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Transit Dependent Populations’ Access to the Expo Line Alternatives in West Los Angeles. Image Source: MTA’s Expo Line Website - http://www.buildexpo.org. Presentation by Daniel Wu February 9,2010. Background on the Expo Line.
Transit Dependent Populations’ Access to the Expo Line Alternatives in West Los Angeles Image Source: MTA’s Expo Line Website - http://www.buildexpo.org Presentation by Daniel Wu February 9,2010
Background on the Expo Line • Phase I of the Expo Line is projected to be finished by 2011. • Board approved phase II of the Expo Line that will end in Santa Monica. • Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) called for two alternative Phase II routes in West Los Angeles. • Critics of the Expo Line often overlook the large number of transit dependent and low income households in West Los Angeles. • This analysis examines the two alternatives’ accessibility by these households. Image Source: MTA Website - http://www.metro.net
Skills: Inset Map of Southern California and Geocoding of Proposed Stations. Area of Analysis: Current and Proposed Rail Lines Maps Created by Daniel Wu Data Source: MTA, U.S. Census 2000, ESRI
Skill: Buffering of Proposed Stations. Census Block Groups of Analysis • Two exposition route alternatives: Right of way (ROW) alternative and Sepulveda alternative. • ¼ mile buffer around proposed stations on both alternatives. • Identified 21 census block groups (8 for ROW alternative and 13 for Sepulveda alternative). ROW: Census Block Groups Sepulveda: Census Block Groups Maps Created by Daniel Wu Data Source: MTA,U.S. Census 2000, ESRI
Skills: Attribute by Sub-set selections ( Block Group Population/Sq. Mile was derived by querying LACounty_blkgrp for Tract = (specified tract number) and Blkgrp = (specified block number), and exporting data to a new layer ). Point graduated symbol for Block Group Population. Population and Density • Block group populations are larger along the Sepulveda alternative. • Density (population/sq. mile) of block group is higher along the Sepulveda alternative. ROW: Population and Density Sepulveda: Population and Density Maps Created by Daniel Wu Data Source: MTA,U.S. Census 2000, ESRI
Skill: Aggregated attribute fields; Low Income Residents = Household Income (HHI) less than $10,000 + HHI $10,000 to $14,999 +HHI $15,000 to $19,999 + HHI $20,000 to $24,999+ HHI $25,000 to $29,999. % Low income Residents = Low Income Residents/Total Households. Household vehicles and Income • % of low income residents is higher in block groups along the Sepulveda alternative. • % of households with no vehicles is higher along the Sepulveda alternative. ROW: Vehicles and Low-Income Sepulveda: Vehicles and Low-Income Maps Created by Daniel Wu Data Source: MTA,U.S. Census 2000, ESRI
Skill: Creating index; % of Transit Dependent Households = .5*( Percentage of Household with no vehicles) + .5*(Percentage of workers who commute by walking, biking or public transit). Transit Dependent Households and Public Transit Commute Time • Public transit commute time varies along both routes. • % of transit dependent households with no vehicles is higher along the Sepulveda alternative. ROW: Transit Dependency and Commute Time Sepulveda: Transit Dependency and Commute Time Maps Created by Daniel Wu Data Source: MTA,U.S. Census 2000, ESRI
Additional themes of analysis • Senior citizens. • Children. • Disabled/paratransit . • Access to career, social, and economic opportunities (land use). Image Source: MTA Website - http://www.metro.net