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Population Trends: Tulsa County, Tulsa and North Tulsa 2000 to 2010. Prepared by The Community Service Council with Support from The Metropolitan Human Services Commission (MHSC) Draft: October 10, 2011 Data Source: US Census Bureau, Decennial Censuses.
Population Trends:Tulsa County, Tulsa and North Tulsa2000 to 2010 Prepared by The Community Service Council with Support from The Metropolitan Human Services Commission (MHSC) Draft: October 10, 2011 Data Source: US Census Bureau, Decennial Censuses
Population Trends: Tulsa County and City of Tulsa Total population trends Population trends by selected age groups Population trends among whites Population trends among blacks Population trends among Hispanics Population trends among other races Areas of population gain and loss within the County Concentrations of population increase
Tulsa County and City of Tulsa Population trends 2000 to 2010
Tulsa County 2010 Census Tract Base Map with City of Tulsa Overlay Tulsa County has a total of 175 census tracts 126 of those tracts fall within the City of Tulsa
Tulsa County and TulsaKey Trends: Total Population • Tulsa County’s population grew from 563,299 to 603,403 between 2000 and 2010 – a 7% increase, adding 40,104 residents • Tulsa County’s growth represents 13% of the state’s total growth since 2000, and 16% of the state’s 2010 population • Geographically the population continues to shift out of Tulsa, especially central and north Tulsa • The only region of the City of Tulsa showing signs of growth is East Tulsa, with an 18% population increase (adding 10,569) since 2000 • Tulsa’s population declined from 393,049 in 2000 to 391,906 in 2010 – a .3% loss, subtracting 1,143 residents • In 1960, 75% of Tulsa County’s residents lived in the City of Tulsa; today that proportion is an estimated 64% • The fastest growing parts of the county are the suburban areas – primarily Jenks, Bixby, Owasso, Collinsville, Skiatook, Glenpool and Broken Arrow; all of these places experienced at least 30% growth over the decade
Total Population 2010 Tulsa County has a 2010 population of 603,403 391,906 persons reside in the City of Tulsa The areas of highest population concentrations are found in suburban areas, especially Owasso, Collinsville, Jenks, Glenpool, Sand Springs, East Tulsa and a handful of small areas in South Tulsa and Broken Arrow The areas low in population are found in small areas across the City, especially North Tulsa and a pocket in Southeast Sand Springs/Berryhill
Total Population: Numeric Change 2000 to 2010 Tulsa County experienced a net population increase of 40,104 from 2000 to 2010, while the City of Tulsa lost 1,143 residents Areas of greatest population gain are found primarily in the suburbs and East Tulsa Areas of greatest population loss are found North, central, and West Tulsa, Sperry, Sand Springs and Berryhill
Total Population: Percentage Change, 2000 to 2010 Tulsa County grew 7% between 2000 and 2010, while the City of Tulsa declined 3% In percentage change, the areas of greatest increase are found in the southern part of East Tulsa, outer Jenks, and outer Owasso
Tulsa County and City of Tulsa Population trends by age 2000 to 2010
Youth Population 2010 A total of 154,276 persons under age 18 live in Tulsa County 95,944 young people reside in the City of Tulsa The youth population accounts for 26% of the County’s total population and 24% of that of the City
Youth Population: Numeric Change 2000 to 2010 The number of persons under age 18 increased 6,327 (4%) in Tulsa County during the decade, while the City of Tulsa lost 1,396 (-1%) of its young residents
Very Young Population (<5) 2010 A total of 44,711 children under age 5 live in Tulsa County 29,479 very young children reside in the City of Tulsa The very young population accounts for 7.4% of the County’s total population and 7.5% of that of the City
Adult Population 2010 449,127 persons age 18 and over reside in Tulsa County, and 295,962 in the City of Tulsa Adults make up 74% of the county’s population and 76% of that of the City
