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Extreme Poverty : Bangladesh Record

Learn about BRAC's innovative "Targeting the Ultra Poor" program that is pushing down strategies to combat extreme poverty effectively.

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Extreme Poverty : Bangladesh Record

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  1. Challenging the frontiers of poverty reduction Experiences from a BRAC ProgramRabeya Yasmin , Program Coordinator Ultra Poor ProgramsBRAC

  2. An Introduction to BRACBRAC : Founded in 1972 , BRAC stands for - Building Resources Across the CountriesServing about 5 million poor people through Micro finance program in Bangladesh About 10 million poorest students are getting primary education in 34 thousand BRAC schools across the countryMore than 110 million poor people are getting Essential Health Care services from BRAC’s Health ProgramsBRAC is operating in other countries : Afghanistan , SriLanka, Tanzania , Uganda .

  3. Extreme Poverty : Bangladesh Record • Head count poverty decreasing : from 70% in 1973-74 to 47% in 1995-96.( 2200 k.cal.) • About 20% still remains below the lower poverty line : daily per capita calorie intake of 1805 k.cal.( BBS 2003) • The Ultra Poor spend 80% of their income on food • Still fail to reach 80% of their recommended calorie intake • Ultra Poor are largely remaining left out of the mainstream development programmes

  4. Background of CFPR • Most often the conventional micro finance program view the ultra poor as high risk group • Generally the disciplines of micro finance do not suit the livelihood pattern of the ultra poor

  5. Therefore , BRAC’s new innovation is “A Pushing Down” strategy to combat ultra poverty A Program called : “Targeting the Ultra Poor”

  6. Pushing down BRAC interventions to reach the ultra poor effectively Objectives • Assist the ultra poor to improve their livelihoods by achieving positive economic, social and aspirational changes • Assist the ultra poor to access mainstream development services

  7. Coverage in the First PhaseDuration: 5 year • Year : 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Total • Members • served : 5000 5000 10,000 30,000 50,000 100,000 • No. of • districts : 3 7 12 15 15 15

  8. Pushing down to reach the Ultra Poor: Definition of the Ultra Poor • Households with < 10 decimals of land. • Those who earn livelihood as beggar, day laborer, domestic aid. • Households with no productive assets. • Children of school-going age taking up paid work . • No adult active male member in the household

  9. Pushing down to reach the Ultra Poor: A Brief Overview of HH Identification Process A. Geographical Area Selection: - Identifying areas with high incidents - NGO Survey conducted - Identify specific villages with high ultra poverty incidents B. Household Selection: • Participatory Rural Appraisal conducted following 3 steps: * Rapport building * Social Mapping * Wealth ranking • Door to door mini survey - verification

  10. Some Baseline Information : 2002 • 54 % completely landless • 50% of household cannot afford two meals a day • 70% depend on irregular day labour for income source • 95% ultra poor have no fixed place for defecation • Only 3% of the ultra poor household reported ever participation in development programs

  11. Supports and services provided to ultra poor members through the pushing down strategies • Enterprise Development Training • Special Investment :Asset Transfer/ Stipend as short term income support • Tailor made health care program • Tailor made social development services

  12. Some Special Features of Enterprise DevelopmentTraining Programme • 3-5 day class-room Training and monthly/quarterly refresher courses. • Hands on Training throughout 24 month period . • Ensuring technical support and input supplies to run the enterprise successfully.

  13. Some Special Features of the Asset Transfer/ SpecialInvestment Component • Asset transfer as grant. • Support in kind • Weekly stipend for short term income support • Close supervision for 24 months

  14. Tailor Made Health Interventions for the Ultra Poor Members • Promotive (eg. Health education, awareness raising for family planning, use of sanitary latrines, etc.) • Preventive (Immunization, ANC, Vitamin A, etc.) • Limited curative care (TB treatment by Health Volunteers, Access to qualified health practitioners, etc.) - Financial Assistance For Mild and Severe morbidity

  15. Tailor Made Social Development Program for The Ultra Poor Members • Social Awareness Education • Community Mobilization (Village Poverty Reduction Committee) • Confidence building

  16. Tailor made Social Development: Community Mobilization for The Ultra Poor Members Village Poverty Reduction Committee to : • Provide social security , resolve social conflicts • Install tube well , sanitary latrines • Repair/ rebuild houses • Support during illness • Help enroll their children in school

  17. Support programs • Advocacy and Social Communication • Action Research

  18. A Repeat Survey on Nutritional Status by RED2004

  19. CFPR Repeat survey 2005 by BRAC RED reveals : Description 2002 2005Sanitary latrine used: 2.32% 78.36%Non latrine : 94.82% 19.33%Have savings : 8.13% 98.44%Loan to invest in IGAs : 7.62% 27.91%Could not eat for the whole day : 62.10% 14.86%

  20. STUP Graduation Matrix

  21. What makes the programme work • Thoughtful program design taking past experiences of BRAC • Careful staff recruitment and development process • Effective monitoring and supervision • Close Coordination • Continuous research • Enormous support from development partners

  22. Key Lessons Learned • The ultra Poor are not homogeneous group • Special efforts needed to change the “mind set at all levels” . • Close follow-up model is ‘a must’ for any program for the ultra poor. • Educating/assisting the ultra poor on making their future plan is critical • Social mobilization is necessary to create an enabling environment for the ultra poor

  23. Future Challenges and CFPR Phase II • Rethinking targeting • Capturing diversity • Continuing health support for the graduates • Capacity building

  24. Visit Bangladeshvisit CFPRThank you

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