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Join us for a session on ongoing activities in atmospheric chemistry, surface biogeochemistry, and energy goals. Identify collaboration opportunities and share updates on relevant projects. Discuss current status, gaps, and future directions in gas-phase chemistry, aerosols, and their couplings.
Breakout organizers: Susannah Burrows, Hailong Wang, Philip Cameron-Smith, Manish Shrivastava Aerosols - Atmospheric Chemistry - Couplings to BGC and Energy
Goals of this breakout • Quick updates on ongoing activities related to atmospheric chemistry (gas-phase and aerosol), surface biogeochemistry, energy, and their couplings. • Increase cross-project awareness of activities. • Identify potential gaps, conflicting developments, and/or opportunities for collaboration.
Agenda • 10:30 – 10:35 Overview (Susannah Burrows) • 10:35 - 11:15 Short summaries - current status, gaps, future directions • Gas-phase chemistry in Phase II (Philip Cameron-Smith,Michael Prather) • Nitrate, stratospheric aerosol, and couplings to chemistry (Hailong Wang, Xiaohong Liu) • Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) (Manish Shrivastava) • Dust aerosol couplings with surface moisture, land use, BGC (YanFeng) • Fire aerosol and VOC couplings with BGC (Li Xu) • Surface deposition of BC/dust, and unified radiative transfer in snow/ice (Cheng Deng, Adam Schneider) • New advection scheme (Andrew Bradley) • New chemistry solver (Joshua Fu; Philip Cameron-Smith presenting) • 11:15 - 11:30 General discussion: • Gaps in model capabilities • Evaluation / analysis needs • Intertask dependencies