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by Robert Robinson ILT, Barnes Education Center. DIVERSITY AWARENESS. Norms . Paradigm Shifting Practice Non-Judgmental Listening Safe Environment/confidentiality Address comments to the group No easy answers or checklists Assume Good Will Be Professional.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. by Robert Robinson ILT, Barnes Education Center DIVERSITY AWARENESS

  2. Norms Paradigm Shifting Practice Non-Judgmental Listening Safe Environment/confidentiality Address comments to the group No easy answers or checklists Assume Good Will Be Professional

  3. What People NoticeJane Elsea: The 4 Minute Sell • Skin Color • Gender • Age • Appearance • Facial Expressions • Eye Contact • Movement • Personal Space

  4. What is Diversity? • Differences and Similarities • Brought to or developed in the workplace • Includes everyone in the Organization • Includes each potential student and staff member

  5. Practice NON-JUDGEMENTAL LISTENING • Quiet Hands • Quiet Feet • Quiet, focused EYES • NO non-verbal cueing while listening

  6. ONE WORD AND STORIES • Tell someone about the first time you felt different. • What is one word to describe it?

  7. LEARNING POINT? • Everyone has a story to tell • Everyone has felt different • What we remember from 30 years ago that made a lasting impression, • Students are experiencing and living NOW. • What lesson will they remember from us 30 years from now?

  8. Primary & Secondary Dimensions of Diversity Work Background Geographic Location Income Sexual Orientation Gender Age Parental Status Marital Status Physical Qualities Race Ethnicity Military Experience Education Religious Beliefs Secondary Primary Loden & Rosener, Workforce America/1991

  9. What is Managing Diversity? A managerial process for creating a school environment that allows each and every member to contribute their fullest, in pursuit of organizational objectives such as…..

  10. Objectives • No Child Left Behind • Freedom from Harassment • Freedom from bullying and adult bullying • Title I • Title II • Other?

  11. Primary & Secondary Dimensions of Diversity Work Background Geographic Location Income Sexual Orientation Gender Age Parental Status Marital Status Physical Qualities Race Ethnicity Military Experience Education Religious Beliefs Secondary Primary Loden & Rosener, Workforce America/1991

  12. What is a 3rd dimension of Diversity? • Systems Diversity: • School climate • Work environment • Leadership style

  13. Human Diversity – Characterized by physical differences, personal preferences, or life experiences, e.g. sex, race, and age

  14. Cultural Diversity – Characterized by beliefs, values, and personal characteristics, e.g. cross-cultural relationship/communication, workstyle, and ethics/values

  15. Systems Diversity – Characterized by the organizational structure and management systems, e.g. teamwork, empowerment, school climate, and employee work ethic

  16. 4 Questions... • What diversity do I see? • How am I managing it? • What is it costing me? • What is it costing my students?

  17. Diversity • Means welcoming all people to the workplace without regard to factors unrelated to job performance • Welcoming all students to the school without regard to factors unrelated to class and behavioral performance • It includes all the human characteristics that make us unique and valuable as individuals • It includes everyone and excludes no one


  19. Which students do you welcome? RedYellow Black White Gay Straight MaleFemale Cute Ugly ?

  20. What is your hot button? Gay Straight PUNK FREAK GOSSIP Male Female NORMAL WEIRD Cute Ugly Quiet Funny Silly Red Yellow Black White Brown

  21. How do you manage and resolve issues surrounding diversity? handout

  22. Closing Thought • “O’ Great Spirit, teach me to never judge a man until I have walked a mile in his moccasins.” -Navajo Prayer • Closing video

  23. Primary & Secondary Dimensions of Diversity Work Background Geographic Location Income Sexual Orientation Gender Age Parental Status Marital Status Physical Qualities Race Ethnicity Military Experience Education Religious Beliefs Secondary Primary Loden & Rosener, Workforce America/1991


  25. Shift in Mind-Set Skills & Competencies Performance Results Mind-set Mind-set Behaviors Results Cultural transformation is reflected in organizational mind-set and behaviors.

  26. Merck, Inc. IBM Dow Kellogg US Postal Service Monsanto/Solutia AT& T Lucent Technologies Innovations International 21st Century Consulting SAPA: Student Assistance Professionals Association Cobb County School System Kennesaw State University SAEE Southeastern Association for Employment in Education Southern Association for Colleges and Schools Robinson’s client list(Robinson has delivered workshops to the following.)

  27. Diversity Websitesand Resources* • http://www.innovint.com/index.htm • http://www.innovint.com/consultants/robert_robinson.asp • http://www.store-innovint.com/ • http://www.21cc.cc/ • Here is a good website on "R.D. Laing's Bi-lateral spiral": http://physinfo.ulb.ac.be/cit_courseware/research/theories1.htm • http://www.thiederman.com/ 5 Theaters of the Mind: The Brain’s Natural Learning System. The source is Barbara K. Givens, 2002, Teaching to the Brain’s Natural Learning Systems, ASCD. 1-800-933-2723. *Other sources are cited as footnotes in each slide.

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