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Maritime Headquarters (MHQ) with Maritime Operations Centers (MOC). CAPT Larry “Rat” Slade Second Fleet 8 May 2007. Why MHQ w/ MOC?. Gaps in C2 Capabilities: OIF, 9-11, OP Anaconda, Katrina HA/DR identified limited ability to: Command in a dynamic environment
Maritime Headquarters (MHQ) withMaritime Operations Centers (MOC) CAPT Larry “Rat” Slade Second Fleet 8 May 2007
Why MHQ w/ MOC? • Gaps in C2 Capabilities: • OIF, 9-11, OP Anaconda, Katrina HA/DR identified limited ability to: • Command in a dynamic environment • Rapidly identify necessary participants or communities of interest across echelons for planning and response to crisis action • Provide consistent situational understanding at all command levels • Efficiently collaborate • Receive rapid feedback to assess and adapt to emerging conditions and shortened planning/execution timelines • Demand signals / guidance: • National Strategy for Maritime Security, Sep 2005 • SECDEF memo – Formation & Sustainment of JTF HQs, Feb 2005 • QDR, 2005 (Distributed Networked Operations) • CNO Guidance, 2006 and 2007 • Naval Operations Concept, Sep 2006 • Consensus of CNO Maritime Security Conference, Jan & Sep 2006 Close the gaps at the operational-level of warfare
Where we were …. • OIF/OEF lessons drive MHQ w/ MOC development • Develop Joint Planning Expertise: • “When the CAT and OPG were stood up, staff officers' formal knowledge of joint doctrine, military planning process skills…, and information management plan was limited. These skills were shown to be essential for effective execution during 1003V.” – Navy Leader • Build Operational Level Commander / Planner: • “Navy has no counterpart to the CAOC.” • “Some functions given to CSGs were more appropriate for Operational-Level Commander e.g. IWC, FOTC, MIWC, etc.” • Advanced communication support systems historically targeted at the tactical-level (CSG) vice operational-level
Levels of Command Strategic Level ADCON COCOM MHQs Operational Level Tactical Level Naval forces Other assigned or attached forces
AGENCY AGENCY AGENCY National Mil Command Ctr National Mil Joint Intel Ctr Chris Wagner Levels of Command PRESIDENT SECDEF / JOINT STAFF Policy Level Combatant Commander Strategic Level NCC Operational Level # Fleet CDR COMNAVNETWARCOM Tactical Level ESF CSG * ESG * SSG &COALITION
Potential Navy Roles Joint Force Choices Joint Force Commander Army JFLCC Functional Component CDRs* Service Component CDRs* JFACC Air Force JFMCC Navy Marines JFSOCC Sub-unified CDR or JTF CDR Joint Task Force CDR* Potential Navy roles * • Navy CDRs in Joint Roles: (when designated by JFC) • - Joint Task Force CDR (JTF CDR) • - Functional Component CDR (JFMCC) • - Service Component CDR in support of JFC (JFNCC) MHQs must be prepared to fulfill all three roles
MOC “right-sized” for normal & routine activities Reachback support reduces on-site manning Scalable as missions and roles increase in complexity Preplanned augmentation allows rapid transition with “ready” personnel Capable of distributed ops; afloat, ashore or distributed using forward element(s) MHQ w/ MOC CONOPSAugmentation & Forward Element
“MHQs with MOCs”Key Elements of the Concept • Functionally Organized • Organize Maritime Headquarters (MHQs) to execute Fleet Management (Title 10) and Operations functions 2. Maritime Operations Center (MOC) • Develop, activate, man and equip a MOC to support all MHQ req’ts 3. Organizational Scalability • Augment MHQs with pre-established augmentation plans for expected missions (add’l Navy/Joint systems - people, processes, tools) 4. Organizational Flexibility • Support flexible MHQ organizations (ashore, afloat, distributed) with capability to deploy forward elements, including the commander. 5. Standardization • Standardize MHQs and MOCs for manning, training and equipping, while retaining commander’s options to meet theater specific needs. 6. Globally-Networked • Globally connect MHQs and MOCs, with links to other services, multinational, federal, state, local agencies and NGOs