Adult Population: Numeric Change 2000 to 2010 33,777 adults were added to Tulsa County’s population and 253 to the City’s between 2000 and 2010, increases of 8% and .1%, respectively
Older Population (65+)2010 72,856 persons age 65 and over reside in Tulsa County, and 48,839 in the City of Tulsa The older population make up 12.1% of the county’s population and 12.5% of that of the City
Oldest Population (85+) 2010 10,086 persons age 85 and over reside in Tulsa County, and 7,304 in the City of Tulsa Our oldest persons make up 1.7% of the county’s population and 1.9% of that of the City
Tulsa County and City of Tulsa Population trends among whites 2000 to 2010
Tulsa County and TulsaKey Trends: Non-Hispanic (NH) White Population • Although their numbers grew 25% between 1960 and 2010, adding 79,231 to reach a total of 393,401, NH Whites’ share of the County’s population plummeted from 91% to 65% during that time • During the past decade, the NH White population declined 4% in the County (a loss of 14,748) • NH Whites’ population share in Tulsa fell from 90% in 1960 to 58% in 2010 • During the past decade, the NH White population declined 14% (a loss of 36,761) in Tulsa
Non-Hispanic White Population2010 A total of 393,401 non-Hispanic Whites live in Tulsa County, and 227,021 live in the City of Tulsa
Non-Hispanic White Population: Numeric Change 2000 to 2010 The number of non-Hispanic Whites declined 14,748 in Tulsa County and 36,761 in the City of Tulsa between 2000 and 2010, losses of 4% and 14%, respectively
Non-Hispanic White Youth Population (<18) 2010 A total of 79,699 non-Hispanic White youth live in Tulsa County, and 39,096 live in the City of Tulsa
Non-Hispanic White Youth Population (<18): Numeric Change 2000 to 2010 Tulsa County lost 13,434 NH White youths between 2000 and 2010 – a 14% drop The City of Tulsa lost even more – 13,863, representing a 26% decline
Non-Hispanic White Very Young Population (<5) 2010 A total of 21,430 non-Hispanic White youth under age 5 live in Tulsa County, and 11,089 live in the City of Tulsa
Non-Hispanic White Adult Population (18+) 2010 A total of 313,702 non-Hispanic White adults live in Tulsa County, and 187,925 live in the City of Tulsa
Non-Hispanic White Adult Population (18+) Numeric Change 2000 to 2010 Over the past decade, Tulsa County experienced a loss of 1,314 NH White adults – a .4% decline, but pales in comparison to the loss of 22,898 in the City of Tulsa – an 11% drop
Tulsa County and City of Tulsa Population trends among blacks 2000 to 2010
Tulsa County and TulsaKey Trends: Non-Hispanic (NH) Black Population • During the past decade, the NH Black population rose 4% (a gain of 2,648) in the County • The NH Black population more than doubled in Tulsa County between 1960 and 2010, adding 36,918 to arrive at a total of 63,737, but their share of the population increased only slightly from 8% to 11% • During the past decade, the NH Black population rose 2% (a gain of 933) in Tulsa
Non-Hispanic Black Population2010 A total of 63,737 non-Hispanic Blacks live in Tulsa County, and 61,230 live in the City of Tulsa
Non-Hispanic Black Population Numeric Change 2000 to 2010 Tulsa County’s NH Black population increased between 2000 and 2010, adding 2,648 residents – a 4% increase The City of Tulsa’s NH Black population grew as well, adding 933 residents for a 2% increase
Non-Hispanic Black Youth Population (<18) 2010 20,054 NH Black youth live in Tulsa County, while 19,148 live in Tulsa
Non-Hispanic Black Youth Population (<18) Numeric Change 2000 to 2010 Over the past decade, the number of NH Black youth has declined in both the County and the City, with losses of 1,748 (8%) and 2,022 (10%), respectively
Non-Hispanic Black Very Young Population (<5) 2010 5,427 NH Black youth under age 5 live in Tulsa County, while 5,252 live in Tulsa
Non-Hispanic Black Adult Population (18+) 2010 A total of 43,683 NH Black adults live in Tulsa County and 42,082 live in the City
