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Gender Issues Establish successful careers in Industry and Academia by MC Mobility Programme. Gianna Avellis Senior Researcher in ICT, TECNOPOLIS Administrative Board of MCFA Women in Science and Technology - WiST. MARIE CURIE FELLOWS ASSOCIATION - MCFA www.mariecurie.org.
Gender IssuesEstablish successful careers in Industry and Academia by MC Mobility Programme Gianna AvellisSenior Researcher in ICT, TECNOPOLIS Administrative Board of MCFA Women in Science and Technology - WiST MARIE CURIE FELLOWS ASSOCIATION - MCFA www.mariecurie.org EURODOC Conference, London 15-17 March 2007
Imperial College, Dept.of Computing The Department of Computing at Imperial is a world leader in academic research in computer science There are over sixty academic staff actively involved in distributed computing, logic and artificial intelligence, high-performance computing, visual information processing, computing theory, and computational aspects of management science This creates a lively and stimulating atmosphere in which to study and enjoy strong links with UK industry EURODOC Conference London 15-17 March 2007
Tecnopolis CSATA is a Scrl located in Valenzano - Bari, controlled by Apulia Region and participated by University of Bari and others public bodies of Apulia Tecnopolis CSATA, funded in 1969, promoted in 1984 the scientific and technological park Tecnopolis, which is the first initiative of science park in Italy with strong links within Europe www.tno.it
Laboratories Offices ARTI-Library – Seminar Room Conference Center – Bar - Canteen Training Rooms 23.000 square meters 17.000 mq of laboratories and offices Offices Call Center on Health Services Incubator Laser Center Parking Space Reception Tecnopolis Park EURODOC Conference London 15-17 March 2007
Mission • Tecnopolis CSATA aims to promote the development of ICT in Apulia region and Southern Italy by fostering: • the development of ICT in PA • the innovation of SMEs • the dissemination of the “digital culture” in the society • the localisation of new investments and special structures in the PA, with reference to ICT technologies EURODOC Conference London 15-17 March 2007
Tecnopolis Csata • To this aim, TECNOPOLIS develops Competences, Technologies, Specialised Services in • Informatics • Telecommunications • Technologies for Ambient Management • Multimedia • Advanced Training EURODOC Conference London 15-17 March 2007
Europe TECNOPOLIS CSATA host the Innovation Relay Centre IRIDE promoted by the European Union, which operates in Puglia, Basilicata, Campania e Molise, with the aim to guarantee the dissemination and exploitation of European project results, technology transfer in all countries of European Union, and the new member states EURODOC Conference London 15-17 March 2007
International Cooperation TECNOPOLIS CSATA cooperates with MAE (Ministero per gli Affari Esteri) to train operators of international cooperation and to offer services to Apulia communities in the world EURODOC Conference London 15-17 March 2007
Marie Curie Fellows Association - Pan-European cross-cultural organisation of current and former holders of Marie Curie grants holders - A highly multidisciplinary network of mobile researchers since 1996 – the European voice of mobile researchers - AWomen in Science and Technology (WiST) working group has been established in order to: - promote mobility among the women scientists community, - provide feedback from the EC on policy issues for mobility - collaborate with similar associations and organizations EURODOC Conference London 15-17 March 2007
Marie Curie Fellows Association Gender Action Plans (GAP) have applied from FP6: “the participation of women within all actions, and appropriate measures to promote a more equitable balance between men and women in research. In this context the Commission and the host organisations will endeavour to reach the objective of at least 40% selection of women.” (Marie Curie Actions Work Programme) Increased interest from the European Commission to gender dimension and equality which will continue in FP7 – PEOPLE Programme - relevant women representation (around 30%) in the MCFA EURODOC Conference London 15-17 March 2007
Summary - Issues on the impact of gender, age and country in establishing a successful career in Industry and Academia by mobility - Case stories of MC women Fellows with particular attention given to: - motivation - working and family situation - problems encountered during mobility - actual career enhancement (impact on scientific excellence) - reintegration process - Conclusions - Reflection of these aspects on the gender issues on mobility policy issues within the Marie Curie fellowships scheme EURODOC Conference London 15-17 March 2007