Derived from joint processes, to enable interoperability across joint commands Focused on A. P. E. model; Assess-Plan-Execute Standardized employment for MOC staff, augments, liaison & subordinates and other components Facilitates MOC-MOC coordination across geographic and functional boundaries MOC Process Appendix - 36 core processes MHQ w/ MOC CONOPSStandardized MOC Processes
Focused on CDR’s Guidance and decision-making Organized in centers, cells, teams working groups and boards based on type of ops Integrated logistics and intelligence Synchronized battle rhythms and cycles (TSC, MSO, MCO) MHQ w/ MOC CONOPSOps Performed by MOC Organization
Global MDA delivered thru collaboration with other services, agencies, nations and commercial entities Global influence, shaping or response to trans-regional threats coordinated via MOC-MOC-other ops centers/agencies Common information sharing –“crawl”, cross regional planning – “walk”, workload sharing – “run” MHQ and MOC continuity of operations available during critical operations MHQ w/ MOC CONOPSProducing Global Maritime Influence Requires common policies, doctrine, processes and information structures
“Kill” Chain “Watch” Chain GMII MOTR (MDT) MDA Find Fix Track Target Engage Assess Intel Surveil Track/Char/ID Recon Assess Engage Assess MOC DynamicDetect, Track & Engage Process MOC capable of conducting multiple and simultaneous “Watch” and “Kill” operations across the AOR
MHQ w/ MOC CONOPSCertification Cycle • Continuously performing the certification cycle • Organize: Revise command METs as directed • Man: Establish new/revised activity and joint manning documents based on roles assigned • Train: All MOC staff, subordinate and component personnel on NMET / JMET tasks and processes • Equip: Identify mission reqts; correct system gaps • Certify: Complete certification process • Per JMETL (JTF HQ, JFMCC, JFNCC) • Per NMETL (NCC, NFC or Prin HQ)
MHQ w/ MOC CONOPSMOC Manning • MOC manned to meet Phase Ø Ops with limited surge capability • Self-augmentation available within MHQ for short duration • Reachback and collaborative support provide virtual augmentation • Active and reserve augmentation pre-planned and trained to meet specific tasks • Joint, inter-agency and coalition augmentation tailored to ops
Send personnel through Navy standardized MOC training; enroute or once attached Augment with other operational-level schools for functionally focused personnel Send key personnel through the Naval Operational Planner’s Course (NOPC) Use grads in key MOC billets Utilize NCTE for virtual and constructive training for MOCs Utilize CNO-sponsored Senior Mentor Program to enhance leadership team knowledge MHQ w/ MOC CONOPSTraining - Joint Maritime Operations
Survey all systems against major process areas and MOC baseline, upgrade when possible / affordable Most MOCs currently have most of the FY08 baseline Includes capabilities for multinational and NGO collaboration Identify regional or functional unique systems; procure/install as possible MHQ OAG / Fleet input priorities for MOC configuration program Implement frequent system review and refresh process MHQ w/ MOC CONOPSSystem Standardization & Upgrade
