1. Simulation technologies central to multiscale systems engineering
MSERC simulation technologies must
Integrate multiple analysis, optimization and control methods
Be easily extended to address new models
Operate effectively on cost effective computers
Support design engineers
Integrate into companies� design/manufacturing processes and environments
Meeting these needs requires simulation automatic execution
Environment for Multiscale Systems Engineering (EMSE) to be constructed to address these requirements
MSERC Adaptive Simulation Methods
2. The Role of Adaptive Methods Product and process designers
Must focus their expertise on product or process development
Cannot spend the time needed to become �simulation tool experts�
Simulation methods must automatically deliver results to the required accuracy
Only way to do this is the application of adaptive methods that employ a posteriori measures of errors
Errors to be controlled include
Selection of the scales needing to be considered
Models to be used at any particular scale
Numerical discretizations used to solve the models used
Relating information between spatial and temporal scales
3. EMSE components will need to include
Interfaces to user
Linkage to design and manufacturing systems
Statistical methods
Atomic/molecular level tools
Continuum equation discretization methods
Scale linking models
Systems to solve large scale systems equations
Optimization algorithms
Control algorithms Environment for Multiscale Systems Engineering
4. State-of-the-Art for Multiscale Simulation Methods Useful available components
Various of atomic/molecular level modeling tools
Generalized methods for solving continuum equations with linkage to company PDM, CAD, etc.
Generalized mathematic programming and evolutionary optimization tools
Dynamic model reduction, and control and estimation algorithms
Components that are not available
Adaptive simulation techniques to ensure simulation reliability
Scale linking technologies
Methods for easy inclusion of new physical models as they develop
Large scale nonlinear model reduction
5. Multiscale Simulation Methods Summary of the State-of-the-Art
Atomic/molecular level model used for material design - Currently takes 10-20 years for a new material to be inserted into practice
Current codes designed for fixed discrete models - do not support adaptivity or scale linking
Simulation in engineering design limited since CAE experts required
Lack of simulation validation technologies
Companies are reluctant to provide the needed computational resources (even though the cost is low compared to the $400,000 to train a CAE expert (D.H. Brown) that can do meshes for continuum simulations)
6. Examples
Crashworthiness - Time and cost of crash test has justified careful qualification of simulation codes - Automotive companies now use simulation as basis for crashworthiness design
Simulation-based design at Visteon links parameterized CAD and automated analyses to design interior comfort control systems, etc.
The Environment for Multiscale Systems Engineering mustsupport the implementation of similar practices using a full range of multiscale simulationtechnologies State-of-Best-Practice
7. MSERC Multiscale Simulation Methods Environment for Multiscale Systems Engineering(EMSE)
Will not be a single monolithic software system
Will be a collection of components for multiscale systems engineering that
Employ MSERC, open source and commercial software components
Employ standard interfaces for easy substitution of alternative components
EMSE initial components
SCIRun scientific programming environment (U. of Utah)
Trellis geometry-based adaptive analysis components
PHASTA for turbulent flows
TSTT mesh interface built on AOMD/PAOMD
Quantum mechanics: Gaussian, Density functional, quantum tight-binding
Molecular dynamics: Cerius, Amber, codes for ionic, covalent and metals
Monte Carlo: Lattice models, coarse graining for polymeric systems, Kinetic Monte Carlo
Dislocation dynamics code
Optimization tools: DOT, EVOLVE, NNET
Control design and analysis tools: MATLAB toolboxes
8. SCIRun includes:
A user environment supporting a data flow programming model for simulation definition
Advanced graphics methods for scientific visualization
Support for computational steering SCIRun Scientific Programming Environment
9. Trellis geometry-based adaptive analysis code Trellis supports
Automated adaptive solution of PDEs directly from CAD models
Advanced discretization structures (Stabilized FEM, DG, PUM)
High-order discretization technologies
Parallel adaptive simulation of large problems
Extendable structures to add new methods
Initial support of coupled molecular/continuum computations
10. Multiscale Continuum Simulation for Composites
12. Parallel Adaptive Stabilized Transient Analysis code has:
SUPG stabilized solver for unsteady compressible or incompressible Navier Stokes equations in 3-D
2nd order accurate implicit or 4th order accurate explicit time integration
All levels of turbulence modeling implemented in one code (+ hybrids)
DNS where all scales resolved in space and time
LES where the most energetic scales are resolved, smaller scales modeled
RANS where all turbulent scales are modeled providing solution for the mean
Adaptivity based on statistical error measures PHASTA for Turbulent Flow Simulations
13. TSTT Mesh Interface Built on AOMD/PAOMD Terascale Simulation Tools and Technologies Center - DOE center to address interoperable scientific computing software
Rensselaer is partnered with Argonne, Brookhaven, LLNL, Oak Ridge, Sandia, and PNNL, and the SUNY Stony Brook
Rensselaer developing an Parallel Algorithm Oriented Mesh Database
PAOMD supports operations on meshes
Iterators, grouping capabilities, modification of adjacencies, classification
Application controlled adjacencies used
Support of conformal and non conformal adaptivity
Message passing through inter-processor boundaries
Dynamic load balancing
14. PAOMD/Trellis Example: Rayleigh Taylor Instability
15. Environment for Multiscale Systems Engineering EMSE Evolution
Will begin with the components indicated above
Years 1-3 focused on adding multiscale technologies needed for current MSERC applications
Years 4-6 will focus on increasing adaptive control past PDE discretizations including consideration of uncertainty
Interfaces to optimization and controls will be developed as we proceed
Integration with the commercial tools used by MSERC partners as we proceed
16. �software testbed� for the development of multiscale systems engineering technologies
Effective means to address new applications building on previous developments
Key platform for technology transfer
Provide clear demonstration of components and their integration
Accelerate transition of software components to commercial software systems
Environment for Multiscale Systems Engineering