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ARA Ballast. SAMKUN CENTURY CO., LTD. Globalization. The SAMKUN CENTURY CO., LTD moves into the world. “ Whenever, always like beginning mind! ” The Ocean has an unlimited potential of possibility and resources.

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  2. . Globalization The SAMKUN CENTURY CO., LTD moves into the world “ Whenever, always like beginning mind! ” The Ocean has an unlimited potential of possibility and resources. The SAMKUN CENTURY Company will turn endless possibilities into miracles with its enterprising spirit and frontier mind-set. With our very first patent of PE/PA coating and UV sterilization system technology, which we invented and through the continuing efforts of our research center, the SAMKUN CENTURY Company serves to satisfy our customers all over the world. The SAMKUN CENTURY Company will be a leader in the future of the World shipbuilding equipment industry. 1

  3. “…. The Group recommended that the Blue Ocean Guardian (BOG) Ballast Water Management System (BWMS) be granted Basic Approval ….” “…. The Group recommended to MEPC that Final Approval be granted to the “ARA Ballast” Ballast Water Management System (BWMS) ….” ARA Ballast which was developed by the SAMKUN CENTURY Company, acquired Basic approval of ballast water management systems during theMEPC 60 (MEPC 60/2/15) in March 2010 and Final approval during theMEPC 61 (MEPC 61/2/5) in September 2010 . • D-1 Ballast water exchanging standard • ▷ At least 95% of ballast water needs to be replaced. • ▷ Pumping three times the volume of each ballast water • tank should be considered in order to meet the • standards for existing vessels. • ▷ Pumping through less than three times the volume may • be acceptable provided the ship can demonstrate that • at least a 95% volumetric exchange is met → • ReplaceableArea: over 200m Sounding, 200 Nautical • miles / 50Nautical milesorthe party appointed • D-2 Ballast water performance standard • ▷ Over50㎛ : Less than 10inds/m3 • ▷ 10-50㎛ : Less than 10inds/㎖ • ▷ Bacteria • → Escherichia Coli : Less than 250cfu/100㎖ • → Intestinal Enterococci : Less than 100cfu/100㎖ • → Vibrio Cholerea : Less than 1cfu/100㎖ • Implementation schedule of BWMS regulation (Source: IMO) • B/W Treatment Standard(IMO D2) (Source: IMO) 2

  4. ARA Ballast • Introduction of new plasma technology  Perfect removal of aquatic organism cell membranes. • It has a compact size with no further changes needed in structure design and can be installed in new or old vessels. • High-efficiency device  Low unit cost and maintenance. • A real-time discharge is possible due to a short process time. • Fully automatic system. (monitoring by digital signals). • Low power consumption, no additional generator. • No need to add chemical substances. • Scalable to any ship type and size. • Easy to maintain and simple to operate. System control Plasma unit Filter unit MPUV unit System control unit Filter unit MPUV unit Plasma unit 3

  5. Filtration module • Removes larger particles and organisms that are bigger than 50㎛ in size included during injection of the ballast water. • It is the double filtration which is highly accurate and reliable for filtering micro-organisms. • Only operates at ballasting mode. • Function • Filtration phase • - Throughout the filter cartridge, it removes any substances that are bigger than 50 ㎛ size. • • Back-flushing phase • - Removes any substances in filter cartridges by housing internal pressure increase and time set. • - Able to remove organisms manually by the operator. • Specification 4

  6. Why plasma? • This unit can generate plasma underwater by using a high-voltage generator during • its encounter with the ballast water in the vessel. • Produces a pressure shockwave by a high-energy plasma arc. • A shockwave destroys targeted micro-organisms such as zooplankton and • phytoplankton by causing physical damage to their cell membranes underwater. • Function • Able to remove aquatic organisms in ballast water by using shockwaves that have dramatic differential-pressure. • Operates only during ballasting. • Maintains safety assurance by an interlock function. • Specification Air delivery element Power supply Plasmaelectrode 5

  7. MPUV disinfection • Accomplishes uniform and efficient disinfection for bacteria and viruses. • No need to add any chemical substances. • No formation of residual toxics or harmful substances. • Acts safely. • Not only economical but an eco-friendly system when compared to others. • Uses a wavelength of UV-C(200~280 nm) to sterilize microorganisms. • Function • Sterilizes the microorganisms by exposing UV energy ballast water. • Generating UV rays from the mercury-arc lamp. • Wavelength of medium-pressure ramp: 265 nm. • Operates during the ballasting and de-ballasting mode. • Available for automatic cleaning in order to increase the penetration rate of a quartz tube. • Specification 6

  8. Active Substances, Relevant Chemicals test result (34 psu) • Active Substances, Relevant Chemicals test result (20 psu) 7

  9. ARA Ballast Type A • Composition of ARA Ballast System(700m3/hr) 8

  10. Model of ARA Ballast Land based facility www.samkunok.com www.arasys.co.kr ARA [a:ra] : It means the oceaninpure Korean “ Whenever, always like beginning mind! ” SAMKUN CENTURY Co., Ltd. Head 128-56 Mae-Ri Sangdong-Myun, Gimhae, 621-813, Republic of Korea Tel : 82-55-338-3030 / Fax : 82-55-332-7123 R&D Center SAMHAN GOLDEN B/D 11F, 2277-4 Hwamyeong-dong, Buk-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea Tel : 82-51-711-3000 / Fax : 82-55-333-5337 9

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