5 Full MOCs: Numbered Fleets capability for all operational-level functions and roles across ROMO 5 Tailored MOCs: NCC & Principal HQs capabilities tailored to meet specific needs FFC, NAVSO; more assessment and future planning than daily ops CPF, same as above, + JTF-519 capability set NNWC (NIOSC) and SUB CTFs require specific functional focus MHQ w/ MOC CONOPSGlobal Network of MOCs
Navy-Maritime Organizationsas Maritime Headquarters (MHQs) (Geographic Combatant Commands) CENTCOM PACOM EUCOM NORTHCOM SOUTHCOM NCC-CCDR Numbered Fleets Principal HQs COMNAVSO COMNAVCENT COMPACFLT COMNAVEUR CFFC C6F C2F / C3F C3F / C7F C5F (Functional Combatant Commands) SOCOM STRATCOM TRANSCOM JFCOM NCC-CCDR Numbered Fleets Principal HQs CFFC CFFC NAVSPECWAR MSC C2F NNWC SUB CTFs
FFC NAVEUR C6F NAVCENT C5F NAVSO PACFLT C2F C7F C3F NNWC SUB CTFs MHQ w/ MOCDelivering Key Enablers Navy Enterprise MHQ Commands 1. MPT&E – Manning & Training Pipeline, Facilities, Competencies, Curriculum & Leadership 2. Materiel & Facilities Common C4I Baseline Globally Networked Forward Element Capability 3. Organization and Certification Assist and Assess Team Doctrine and Organization Standardized Processes Enhanced Navy Operational-Level Command & Control
MHQ w/ MOCSummary • Operational-Level Gaps Must Be Closed • Navy Must Influence Joint, National and Coalition • Navy solution will influence and integrate with joint C2 efforts • MHQ w/ MOC sharpens national and international MDA focus • Balance Capability Delivery with Risk / Affordability • Accelerate development of “core” MHQ w/ MOC capabilities • Implement MHQ w/ MOC elements at high priority commands • Deliver balance of capabilities on a phased, controlled schedule MHQ w/ MOC – Navy’s Operational-Level of Warfare Enabler
JTF CDR JFMCC Functional Alignment of MHQ MARITIME HEADQUARTERS (MHQ) NCC-CCDR • Navy Operational-Level CDRs*: • Navy Component CDR (NCC-CCDR) • Numbered Fleet CDR (# Fleet CDR) • - Principal HQ CDR (Prin. HQ CDR) Designated Joint CDRs**: - Joint Task Force CDR (JTF CDR) - Functional Component CDR (JFMCC) - Navy Service Component CDR (JFNCC) # Fleet CDR Prin. HQ CDR JFNCC ** when designated by JFC * as assigned in Forces For… MHQ CDR Fleet Management Operations (MOC) Shared Support Staff Fleet & Ops Navy Service Functions Operations Functions Functions How Do We Align Fleet HQ Functionality?
MHQ w/ MOC CONOPSCertification Support Responsibilities Training Lane Work on BIG “J” JFCOM IAC / Int’l COCOMs JTF Joint Work on Little “j” (Joint Organize, Train, and Equip) JFSOCC SOCOM USA / USMC JFLCC Functional USAF JFACC USN JFMCC JFNCC / MHQ CSG/ ESG Platform Individual Shared responsibility (Service Organize, Train, and Equip) Service Certify as directed – COCOM for JTF / JFMCC; NCC for JFNCC / NFC
“MOC Generated” TAMD Plan DEMO DATA ONLY Fully Integrated, Prepared, Executable ADP
MHQ w/ MOC CONOPSFunctional Theater Organization Operational Level AADC MHQ w/ MOC TIO TSTK TASW TAMD TBD (Non-Kinetic and Kinetic) ESF Tactical Level CSG CSG ESG ESG ESG SSG SSG UNCLASSIFIED
Focused Logistics (LOG) Battlespace Awareness (BA) Command & Control (C2) Force Application (Fires) Operational Protection (P) MHQ w/ MOCSupports Theater & JOA Reqt’s IGO / NGO Interagency (IA) Force Management (FM) THEATER / AOR JOA NCC, # Fleet, JFMCC Theater Tasks (executed thru functional subordinate CDRs) JOA Maritime Tasks thru ESF + other forces • - Theater Force Mgt, RFFs • - Theater-wide Logistics Support • - Regional MDA, ISR, Reg. COP • - OPLANs, Organize, Tasking • - TAMD, TASW, AT/FP • Theater IO, Targeting, Strike • POLMIL, IGO Coord FM LOG BA C2 P Fires IA • - RFF for JOA, • - Log Plans, Reqts • - Local COP, CM plan • - Guidance, Plan, Task • - AW, AT/FP, ASW • STKC, TLAM, IO • Criminal, HA/DR FM LOG BA C2 P Fires IA/NGO Mutual Support: AOR - JOA Mutual Support: AOR - AOR Core MHQ w/ MOC Functions – Support Theater & JOA Req’ts