Non-Hispanic Black Adult Population (18+) Numeric Change 2000 to 2010 Tulsa County gained 4,396 NH Black adults (11% increase), while Tulsa gained 2,955 (8% increase) since 2000
Tulsa County and City of Tulsa Population trends among hispanics 2000 to 2010
Tulsa County and TulsaKey Points: Hispanic Population • The racial and ethnic composition of the County, the City and North Tulsa have shifted significantly over the past 50 years • Without the Hispanic population, net growth in Tulsa County over the last decade would be nearly non-existent • Hispanics are responsible for an additional 32,966 residents in the county and 82% of the total population increase since 2000 • The number of persons of Hispanic Origin nearly doubled between 2000 and 2010 to a total of 66,582, now comprising 11% of the County’s population • Since 1980, the Hispanic population in Tulsa County has increased eight-fold • 14% of Tulsa’s population are Hispanic, up from 7% in 2000 • The number of Hispanics in Tulsa increased 97%, adding 27,155, since 2000 to a total of 55,266 in 2010
Hispanic Population 2010 66,582 persons of Hispanic Origin live in Tulsa County currently, and 55,266 live in the City of Tulsa Hispanics are now second only to NH Whites in Tulsa County in terms of population counts
Hispanic Population Numeric Change 2000 to 2010 The Hispanic population has experienced explosive growth in both the County and the City since 2000, with increases of 32,966 (+98%) in the County, and 27,155 (+97%) in the City
Hispanic Youth Population (<18) 2010 Hispanic youth now number 26,394 in Tulsa County and 21,652 in the City Among youth, Hispanics are now the most populous minority group in both Tulsa County and Tulsa
Hispanic Youth Population (<18) Numeric Change 2000 to 2010 Like the total Hispanic population, the number of youth have flourished in both the County and the City, with increases of 14,194 (+116%) and 11,768 (+119%), respectively
Hispanic Very Young Population (<5) 2010 Hispanic youth under age 5 now number 9,231 in Tulsa County and 7,874 in the City Among the very young, Hispanics are now the most populous minority group in both Tulsa County and Tulsa
Hispanic Adult Population (+18) 2010 A total of 40,188 Hispanic adults now live in Tulsa County, while 33,614 live in Tulsa
Hispanic Adult Population (+18) Numeric Change 2000 to 2010 Again, the Hispanic adult population has soared in the past decade in both the County and the City, adding 18,772 (+88%) and 15,387 (+84%), respectively
Tulsa County and City of Tulsa Population trends among other races 2000 to 2010
Tulsa County and TulsaKey Trends: Populations of Other Races • The NH American Indian and Alaska Native population in Tulsa County has grown 82%, adding 15,556 to their numbers from 19,059 in 1960 to 34,615 in 2010 • The NH Asian and Native Hawaiian & Other Pacific Islander population has flourished in the County with a 364% increase, adding 11,196 people since 1980 to a total of 14,275 in 2010 • The vast majority of the non-Hispanic population identifying with two or more races in Oklahoma include American Indian and Alaska Native as one of their races • In Tulsa County, there are almost as many persons identifying with NH two or more races as there are those identifying themselves as NH American Indian and Alaska Native – 30,165 in 2010, and 5% of the total population
Tulsa County Areas of Population Gain and Loss 2000 to 2010
Census Tracts of Population Gain and Loss: 2000 to 2010 73 Tulsa County census tracts, including 43 in the City of Tulsa, experienced growth, adding a total of 66,044 to the population, and representing an increase of 27% among those tracts 102 census tracts, including 83 in the City of Tulsa, experienced loss, subtracting 25,940 from the total population, and representing a decline of 8% among those tracts
Tulsa County Concentrations of population increase 2000 to 2010
Census Tract 58.07… alone accounts for 13% of increase in population in Tulsa County’s growth census tracts between 2000 and 2010 CT 58.07 added 8,576 people, a 245% increase, to a total of 12,083 in 2010 2% of Tulsa County’s population live in this census tract