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Futures Thinking . Media & entertainment.
Futures of Media Futures of Media & & Entertainment Entertainment Futures thinking group work Futures Thinking & Foresight Methodologies 01032
Trends summary: • Technology as human extension • Living and Creating Virtual Realities • Senses techs • Trends evaluation
Trend name Trend name Trend Description Describe shortly what the change is all about in societal terms including: ”..change from.. to..” ” ..especially because of..” ”..Influencing on / resulting as..” Write also a hypothesis where it might go next. Select picture VIsualization for the trend (﴾mark source)﴿ People & Consumption Describe who or what started the trend. Describe who or which factors are driving the trend forward. Describe who are affected by the trend and in what kind of context they live in. Discuss what the trend means to from people perspective. Driving Forces & Counter trends List other trends and forces that push the trend forward. Use STEEP/PESTEC: Political, Economic, Social/Cultural, Technological, Environmental HIGH speed of change. MEDIUM speed of change. LOW speed of change. Key Words: Urban-‐Rular, Developing -‐ Developed, Country/Region. Maturity & Speed I Coverage & Context
Technology as human extension Internet of things Internet of things, , Cyborgs, Wearables, Accessories, Hybrids Wearables, Accessories, Hybrids Cybernetic or Cyborgs is an organism is a being with both organic and cybernetic parts. The beginning of Cyborg creation began when HCI (﴾human-‐computer interaction)﴿ began. There is a clear distinction between the human and computerized technology in HCI, which differs from cyborgs in that cyborgs act out human functions. Cyborgs, Samsung paper screen Google Glass True Wearable, by Propeller Driving Forces & Counter trends Advanced technologies, advanced studies in empowering human abilities and skills -‐ Near Field Communication (﴾RFID)﴿ -‐ Inbuilt in Android & Window Phone (﴾not IOS though)﴿ -‐ QR codes -‐ Needs downloadable apps, inbuilt to Windows Phone -‐ GPS, gyroscope, accelerometer for gestures & pointing. Bluetooth 4.0 -‐ Very low energy connectivity with BTLE -‐ Capacitive patterns in physical toys. Google Glass -‐ Augmented reality with near-‐eye displays -‐ Disney Research Touché – Nanotechnology. People & Consumption This trend will create new demand and consumption of media and entertainment content -‐ It will also create demand for medical service providers who are able to plant cyborg parts to humans. HIGH speed of change Maturity & Speed I Coverage & Context Urban, Developing, Country
Technology as human extension Manifestation
Living and Creating Virtual Realities Living and Creating Virtual Realities Living and Creating Living and Creating Virtual Virtual Realities Realities With the development of superhuman intelligence, people will begin creating virtual realities, which will change the way entertainment is experienced -‐‑ There realities will be very close to real life experience, because of the advanced IT technology, and therefore very realistic -‐‑ People will be part of information networks that are connected everywhere and with everything -‐‑ By creating and living virtual realities, people can expand their experience of life, and also share their virtual realities with others. Matrix Movie Samsung paper screen Google Glass Minority Report movie http://kootation.com/virtual-‐reality.html People & Consumption Birth of social media and real life role play games are a beginning of this trend -‐ Also the accelerating speed of technological development -‐ Everyone will be affected by the trend -‐ People will find ways to deepen their lives through virtual realities. It could also become some people's profession to create services for virtual realities or to provide help to create new virtual realities -‐ People will share the virtual realities they created with their friends and this will become one form of social network of being a human -‐ This trend will reduce the amount of services used outside the virtual realities and therefore alter the targets of consumption -‐ People will buy services to enhance their experiences in the virtual realities. Driving Forces & Counter trends Technological development: born of superhuman intelligence -‐‑ Environmental: people still want to experience things, but travelling will be more dangerous and expensive -‐‑ Similar experiences can be experienced virtually -‐‑ Entertainment: Movie industry is already including this subject to movies -‐‑ Political: War -‐‑ Health: Virtual realities are found to be harmful? HIGH speed of change Maturity & Speed I Coverage & Context Global
Living and Creating Virtual Living and Creating Virtual Realities Manifestation Realities
Senses techs Senses techs Senses techs Senses techs Computers can produce content for all 5 senses -‐ Senses can be experienced through Internet -‐ Services can be provided including content for senses (﴾smell, touch, seeing, feeling)﴿ -‐ Entertainment will use this trend to enhance the media and entertainment content. -‐ Games will be highly interactive with more dimensions to play with. http:// www.playingiseducational.info/ wp-content/uploads/2012/04/5- http://dendeg.fi Senses.jpg Driving Forces & Counter trends Technology: Touch tech development (﴾textures -‐ Feel Screens) - Market demand: People's interest to experience new things and marketers desire to produce new successful business areas -‐ Globalization: With Senses Tech people can be connected also physical experiences with each other. People & Consumption It will cause an increase in the sales of the technology providing these experiences -‐ Game and entertainment developers will have lot of new customers. MEDIUM speed of change Maturity & Speed I Coverage & Context Urban, Developed
Senses techs Senses techs Manifestation
How was the work How was the work The most challenging phases were the categorization and evaluation: to know precisely which trends were more relevant and do the prioritization. The topic is very interesting and everything looks innovative and we were surprised how technology has been improving in such a short time. Technology can contribute even more for Media & Entertainment segments, it is easy fall in love and be very intuitive and predictive. Almost all the information was gathered from the Internet, previous experiences, workshops and books. All content was collected individually and combined in a Prezi file. From there we’ve got a .pdf, which was printed, helping us to better visualized the content. Other method used was Internet qualitative questionnaire. We spread the survey around our friends and we got only 10 answers, the few results were maybe because the amount of questions, mostly of all open to interpretation. However the results were fantastic. The trends titles were decided by the group during the second workshop. We looked for the most reasonable names for the grouped data. It was clear that many trends referred to the same technology but named in different way, i.e. wearables and tech accessories. Futures Thinking & Foresight Methodologies 01032
References References Prezy presentation: http://prezi.com/a4jagq8gewga/futures-thinking-trends-workshop-media-entertainment/ Some sources: http://gigaom.com/2013/01/14/netflix-‐to-‐host-‐open-‐source-‐open-‐house/ http://mashable.com/2013/01/17/disney-‐infinity-‐in-‐depth/ http://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/bought-‐the-‐farm-‐investment-‐in-‐social-‐gaming-‐drops-‐by-‐1-‐billion-‐in-‐2012/#ixzz2IV32g8Yr http://blog.mindsnacks.com/2012/12/19/2013-‐prediction-‐educational-‐games-‐trump-‐gamification-‐of-‐educatio/ http://www.zdnet.com/so-‐what-‐is-‐apples-‐next-‐big-‐thing-‐going-‐to-‐be-‐7000009709/ http://2020mediafutures.ca/trends http://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/191873/netflix-‐focuses-‐on-‐building-‐brand-‐new-‐disney-‐ deal.html#axzz2JBeqjNMC Futures Thinking & Foresight Methodologies 01032
Group: Group: Deborah Isikaiye Erkki Salo Jane Vita Costa Mahmoud Abdelrahman Teija Hakaoja Tero Byman Futures of Media Futures of Media & & Entertainment Futures thinking group work Futures thinking group work Entertainment Futures Thinking & Foresight Methodologies 01032