Manage Planning on 3 Event Horizons Future Plans / J5 Future Ops / J35 Current Ops / J3 Operational focus is on execution of current operations, “what is.” Directs execution of branches and sequels Fragmentary Operation Orders (FRAGOs). Operational focus is on “what’s next.” Typically responsible for planning the next phase of operations (sequels). Operational focus is on “what if.” Typically responsible for branch planning. Prepares components for future operations Warning Orders (WARNORDs). Products Products Products • Branch plans • Preconditions • Triggers • Draft Cdr’s intent • Recommend CCIRs • Concept of ops • Component tasks • Coord instructions • Risks • ROE • Changes • Plan Synch • Decision support matrix / template • OPLANS • OPORDERS • Wargaming results • Initial JTF/JFMCC guidance • Sequel plans for future phases • Concept of operations • Risks • Draft Cdr’s intent Handoff Handoff • Execution checklists • CCIR oversight • ORDERS • Branch plan • “Sketch / Storyboard” with draft • WARNORD and synch / decision support tools • With planner explanation • “Sketch / Storyboard” sequels • With planner explanation
Translate Analysis Effects Based Thinking Strategic Joint Tactical Actions Operational Nat’l and Int’l Objectives P M E S I I D EFFECTS Country Teams Objectives I Guidance / Intent RCC Objectives M E Staff and componentsanalyzethe mission using all tools available (ONA, CIE, COA, VIE, etc.) to determine what Effects they want to accomplish within the operational environment to achieve theater and strategic objectives Commander issues guidance and intentto his staff and components and the supporting agencies to accomplish fused, synchronized, and appropriate Actions on PMESII systems within the operational environment to attain desired effects and achieve objectives Commanders and staffs translatewhat they see, hear, and feel from national / international dialogue into solid, logical Campaign Objectives from the RCC perspective
XXX XXX CFLCC CFLCC MHQ CDR MHQ CDR Fleet Management Fleet Management Maritime Operations Center Maritime Operations Center Fleet & Ops Support Fleet & Ops Support Mutual Mutual Navy Service Functions Navy Service Functions Operations Functions Operations Functions Support Support Standardized Procedures and Staffsfor more seamless integration across Joint Components No more: “You operate totally differently than the other Navy command did.” DEPLOYMENT contingency training exercise Moving from one CCDR to another CCDR
MHQ role in MDA • Navy’s Operational level MDA C2 node. • Linkage to USCG Areas & Districts • Disseminate tactical MDA from units • Coordinate with Int’l partners and CCDRs ?? • Global network of MOCs will help develop Global MDA from Regional MDA • GMSA Enterprise interaction remains TBD
Maritime Domain Awareness • Joint • Interagency • Alliances • Coalition • Nation-Nation • Commercial • Need to Share vs. Need to Know • Global network of MOCs will form the backbone for the Navy’s contribution to the MDA “Mural” • MHQ with MOC implementation will be synchronized with National and OPNAV MDA efforts
CNO Direction (11 JUL 06) • Champion and Align Around MHQ w/ MOC • OPNAV Sponsor • Provide Continuing Development Funds • OPNAV FY-07 Funding • Treat MHQ w/ MOC as Weapons System • Emphasize Common Functions, Processes, Billets, Systems across all MHQs • Infuse MHQ w/ MOC into Maritime Strategy and OPS Concepts
