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Commissioned by JumpStart Tulsa. State Of HUNGER tulsa County. Prepared by the Community Service Council October 2011. tulsa County. Demographic Trends Economics Health Indicators. Demographics. DEMOGRAPHIC TRENDS.
Commissioned by JumpStart Tulsa State Of HUNGER tulsaCounty Prepared by the Community Service Council October 2011
tulsaCounty • Demographic Trends • Economics • Health Indicators Demographics
Population change--migration to suburban areas of Tulsa and Oklahoma City MSA with an overall decrease in new births Age--aging population Race and ethnicity--more culturally diverse Living arrangements--transitional for family living arrangement Demographic Trends Demographics
Demographics Prepared by the Community Service Council of Greater Tulsa
8th in the nation per capita of people hungry • 13% of population food insecure compared to 11.3% nationally • 1 in 5 children and 1 in 3 elderly are food insecure • 32 of 77 counties are food deserts with at least 25 percent of the population living ten miles or more from a supermarket or supercenter • 9 of those counties are "severe food deserts," meaning that the entire population has limited access to such food outlets. These counties are Cimarron, Dewey, Ellis, Grant, Greer, Harmon, Harper, Hughes and Jefferson Counties. • Oklahoma loses an estimated $1.4 billion each year from hunger through illness, increased illness and decreased academic achievement alone. (Oklahoma Food Bank Network, (2010). Retrieved http://www.hungerinoklahoma.org/facts.html) What is Oklahoma’s Risk for Hunger? Child Indicators Prepared by the Community Service Council of Greater Tulsa
The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study Pyramid Death Child Indicators Conception Mechanisms by which Adverse Childhood Experiences Influence Health and Well-being throughout the Lifespan Source: The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study website: www.acestudy.org, “About the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study.”
Adverse Childhood Experiences… …growing up in a household with: • Recurrent physical abuse • Recurrent emotional abuse • Sexual abuse • An alcohol or drug abuser • An incarcerated household member • Someone who is chronically depressed, suicidal, institutionalized or mentally ill • Mother being treated violently • One or no parents • Emotional or physical neglect Child Indicators Source: The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study website: www.acestudy.org, “What are Adverse Childhood Experieinces (ACE’s).”
…Lead to Health-Risk Behaviors… • Smoking • Overeating • Physical inactivity • Heavy alcohol use • Drug use • Promiscuity Child Indicators Source: The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study website: www.acestudy.org
…Which Cause Disease, Disability and Social Problems in Adulthood • Heart disease • Cancer • Chronic lung and liver disease • Stroke • Diabetes • Sexually transmitted diseases • Nicotine addiction • Alcoholism • Drug addiction • Obesity • Depression • Suicide • Injuries • Unintentional pregnancy Child Indicators Source: Felitti, Vincent J., “The Relationship of Adverse Childhood Experiences to Adult Health: Turning gold into lead;” CDC Media Relations, May 14, 1998, “Adult Health Problems Linked to Traumatic Childhood Experiences.”
In Tulsa County in FY 2009, there were 3,933 reports of child abuse and/or neglect accepted for investigation or assessment. 6,583 children were involved in these reports (duplicated count). 1,248 children were confirmed victims of child abuse and/or neglect. 89 were abused, 992 were neglected, 167 were victims of both abuse and neglect. Eight of every 1,000 children in Tulsa County are victims of abuse and/or neglect. In Oklahoma, the rate is 10 of every 1,000 children. Oklahoma ranks #35 in the nation in the rate of children who are victims of abuse and/or neglect. Parents make up 73.7% of all perpetrators, followed by “no relation” at 6.9%, step-parents at 5.9%, and grandparents at 3.5%. Substance abuse is a major contributing factor to child neglect. Child Abuse & Neglect Child Indicators Prepared by the Community Service Council of Greater Tulsa
State Of HunGERtulsa County Prepared by the Community Service Council of Greater Tulsa October 2011 …is available on our website: www.csctulsa.org