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Faithful Assimilation: Enhancing Church Outreach

Discover effective events and actions for assimilating new members since December 2014, improving retention strategies, and bridging gaps in church membership. Learn why assimilation matters and how to successfully integrate newcomers into the church community.

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Faithful Assimilation: Enhancing Church Outreach

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  1. Assimilation A system that works

  2. Assimilation List 5 events/actions in your church’s outreach ministry since December 2014.

  3. Assimilation List 5 events/actions in your church’s outreach ministry since December 2014. List 5 events/actions in your church’s assimilation ministry since December 2014.

  4. Assimilation Holy Word Assimilation Rate: 1/2 1/7 1/15 1/21

  5. Assimilation We work very hard to get people into church, but not as hard to keep them coming back. Why? (TPS)

  6. Assimilation We work very hard to get people into church, but not as hard to keep them coming back. Why? (Explain) • Outreach - machine. Assimilation - messy.

  7. Assimilation We work very hard to get people into church, but not as hard to keep them coming back. Why? • Outreach - machine. Assimilation - messy. • Thoughtless theology? “It’s God’s job now.”

  8. Assimilation We work very hard to get people into church, but not as hard to keep them coming back. Why? • Outreach - machine. Assimilation - messy. • Thoughtless theology? “It’s God’s job now.” • Outreach - communication. Assimilation - culture.

  9. Assimilation We work very hard to get people into church, but not as hard to keep them coming back. Why? • Outreach - machine. Assimilation - messy. • Thoughtless theology? “It’s God’s job now.” • Outreach - communication. Assimilation - culture. • Led by feelings vs. faith(fulness).

  10. Assimilation We work very hard to get people into church, but not as hard to keep them coming back. Why? • Outreach - machine. Assimilation - messy. • Thoughtless theology? “It’s God’s job now.” • Outreach - communication. Assimilation - culture. • Led by feelings vs. faith(fulness). • You haven’t attended this workshop :-)

  11. Assimilation Why have an assimilation system? • Faithfulness to God • Faithfulness to those who need Jesus • Faithfulness to our people who invite them • Faithfulness to our outreach and nurture ministry • Saves You Stress Time Energy and Money

  12. Assimilation Assimilation as a three-step process… • First-time guest to second-time guest • Second-time guest to regular attender • Regular attender to active member Each of these receives their own special treatment. And between each is a “gap” that needs to be attended to.

  13. Assimilation First-Time Guest • The first 7 minutes: street, greet, treat, seat

  14. Assimilation First-Time Guest • The first 7 minutes: street, greet, treat, seat • Connection Card (sample)

  15. Assimilation “Hello and welcome to Holy Word.  I’m Pastor Daron Lindemann. It’s great to see you all and I’m happy to have you here. We’re continuing our Easter series, Risen.  Today’s theme is “New Life.” Take a look inside your worship program and find your Connection Card.  It looks like this. Please take just a moment and fill out this card during today’s service. Then drop it in the offering basket as it goes by following the sermon. If you’ve been with us before, put your name and email address on the card, but if today is your first time with us, we welcome you as our guest, we hope you feel right at home. We simply ask that you complete as much information on this card as you feel comfortable sharing. And be sure you mark that box that says 1st or 2nd time guest. We’d also love for you to tell us how you heard about Holy Word. As you can imagine, that’s helpful to us in inviting others to our church. On the back of the card is a place for prayer requests. We take your prayer requests seriously. If there’s any we can pray for you, feel free to jot that down. Also, we have a gift for you at the Welcome Center in the lobby, so please stop by and pick up your gift on the way out.”

  16. Assimilation First-Time Guest • The first 7 minutes: street, greet, treat, seat • Connection Card • On-site gift

  17. Assimilation First-Time Guest • The first 7 minutes: street, greet, treat, seat • Connection Card • On-site gift • Follow-up • Pray. 36-hour email with survey. 96-hour hand written card. 1 month follow-up letter.

  18. Assimilation First-Time Guest • Get feedback. Secret friend. Survey.

  19. Assimilation First-Time Guest Online Survey Thank you for visiting Holy Word recently! You matter to us, and so does your opinion. We would appreciate your feedback on the following four questions: • What did you notice first? • What did you like best? • What was your overall impression? • How can we pray for you? Name: Phone:

  20. Assimilation Second-Time Guest Online Survey Thank you for visiting Holy Word for a second time! We would appreciate your feedback on the following four questions: • What was most memorable about your first or second time at Holy Word? • Would you feel comfortable inviting your friends to attend Holy Word with you? Why? • How could we improve your experience? • Would you be interested in learning more about (Connect Groups, serving on Sunday, volunteer groups)? Name: Phone:

  21. Assimilation Second-Time Guest Follow-Up • Encourage them to check the box on the Connection Card • Pray • The 36-hour email with survey • The 96-hour letter with gift card • 1 month follow up-letter with invitation to Newcomers Class

  22. Assimilation Regular Attenders • Think “relationships and responsibilities!” • Make it easy to find and enter a Connect Group, a service project, or fun event. • Have regular on ramps scheduled so that people can find the way in. • Also give people exit ramps so that they don’t feel as if they are signing their life away when they register for something at the church.

  23. Assimilation Assimilation as a three-step process… • First-time guest to second-time guest • Second-time guest to regular attender • Regular attender to active member

  24. Assimilation Three-Step Plan • Recruit an assimilation team with a gift mix of people and process lovers. 1) Think of 3-5 names of people some already involved some not. 2) Date of first meeting ___________. • Read Nelson Searcy’s Fusion: Turning First-Time Guests Into Fully-Engaged Members of Your Church.Order the books you need. Get them to the assimilation team to read before your first meeting. • Use the book to determine your assimilation rate. Deadline: ___________ • Handouts

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