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Dr. Abdalla Khogali
Dean, Faculty of Engineering
University of Khartoum
3. Reference Frame works National:
1. Interim Constitution 2oo5.
2. The peace Protocol.
3. Joint Assessment Mission (JAM).
4. Directives of the president and the cabinet re higher education.
1. Recommendations of Higher Education Conference- Paris 1998.
2. Recommendations of Science Conference- Budapest 2000.
3. MDG’s.
6. Situation Analysis 1. Situation Analysis is based on the form of SWOT analysis matrix.
11. Cont. Situation Analysis 2. A further work could have been done to further develop the SWOT matrix and to structure policy options and strategies:
12. S-O strategies pursue opportunities that are good fit to the system’s strengths.
W-O strategies overcome weaknesses by building on opportunities.
S-T strategies identify ways that one can use the strengths to reduce their vulnerability to external threats.
W-T strategies establish a defensive plan to prevent the system’s
weaknesses from making susceptible to external threats.
3. Sector analysis in light of data and indicators missing.
13. The Structure of the plan
14. Objectives and Programmes
29. Obstacles Continuous decrease of governmental financial support to higher educational that leads to deterioration of infra structure.
Migration of universities teaching staff due to low payments and deterioration of working environment.
Diploma programmes are not attractive to students due to social opinion as manual work is not socially respective.
Academic qualifications (M.sc and PhD) for teaching staff can only be achieved internally due to shortage of financial resources.
Spread of higher education institutions dealing with theoretical studies due to high cost of applied studies.
31. 1. High Education Enrollment Rates 1. Gross Enrollment Ratio =
No. of students registered in high education
No. of population (ages 17-23 years)
2. Gross Entry =
No. of Entrants
No. of population (age 17 years)
3. Index Change of Enrolled Students.
32. 2. Performance Rates Completion rate.
No. of students ratio to teaching staff.
Repetitions rate for students.
Index change of numbers of teaching staff.
33. 3. Annual Expenditure Annual Expenditure of Ministry by Higher Education (SUDAN) as a percentage of GDP.
Annual Expenditure by Ministry of Higher Education as a percentage of government annual expenditure.
Annual Expenditure per student.