Brain-drain • The return of female scientists who have studied abroad is currently taken into account into PEOPLE Programme Actions • one of the key priorities in the agenda of the president of Apulia Region, who has recently launched a programme, called Bollenti Spiriti http://bollentispiriti.regione.puglia.it EURODOC Conference London 15-17 March 2007
Barriers to Information Access prevents Mobility • lack of information on study leaving periods and on fellowships to study abroad– Return Fellowship • WiST Working Group in MCFA will tackle the issue on lack of mobility information especially for women EURODOC Conference London 15-17 March 2007
How to manage the links between host and home institutions • Obsolete links between host institution and home institution because of rapid changes in the environments and lack of women in the technical and scientific institutions • Advantages in setting links (project proposals, paper writing, exchange visits,…) • Reintegration problems - recognition of competences acquired abroad, especially by men colleagues • Enhancements of Industry-Academia cooperation in terms of research training, career development and knowledge-sharing EURODOC Conference London 15-17 March 2007
Help to develop an “Open Mind” attitude towards society • A different approach to research…i.e. “while I was interested in very technological issues on leading edge research in Software Engineering, I am now more open to tackle different fields, especially the ones that have a direct impact with the social environment” • European projects dealing with Women, Media and Technology (EQUAL-DMT) to introduce and create community network of unemployed women by the use of new Media and Technology, and STRESS IMPACT, to cope with the issues of long term absence from work caused by work related stress • New fields of investigations: mobile e-learning, Multimedia Educational Software, Mobile Telecommunications EURODOC Conference London 15-17 March 2007
Help to give Mobility Examples of Behavior by Women • To other Women in peripheral regions of Europe, such as Southern and Eastern Europe, where they are refrained by culture constrains and lack of courage to make the mobility choice. • Mobility is a good thing not only for the fellow travelling, but also for the other researchers at the host institution where they can see different life styles and opportunities and can choose different careers • Mobility is a stimulus to change women culture and settings EURODOC Conference London 15-17 March 2007
Help to manage work/life balance • Mobility experience in organising several home and work setting during mobility facilitates in achieving a good work/life balance • Children, marriage, old people care, house care,… • Very often, private life and working life interfere, and for womenthis is not usually something which happens to be on their side EURODOC Conference London 15-17 March 2007
Gender issues in PEOPLE • Strengthening the human potential in R&T in Europe • Building on the experiences with the “Marie Curie” actions • Increasing participation by women • by encouraging equal opportunities in all “Marie Curie Actions” • by designing the actions to ensure that researchers can achieve an appropriate work/life balance and • by facilitating resuming a research career after a break • Ensuring gender mainstreaming by benchmarking gender participation - a target of at least 40% women participation EURODOC Conference London 15-17 March 2007
Case stories Gianna Avellis - Actual position: Senior Researcher in Software Engineering, Multimedia and e-learning, TECNOPOLIS, Italy (home country) - Motivation: career development, Industry-Academia mobility experience, exploit the research results in the home institution, development of scientific excellence in Software Engineering - MC Program: Human Capital and Mobility (HCM), Imperial College, Dept. of Distributed Software Engineering, London, UK - Family situation: married to an Assistant Professor, no child at the time of HMC fellowship (1992-1994), one daughter today (age 9) EURODOC Conference London 15-17 March 2007
Case stories Raffaella Di Sante - Actual position: Assistant Professor in Mechanical and Thermal Measurements (Engineering), Italy (country of origin also) - Motivation: career enhancement, development of scientific profile for competitive examinations and access to the international scientific community (at this particular stage of the career) - MC Program: Outgoing International Fellowship (OIF), MIT-USA - Family situation: married to an Assistant Professor, one child (age 4) EURODOC Conference London 15-17 March 2007
