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Dr. Jolanta Pivoriene Vice dean for projects and international relations Faculty of Social Policy

Strengthening educational cooperation between Nordic-Baltic countries by developing a module on supervision in social work. The project aims to improve the quality of social work through research, practice, and theory integration. Innovative aspects include transnational cooperation, European mobility, and academic recognition enhancement. The project timeline spans from 2008 to 2010, focusing on preparation, subject development, exploitation plan, promotion, and dissemination. The cooperation model emphasizes close partnership and shared responsibility among all partners for successful program development and implementation.

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Dr. Jolanta Pivoriene Vice dean for projects and international relations Faculty of Social Policy

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  1. Strengthening Nordic-Baltic educational cooperation in development of module“Supervision in Social Work” Dr. Jolanta Pivoriene Vice dean for projects and international relations Faculty of Social Policy Mykolas Romeris university Vilnius, Lithuania

  2. The main purpose of the project To develop module “Supervision in social work and other helping professions” which contributes to raising the quality of social work in Nordic-Baltic countries by linking research, professional practice and theory in supervision

  3. Innovative aspect of the project The new module enhances the quality and reinforces the Nordic-Baltic dimension of higher education in social work supervision by encouraging transnational cooperation between universities, strengthening European mobility and improving the transparency and full academic recognition of studies and social work qualifications throughout the European Union

  4. Project duration 2008-2010 • Preparation • Development of conception and plan of module • Development of study subjects/courses • Development the plan for exploitation of results • Promotion, awareness rising and dissemination

  5. Timeline of the project (plan) During the project two meetings per year in different countries and on-line communication in between the meetings were foreseen • kick off preparatory meeting in Vilnius was followed by • discussions on-line • during the first seminar-meeting in Gothenburg the outcomes of the first development stage (conception of the CD module) was summarized and the works of the second development stage (study subjects) started • on-line discussions helped to ensure quality of the outcomes • which were summarized during the second seminar-meeting in Riga • all the project ended with the evaluation meeting and conference in Vilnius for short term and long term target groups as well as for other stakeholders on national and international level

  6. Cooperation model Close cooperation and partnership is crucial and therefore ongoing communication and cooperation strategy is developed The design of the program seeks to maximize each partner’s participation and willingness to invest and enrich the development of the program as well as to take part in exploitation of results, dissemination, management and quality assurance activities During project implementation shared responsibility and democratic participation of all partners are emphasized

  7. 1st stage: preparation • approval of the application • signing the contract • organization of the kick off meeting

  8. 2nd stage: Development of conception and plan of module The kick-off meeting at Mykolas Romeris university (Vilnius, Lithuania) December 10-13, 2008 • set up overall organizational framework • discussed the study regulations and social work curriculum at every partners‘ University • identified common strategy's elements/components • drafted the design of the module, emphasizing interconnection of theory, field practice and scientific work • drafted the structure and outlined content of the courses/subjects, including expected skills and competencies • defined teaching methods/didactics, including assessment criteria • discussed project and program organization, management procedures, monitoring process and criteria, quality assurance strategy and other related issues

  9. Meeting in Vilnius, 2008

  10. Development of conception and plan of modulefrom kick-off meeting till the 1st seminar After the preparatory meeting partners: • had the draft version of the conception of the module, which already included and outlined the subjects • had specific tasks in study/plancurriculum development

  11. 3rd satge: Development of studysubjects/coursesfrom the 1st till the 2nd seminar The first seminar at Gothenburg University (Gothenburg, Sweden) May 10-13, 2009

  12. Seminar in Gothenburg, 2009 • ratified module plan/curriculum, which has included conception and study plan • discussed in depth development of study subjects/courses

  13. Development of study subjects/courses Subjects were created by international teachers team, e.g. each partner institution led development of one subject and discussed other subjects. This organization added strong European Nordic-Baltic dimension for the study subjects For quality assurance all study subjects will be approved by official bodies at partners’ institution (by units which implements study program, Boards of Faculty and University units, directorates) .

  14. 4th stage: Development the plan for exploitation of resultsFrom the 2nd seminar till the evaluation meeting and final conference The seminar at University of Latvia (Riga, Latvia) November 18-21, 2009

  15. Seminar in Riga, 2009 • further developed subjects and composed compendium (for students and teachers needs), which will be used in study programme implementation process (next application) • discussed the next application

  16. 5th stage: Awareness rising and dissemination Evaluation meeting at Mykolas Romeris university (Vilnius, Lithuania) May 20, 2010

  17. Meeting in Vilnius, 2010 • presented and ratified developed subjects • evaluated the project and partnership • foreseen further dissemination activities

  18. Promotion, awareness rising and dissemination The final conference at Mykolas Romeris university (Vilnius, Lithuania) May 21, 2010 • summarize and share the experience • present outputs of the project • discuss challenges and ways to the future • search for the new ways for promoting supervision in social work and (possible) other professions • rise public awareness

  19. Outcomes of the project • 3 meetings and 1 conference - exchange of the experience, development of module, dissemination, promotion and awareness rising • compendium (study programme, conception, study plan, study subjects/course materials) • webpage http://www.mruni.eu/en/nordplus/ • articles (at least one article per partner) • next application for module implementation

  20. Module “Supervision in social work” • Professional development and supervision in social work • Theories and models of supervision • Process of individual and group supervision • Professional ethics and supervision • Supervision practice https://moodle.mruni.eu

  21. Ways to the future Strengthening Nordic-Baltic Cooperation in Implementing Master Level Module “Supervision in Social Work”” 2010-2011

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