CNO Tasking (15 NOV 06) • 1. Standardization of MOCs. Coordinate with JFCOM to do an independent quicklook of how our various MOCs function today. Follow this quicklook with a self-assessment from each fleet commander at the next Maritime Security Conference. (action – C2F / FFC) • 2. Intel requirements and realignment. Move out on intel realignment to support both the operational and tactical level requirements. Provide me with a coordinated proposal. (action – OPNAV N2 / FFC) • 3. Navy IO in STRATCOM domain. I need a better understanding on how we present / protect Navy equity in the joint arena as STRATCOM constructs its JFCCs. (action – NNWC / OPNAV N6) • 4. Accelerate revision of JP 3-32. Revise to incorporate current MHQ w/ MOC Concept and CONOPS. Do so inside the normal revision timeline. (action – NWDC / OPNAV N3/5) • 5. Deliver a Strategic Communication Plan for MHQ w/ MOC. (action – FFC / C2F) • 6. Human Resources Study for MHQ w/ MOC. Identify the personnel and training requirements for MHQ w/ MOC within the PR-09 build. (action - OPNAV N1 / NWC)
MOC “T” MOC “T” MHQ w/ MOCCritical Paths / Major Milestones 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 CBAs Op Architecture Experimentation NWP NTTP / JTTP JP 3-32 JMETL Competencies Manning Doc Curriculum Dev Ongoing MHQ w/ MOC Training Cert Team Dev Ongoing JFMCC Assist, Assess and Certification System Design Ongoing Maintenance # Fleet MOCs CFFC & CPF MOCs MOC “X” O-5/O-6 Coalition JFMCC Ongoing Flag, O-5/O-6, Coalition JFMCC Courses Curriculum Dev Reserves RC AMD Ongoing Personnel review & alignment Detailing Joint JMD Ongoing upgrades NCCs
Discovery Hypothesis Testing Demonstration Acquire/ Build Fielded Capability MHQ w/ MOC Experimentation Spiral Development MHQ Capabilities Portfolios We are here 24 Months 18 Months
N U M B E R E D N U M B E R E D N U M B E R E D F L E E T F L E E T F L E E T Globally Networked MOCs (TW07)Global Maritime Information Highways Combatant Commanders (Geographic) (Functional) N C C JTF & JFMCC N C C N C C N C C J T F J T F J T F Functional NCCs & Prin HQs FFC, SPECWAR, MSC, NNWC, Sub CTFs J F M C C J F M C C J F M C C AUS MOC CAN MOC NATO MOC(s) 2nd Fleet 3rd Fleet 6th Fleet ITALY UK ONI/NMIC INTEL M D A OTHER SERVICES STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS COP / UDOP USCG LANT/PAC INFO / DATABASES COMM’L ENTITIES OTHER AGENCIES COALITION COALITION COALITION Core Functions, Processes and Systems Must be Common
Globally Connected AOCs & MOCs (JEFX 08) Network USN & Coalition MOCs to USAF Linked AOCs to perform integrated operations within and across theaters and regions
MOC Operations Process OPS SUPPORT CIS MOC Command Element JAG DOCTRINE Centralized Assessment Current Operations ADMIN Centralized Guidance OPS SUPPORT Decentralized Execution KM Distributed planning Future Planning PAO Future Operations MEDICAL AND OTHERS… Standardized Process with integrated Intel, Logistics & Liaison
MHQ CDR MHQ CDR Fleet Management Fleet Management Maritime Operations Center Maritime Operations Center Fleet & Ops Support Fleet & Ops Support Mutual Mutual Navy Service Functions Navy Service Functions Operations Functions Operations Functions Support Support Standardized Procedures and Staffsfor more seamless “CHOP” of USN Forces No more: “Forget how you did it in Xth Fleet.. We do things differently here” Change of Operational Control (CHOP)
MOC Targeting Process - Supports Joint targeting process & unique Maritime targeting needs JTL Joint Target List Maritime TST Input subset of JFC TST JFC JIPTL – Joint Integrated Prioritized Target List Maritime Target Nomination List subset of Joint-oriented targeting Maritime-oriented targeting Maritime Dynamic Target List Maritime Prioritized Target List MDT MTL Maritime Target List Delegated to Maritime Subordinates (SG/CTF)