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Understanding Transfer Functions in Systems Design

Explore transfer functions, frequency response, and Bode diagrams in continuous-time systems, emphasizing stability, poles and zeros, and system analysis. Learn to interpret magnitude and phase shifts using polar notation. Gain insights into system gain, phase shift, and properties through examples. Discover how log-magnitude and phase plots help analyze system responses. Utilize Bode plots for system analysis and design, including first and second-order systems.

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Understanding Transfer Functions in Systems Design

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  1. Lecture 16: Continuous-Time Transfer Functions • 6 Transfer Function of Continuous-Time Systems (3 lectures): Transfer function, frequency response, Bode diagram. Physical realisability, stability. Poles and zeros, rubber sheet analogy. • Specific objectives for today: • Transfer functions and frequency response • Bode diagrams

  2. Lecture 16: Resources • Core material • SaS, O&W, C6.1, 6.2, 9.7 • Background material • MIT Lectures 9, 12 and 19

  3. Introduction: Transfer Functions & Frequency Response • We can use the Fourier (Laplace) transfer function H(jw) (H(s)) in a variety of ways: • Design a system/filter with appropriate frequency domain characteristics • Calculate the system’s time domain response using Y(jw)=H(jw)X(jw) and taking the inverse Fourier transform • However, we can also get a lot of information from studying H(jw) directly and representing it in polar fashion as • H(jw) = |H(jw)|ejH(jw) H(s) x(t) y(t)

  4. Example: 1st Order System and Cos Input • The 1st order system transfer function is: (a>0, h(t)=e-atu(t)) • The input signal x(t)=cos(w0t), which has fundamental frequency w0, has Fourier transform: • The (stable) system’s output is:

  5. System Transient & Steady State Response • Compare with the example from lecture 14 • which was solved using the Laplace transform • This is composed of two parts: • Transient (blue) and steady state/natural (green -Fourier) responses

  6. System Gain and Phase Shift • In the frequency domain, the effect of the system on the input signal for the frequency component w is: • Y(jw) = |H(jw)|ejH(jw) |X(jw)|ejX(jw) • |Y(jw)| = |H(jw)||X(jw)| • Y(jw) = H(jw) + X(jw) • The effect of a system, H(jw), has on the Fourier transform of an input signal is to: • Scale the magnitude by |H(jw)|. This is commonly referred to as the system gain. • Shift the phase of the input signal by adding H(jw) to it. This is commonly referred to as the phase shift. • These modifications (magnitude and phase distortions) may be desirable/undesirable and must be understood in system analysis and design.

  7. Example: Cos Input to a 1st Order System • Consider a sinusoidal input signal to a first order, LTI, stable system • When w0 is close to zero, its magnitude is passed on scaled by 1/a • When the |w0| is high, the signal is substantially suppressed • i.e. it is a low pass filter … Magnitude plot (even) Phase plot (odd) We deduce the properties solely by looking at the transfer function in the frequency domain

  8. The Effect of Phase … • The effect of the transfer function’s magnitude is fairly easy to see – it magnifies/suppresses the input signal • The effect of the change in phase is a bit less obvious to imagine. • Consider when the phase shift is a linear function of w: • This system corresponds to a pure time shift of the input (see lectures 7,9,14) • y(t) = x(t-t0) • Slope of the phase corresponds to the time delay • When the phase is not a linear function, it is slightly more complex

  9. Log-Magnitude and Phase Plots • When analysing system responses, it is typical to use a log scaling for the magnitude • log(|Y(jw)|) = log(|H(jw)|) + log(|X(jw)|) • So the gain effect is additive: 0 means “no change” • If the log magnitude is plotted, the effect can be interpreted as adding each individual component (like the time-delayed phase) • Often units are decibels (dB) 20log10 • Similarly, taking logs of frequency allows us to view detail over a much greater range (which is important for frequency selective filters) • Note that taking a log of the frequency, we typically only consider positive frequency values (as the magnitude is even, and the phase is odd)

  10. Bode Plots • A Bode Plot for a system is simply plots of log magnitude and phase against log frequency • Both the log magnitude and phase effects are now additive • Widely used for analysis and design of filters and controllers • Example • Low pass, unity filter Log mag v log freq Phase v log freq

  11. Example 1: Bode Plot 1st Order System • Consider a LTI first order system described by: • Fourier transfer function is: • the impulse response is: • and the step response is: • Bode diagrams are shown as log/log plots on the x and y axis with t=2.

  12. Example 2: Bode Plot 2nd Order System step response(t) • The LTI 2nd order differential equation • which can represent the response of mass-spring systems and RLC circuits, amongst other things • wn is the undamped natural frequency • z is the damping ratio wn=1 z=[0.01 0.1 0.4 1 1.5]

  13. Lecture 16: Summary • A frequency domain analysis of the transfer function/Fourier transform is an important design/analysis concept • It can be understood in terms of • |H(jw)| - magnitude of the Fourier transform of the impulse response (transfer function) • H(jw) – phase of the Fourier transform of the impulse response (transfer function) • Bode plots are plots of log magnitude and phase against log frequency. • Used to plot a greater range of frequencies • Used to plot decibel-type information • Transfer function is now “additive”

  14. Exercises • Theory • Verify the magnitude and phase plots on slide 7 by evaluating the 1st order transfer function for specific values of w (=0, 1, 3, 5, 10), for a=1&10. • SaS, O&W, Q6.15, 6.18, 6.19, 6.27 & 6.28 (use Matlab for “sketching”) • Matlab • 1. Use Simulink to verify the transient/steady state response of a first order system described on Slide 5. • 2. To perform a Bode plot of a first order system (slide 11), • Where t=2 • >> fbode([1], [2 1]); • Type help fbode to find out about the general structure. • Try doing a Bode plot for different values of the decay constant, say 1 and 100, what are the differences? • To perform a Bode plot of the second order system (slide 12) • >> fbode([1], [1 2 1]); • Again, try different values for the differential equation coeffs.

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