Case stories Vanessa Dìaz-Zuccarini - Actual position: Post-doc position, Sheffield, UK (country of origin: Venezuela) - Motivation: career take-off (after PhD) in the Academia - MC Program: Intra-European Fellowship (EIF), University of Sheffield - Family situation: married to a Research Scientist - Problems encountered during the fellowship: - partner working position (possibility to leave, same work, not-EU – visa) – dual career issues EURODOC Conference London 15-17 March 2007
Case stories Simona Vonica - Actual position: Main Research Fellow, Quality of Life Research Institute, Romanian Academy of Sciences, Romania (country of origin also) - Motivation: PhD, lack of specific resources in home research centre - MC Program: Improving Human Potential (IHP), SPIRIT (School for Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Research on Interculturalism and Transnationality), Aalborg University, Denmark - Family situation: not married -Reintegration: women discrimination: skill enhancement is less or even not recognized from a woman researcher in a male environment EURODOC Conference London 15-17 March 2007
Case stories Svetlana G. Baca - Actual position: Associate Professor in Inorganic Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, MoldovaAcademy of Sciences, Moldova (country of origin also) - Motivation: career enhancement due to the possibility of working with equipment and techniques not available at the Moldova Academy of Sciences - MC Program: Incoming International Fellowship (IIF),University of Sheffield UK - Family situation: married, 1 daughter (23) - Reintegration: - career enhancement in the Moldova Academy of Science, in a country where there are few women in senior research position – glass ceiling phenomenon in Industry and Academia EURODOC Conference London 15-17 March 2007
Conclusions COMMONALITIES AND SPECIFIC ISSUES FROM THE DIFFERENT STORIES - Impact of: - GENDER: - discrimination especially during reintegration due to skill enhancement) - family issues (need to organize future life taking into account husband mobility and children life), dual career issues - AGE: - at career take-off, without a family, mobility is easier and motivation at career take-off is strong, motivation for career development at a later stage in Industy and Academia - LOCATION - working possibilities (increasing chances in the home country or in a foreign country) - career enhancement (differences depending on the country where career is developed after the mobility experience) EURODOC Conference London 15-17 March 2007
Conclusions EFFECTS ON MOBILITY POLICY (HINTS and SUGGESTIONS) - GENDER, LOCATION – Discourage discrimination due to gender and country where the career is developed through mobility recognition regardless gender and country: common policy to reward mobility - GENDER, AGE – Encourage mobility: - solving at best family issues (life organization, visa, ecc…) through quick evaluation of proposal, dissemination of information regarding bureaucratic issues (visas, schools…) at least in the European countries, etc… - promoting mobility programs among women scientists (conferences, brochures, etc…) EURODOC Conference London 15-17 March 2007
Conclusions EFFECTS ON MOBILITY POLICY (HINTS and SUGGESTIONS) - SCIENTIFIC EXCELLENCE – Mobility for MCFA women as opportunity to develop Scientific Excellence in a research field with women position of responsibility - CAREER DEVELOPMENT AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING – Encourage planning the development of women researchers career - Mobility cross-disciplinary experience as a key for women to develop new career opportunities and brake old constraints in a male based research environment - MOBILE ATTITUDE - “Mobile” attitude grasped by women and applied in many aspects of their work/life (teleworking, e-learning, mobile e-learning) • INTERCULTURAL AND INTERDISCIPLINARY SKILL DEVELOPMENT FOR WOMEN - Difference is a plus not a minus! • LESSON LEARNT -Become more tolerant and supportive to women scientists in taking a high level of responsibility in Industry and Academia EURODOC Conference London 15-17 March 2007
Thank you for your attention Gianna Avellis TECNOPOLIS CSATA, Training Division SP.Casamassima Km.10, Valenzano, Bari, Italy tel +39 080 4670374 fax +39 080 4670383 g.avellis@tno.it EURODOC Conference London 15-17 March 2007