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Bottlenose Dolphins

Bottlenose Dolphins. By: Sidney Ropp 6A. Diet. Eat a variety of fish, shrimp, squids, etc. E at about 5% of their body weight a day Dolphins don’t chew their food

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Bottlenose Dolphins

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  1. Bottlenose Dolphins By: Sidney Ropp 6A

  2. Diet • Eat a variety of fish, shrimp, squids, etc. • Eat about 5% of their body weight a day • Dolphins don’t chew their food • When they find small fish, they flick the fish up with their fins and wait for the stunned prey to fall back down into the water

  3. DailyLife • Live in groups called pods, 2-15 dolphins in one pod and they hunt together for schools of fish • Live about 20 years, but can live to be up to 50 years old • Spend about 33% of their day sleeping • Swimming speed is 3 mph to 7 mph

  4. Interesting Facts • Can stay up to 15 minutes underwater • Can be as long as 2.8 meters long • Can leap up to 20 feet in the air • Have very good hearing and excellent vision • Called bottlenose dolphins because beak is shaped like a bottle • Scientific name- Tursiops truncates • Males can weigh more than 1000 lbs • Their brain is bigger than a human’s

  5. Reproduction • Females reproduce every 2-3 years • A calf is born tail first so it doesn’t drown • The female continues nursing 8 months after the calf is born • A calf is about 3 feet long when born • When pregnant, eat about 8% of their body weight a day

  6. Training • When training, it must trust you • Create a signal for every single thing you want your dolphin to do • Dolphins are fast learners but you have to work slow

  7. Hunting • Active predators • Dive as far down as 1600 feet for prey • Eat their prey quickly- stomach is designed for rapid digestion • Hunt in their pods

  8. Habitat • Live in all of the oceans • Also found in gulfs (especially Gulf of Mexico) • Live in saltwater regions • Pods travel to where they can find food

  9. A Famous Dolphin: Winter • A dolphin with an artificial tail (had more than 50 different tails attached as she grew) • Crab trap lines cut off circulation to her tail when she was 3 months old • Made into a movie (Dolphin Tale) • Can be visited at Clearwater Marine Aquarium • Weighs a healthy 230 pounds

  10. Bibliography Page • Internet Sources: • http://bottlenosed.wordpress.com/characteristics/ • http://seaworld.org/en/animal-info/animal-infobooks/bottlenose-dolphins/ • http://www.dolphins-world.com/bottlenose-dolphin-facts/ • http://www.dolphins-world.com/performing-bottlenose-dolphins/ • http://understanddolphins.tripod.com/dolphintraining.html • http://www.gulfworldmarinepark.com/bottlenose-dolphin-show-panama-city-beach • http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/animals/creaturefeature/bottlenose-dolphin/ • http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/photo-contest/2012/entries/158453/v\ • http://scientopia.org/blogs/scicurious/2013/09/06/friday-weird-science-a-dolphin-gets-spontaneous/ • http://www.imms.org/dolphin_program.php • http://www.dolphins-world.com/dolphin-habitat-and-distribution/ • http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6073/6076168755_fffa785673_z.jpg • http://karlsimposter.com/hosted/Slawomir%20Kazimierowicz/images/Dolphin.jpg • http://marinelife.about.com/od/cetaceans/p/Winter-The-Bottlenose-Dolphin.htm • http://seewinter.com/visit-winter/visitor-information • Book Sources: • Stephen, David. Dolphins, Seals, and Other Sea Mammals • New York: William Collins Sons and Company Limited, 1973

  11. Visit my website that goes with this presentation! www.bottlenosedolphinsbysidney.weebly.com

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