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Ireland – Basic Facts

Ireland – Basic Facts. The official name: The Republic of Ireland Area: 70,280 sq km Capital : Dublin Major cities : Cork , Limerick, Galway Population : 4 million Official language : Irish and English Political structure : Parlimentary republic

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Ireland – Basic Facts

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  1. Ireland – Basic Facts The official name: The Republic ofIreland Area: 70,280 sq km Capital: Dublin Major cities: Cork, Limerick, Galway Population: 4 million Officiallanguage: Irish and English Politicalstructure: Parlimentaryrepublic TheHeasoftheState: president Nationalsymbols: theharph and theshamrock Zdroj: [cit. 2013-04-10]. Dostupný pod licencí CreativeCommons na WWW: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Shamrock.svg

  2. Location • anislandlyingwestofBritain, separatedfromBritain by theIrishSea • politicalydevidedintothe Republic ofIreland (a sovereign state) and NorthernIreland (a part ofthe UK) Zdroj: [cit. 2013-04-10]. Dostupný pod licencí public domainna WWW: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3AEi-map.svg

  3. The Flag • consistsofthreeequalstripesrepresentingtheIrishCatholics (green stripe), theIrishProtestants (orangestripe), and peacebetweenthem (whitestripe) • theorangecolourisassociatedwiththe king William of Orange whosevictory in the 17th centurysecured Protestant dominance overtheisland • green symbolizesthemostly green landscapeofIreland, but alsoIrishnationalism Zdroj: [cit. 2013-04-10]. Dostupný pod licencí CreativeCommons na WWW: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3AIreland_flag.gif

  4. History • Irelandwasoriginallyinhabited by theCelts. St. Patrick broughtthemChristianity in the 5th cent. (patron saintofIreland) • NormansfromEnglandmoved to Ireland, in the 12th cent., imposingEnglishlaw on Ireland – a long seriesofrevoltswerecrushed • in the Early Rising n April 1916, thenationalistsproclaimedindependence, but the revolt wassuppressed by theBritisharmy • an independent Irishstatewasestablished in 1921 but thesixnotherncountriesremained a part ofthe UK – thestrugglesbetweentheCatholics and the pro-BritishProtestantscontinueduntilltheGoodFridayAgreementwassigned in 1998

  5. Economy • sincejoiningthe EU in 1973 – growth in economy, transformationfrom a largelyagricultural society into a technology-basedeconomy • theeconomygrew up rapidly in the 1990's so thatthestatewascalledtheCelticTiger

  6. Questions • Decideifthestatementbelow are true (T) orfalse (F): • TheislandofNorthernIrelandisoccupied by theRepulbicofIrelandonly. • Dublin isthecapital city oftheNorthernIreland. • TheCatholics and theProtestantslived in peace in onestatetogether. • What are thesymbolsofthe Republic ofIreland. • In whatwasistheIrish flag symbolic? • Whoisthe patron saintofIreland?

  7. AnswerKey • a) F, b) F, c) F. • Thesymbols are theharph and theshamrock. • The flag consistsofthreeequalstripesrepresentingtheIrishCatholics (green stripe), theIrishProtestants (orangestripe), and peacebetweenthem (whitestripe). • St. Patrick (broughtCristianity to Ireland)

  8. Source BELÁN, Juraj. Odmaturuj! z anglického jazyka. Vyd. 1. Brno: Didaktis, 2005, 256 s. Odmaturuj!. ISBN 80-735-8024-1. BRENDLOVÁ, Světla. Reálie anglicky mluvících zemí. 2., dopl. vyd. Plzeň: Fraus, c1996, 79 s. ISBN 80-857-8487-4. EL-HMOUDOVÁ, Dagmar. Angličtina pro střední školy. 1. vyd. Třebíč: Petra Velanová, 2006. ISBN 80-868-7302-1. KEMPTON, Grant. New opportunities UK/US: workbook. Vyd. 1. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2006, 256 s. Odmaturuj!. ISBN 978-140-5829-441. KEMPTON, Grant. New opportunities UK/US: workbook. Vyd. 1. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2006, 256 s. Odmaturuj!. ISBN 978-0-582-84791-0.

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