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Cornell Master of Engineering Degree in Chemical Engineering: Opportunities for Chemistry Graduates. Overview: Master of Chemical Engineering Program . Professionally-oriented coursework degree Curriculum focused on practice and design Core of 12 credits of chemical engineering courses
Cornell Master of Engineering Degree in Chemical Engineering: Opportunities for Chemistry Graduates
Overview: Master of Chemical Engineering Program • Professionally-oriented coursework degree • Curriculum focused on practice and design • Core of 12 credits of chemical engineering courses • Total of 30 credit hours, including a faculty-mentored project • BS chemical engineering graduates typically finish the degree in one year • If you do not have a background in chemical engineering, extra time is required, but preparation can reduce the total time
Why get a Master of Engineering (Chemical) degree? • Receive training in foundations of chemical engineering to leverage a strong background in chemistry. The combination of the two degrees is highly desired by employers. • Learn from professionals with decades of engineering experience. Learn to speak the “language” of engineering and get hands-on design experiences. • Possible job prospect enhancements • Focus on energy or biotechnology Microscopic view of cellulose: Research on nanostructured fibers for biodegradable textiles, biofuels, or antimicrobial filters (Yong Joo)
Tell me about the details of a Master of Engineering degree Required courses • Total of 30 credits, of which 12 must be chemical engineering courses (not including credit for the faculty-mentored project) • a faculty-mentored project (3-9 cr.) • electives (12-18 cr.)
What extra courses does a Chemist have to take as part of an M. Eng. degree ? We will tailor a curriculum for each student based on his or her background. Some courses to consider are: Fall Classes • ChE 2190 Mass & Energy Balances • ChE 3130 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics • ChE 3240 Heat and Mass Transfer Spring Classes • ChE 3230 Fluid Mechanics • ChE 3900 Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design Electronic materials Engstrom group
What specializations or concentrations can I undertake as part of my M. Eng. (Chem.E) degree ? Specializations: • Energy economics and engineering • Medical and industrial biotechnology • materials science • food engineering • nanofabrication • polymer processing • systems engineering Bioprocessing (Matt De Lisa)
What can I do during my chemistry BS degree course to prepare for a Cornell M. Eng. (Chem.) degree program? • Take extra math (engineers have taken courses in calculus, linear algebra and differential equations) • Take “Mass and Energy Balances” or thermodynamics or reaction kinetics (or their equivalents at your home school - check with us first!) • If you take courses beyond those required for your undergrad degree, choose ones that are also M.Eng. electives - up to 9 credits can be transferred. Check with us for guidelines.
What are the admission criteria? • GPA over 2.7 • Strong recommendations from two faculty • Acceptable GRE scores (may be waived for Cornell students) • Rolling applications accepted all year Clancy group students in the nanofabrication facility at Cornell
Is financial aid available? • Largely self-funded • Partial fellowship or teaching assistantship support is available to some candidates ($5,000-10,000) • Aid is given on the basis of prior academic performance Bioprocess engineering (Shuler group)
How can I find out more? Contact Ms. Shelby Clark-Shevalier Graduate Field Administrator e-mail: sjc14@cornell.edu phone: 607-255-4550 Professor William L. Olbricht M.Eng. (ChE) Program Director e-mail: wlo1@cornell.edu phone: 607-255-4362 Modeling and simulation of polymers and biomolecules (Escobedo group)