report • Start approval process in PS when proposal is ready for approval process

  15. A. Basic proposal information (10 tabs), first of three required pages – “Header”

  16. A. Proposal information - 2nd required page – “Projects”

  17. A. Proposal information – 3rd required page – “Location”

  18. A. Proposal information – “Resources”

  19. A. Proposal information “Documents” 04000033_abstract.pdf 04000033_budjust.pdf

  20. A. Proposal information – “Certifications” Certifications will not be prepopulated will need to enter

  21. A. Proposal info – other pages • Reports: • Abstract • Major Goals • Progress Report Summary • Gender and Minority Study • Trainee (only for a continuation project) • Key Words • Used to track proposals by subject matter

  22. Helpful Technique: Create a “Template” Proposal • Enter generic information common to your unit in Proposal pages to create the template • Use “Copy Proposal” page to reuse the existing “template” proposal • Make changes as needed to the copy for new proposal

  23. Copy Proposal technique – copy proposal with budget details or not as desired

  24. B. Budget information – first of three required pages – “Budget Header” includes F&A information

  25. B. F&A Set Up page

  26. B. Budget information – 2nd required page – “Budget Periods”

  27. B. Budget information – 3rd required page – “Budget Line Summary” includes Cost Share

  28. B. Budget information – Cost Share

  29. Helpful Technique: Use “Copy Budget Period” to copy an existing budget period to a new one – saves data entry

  30. C. Print delivered proposal reports – “Bio Sketch” and “Other Support Report” (Current & Pending)

  31. D. Proposal approval process “Submit Proposal” page – first of two required pages, “Submission” tab

  32. D. Proposal approval process “Submit Proposal” page – 2nd required page – “Official” tab

  33. Proposals STEP 2: Use UD webform system for approval/routing • Proposal Approval Summary webform replaces the “Blue Sheet” and “Match Approval Form” • Webform system uses same proposal security as PeopleSoft • Approval & routing process is complex and conditional depending on the nature of the proposal • If an approver REJECTS the form – it is DEAD • OVPR will be able to redirect forms as needed

  34. Proposal Approval Summary – displays data entered in PSoft including attachments (top)

  35. Proposal Approval Summary (middle)

  36. Proposal Approval Summary (bottom)

  37. The Proposal Approval WebForm • If an approver REJECTS the form – it is DEAD • OVPR will be able to redirect forms as needed • OVPR deadline 24 hours prior to deadline same as now • Hard copy pages requiring signatures will be processed the same as now

  38. Proposals STEP 3 Sponsor Forms • Current practice will not change with PeopleSoft • Eventually the forms will be printed from PeopleSoft • High priority will be given to this enhancement after PS Grants “goes live”

  39. Pre-Award Webform – HR’s Employee Demographic Dataenhancements will allow input of professional biographic data

  40. Pre-award spending • Same process as now • When approved Purpose will be established

  41. Post-Award

  42. Post-Award • Post Award Webforms • Budget Revision for Contracts & Grants • Existing Journal Voucher being changed to accept Empl ID and Effort Period for Effort Reporting • Post Award PeopleSoft screens • Delivered Inquiries • Effort Reports to be handled via the web (late in 2004)

  43. Post-Award Webforms – Budget Revision for Contacts & Grants is based on the current Budget Revision webform. (NOTE: Debit = increase and Credit = decrease)

  44. Post-Award Webforms – currentJournal Voucher will be enhanced to accept Empl ID and Effort Period for effort reporting

  45. Reporting

  46. Grants Reporting • Grants public queries are being written for Grants data (like EZQ’s – but will have different name) • Grants tables will be added for ad hoc reporting in PS Query • Post-Award spending reporting will be done with new Grants tables and new public, pre-written queries • Some Post-Award reporting with existing EZQ’s will still be available (GL data)

  47. Training

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