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Status of LHC-LHCb Data Exchange

This document provides an update on the status of LHC-LHCb data exchange MEP requests and the timing and fast control systems used in the LHCb experiment. It also discusses the status of various components and systems, including the LHC orbit, RF2TTC, TTCoc, BST, L0, MEP Req, trigger splitter, local trigger, ODIN Readout Supervisor, BPIM, MUNIN, Throttle Switch, THOR, TTCtx, TTC system, TTCoc Optical splitter, TTCrx, VELO L0 FE, ECAL L0 FE, FREJA, TTC monitoring, TELL1, HUGIN, VELO L1 FE, LHC and TFC racks, CIBU, LHC Clock and Orbit Reception, Beam Synchronous Timing Info, Beam Pickups and acquisition, and Beam Interlock System.

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Status of LHC-LHCb Data Exchange

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Presentation Transcript

  1. I will not repeat the standard use of all the systems…. Status of LHC-LHCb Data Exchange

  2. MEP Requests LHCb Timing and Fast Control LHC orbit RF2TTC TTCoc(BST) BST LHC clock L0 (LVDS) MEP Req. (GbE) MEP Req. (GbE) Trigger splitter Local trigger L0 ODIN Readout Supervisor ODIN Readout Supervisor ODIN Readout Supervisor BPIM MUNIN Throttle Switch THOR TFC Switch TTCtx Optical transmitter TTCtx Optical transmitter TTCtx Optical transmitter TTCtx Optical transmitter TTCtx Optical transmitter TTC system TTCoc Optical splitter TTCoc Optical splitter TTCoc Optical splitter TTCoc Optical splitter TTCrx TTCrx VELO L0 FE ECAL L0 FE TTCrx TTCrx FREJA TTC monitoring TTCrx TTCrx TTCrx TTCrx VELO L0 FE VELO L0 FE VELO L0 FE VELO L0 FE VELO L0 FE VELO L0 FE TTCrx VELO TELL1 TTCrx ECAL TELL1 HUGIN Throttle OR TTCrx TTCrx HUGIN Throttle OR VELO L1 FE VELO L1 FE

  3. LHC and TFC racks 3rd floor (D3) in UX85 counting houses CIBU

  4. LHC Clock and Orbit Reception • Control is based on PVSS and USB-VME bridge • Tested and validated Sophie’s RF2TTC kit • Control OK but we prefer • VME access according to standard • I2C access according to common practice with address/data register interface • Signal compatibility (clock and orbit over several hours to ODIN OK) • ODIN has “digital PLL” on orbit signal • Pit installation • TTC patch panel, crate and fibers (5+2) in place (not yet patched up to Sophie if I understand correctly) • Control PC and USB-VME bridge in place • Would like to receive external clock/orbit when we receive final RF2TTC if possible

  5. Beam Synchronous Timing Info • Used to receive: • GPS time inserted into data to have the exact time of the event • BST fibre connected directly to ODIN (TTCrx on board) • To correlate event with Conditions DB • Machine modes among other things although not the only way we get these • ODIN data bank: • For LHC shutdown periods we can set the time via the control interface and count internally or simply use Run Number + Orbit Number + BID (ID of event) as “time”. • Pit installation • Fan-out (TTCoc), patch panel and fibres (2) in place (patched up to BST master?)

  6. Beam Pickups and acquisition • BPTXs and signal cables in place with connectors (patch cables ordered, received?) • Analogue part is being tested in lab • Power supplies OK • Clock and orbit reception OK, programmable clock delays and distribution OK • Signal input stage OK • Attenuator not OK, has been by-passed and will be redesigned • 2(3)/4 stages of full-wave rectifier OK after hard work. One stage is still ringing • Ringing on integrator discharge circuit being investigated • Threshold comparator and zero-crossing OK

  7. Beam Interlock System • LHCb sources: • VELO motion system • Magnet • Background measurements • Locate CIBU in the rack of user system on UPS • Patch panel in D3B09 for three CIBUs • Cabling BIC-Patch Panel done • Installation of patch panel to be done • Cabling Patch Panel – CIBU to be done (VELO:20m, Magnet:40m, Background:~0m) • VELO is working on developing the PLC to drive the CIBU • Post-mortem timing…. • Will be tested and reviewed together with AB/CO • Magnet • Had two meetings with them (Nicola Bourgeois) • Fast background measurements, to be seen • Beam Condition Monitors (diamonds) via LHCb readout board TELL1, GPIO can be used via PLC to drive beam dump

  8. General Machine Timing • Use is only for “Safe Stable Beam” and “Movable Devices Allowed” flags • Online client is VELO beam interlock system • GMT cable (1 or 2?) installed up to LHC rack • GMT receiver crate in D3B09 on UPS • Installation of crate to be done (? See below) • VME Central Timing Receiver (CTRV) • Additional CTD Cable Driver for >4m (fan-out) • Cabling up to VELO motion system (20m) • Who controls and monitors? • VME controller on Technical network, directly managed by AB/CO • USB-VME bridge (same as for TTC), controlled by us and status published via DIP? • What has to be done to get it into a runnable state? • Save a crate and a controller and a lot of software overhead…

  9. Data Interchange Protocol • Information: • LHC status and performance • All what we have decided • Experiment status and performance • All what we have decided • Background measurement under discussion • DIP server/client on gateway machine • LHCb private network isolated from CERN network and technical network • Gateway at LHCB domain – CERN domain / LHCB domain – Technical network domain ? • Information published and subscribed with LHC experiment control system (PVSS)

  10. Conclusions • LHC – LHCb interfaces in good progress • Important points • When do we get clock and orbit • When can we expect tests with BST (just “emulation” mode) • GMT system control and monitoring and when do we get equipment/test • BIS reviews and in-situ tests (when and how)

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