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Hudson RTI R esponse t o I ntervention

Hudson RTI R esponse t o I ntervention. Understanding the Process. This presentation is a general guide to understanding the RTI process. TIER 3. TIER 2. Tier 1. Tier 1. dd. Student is identified for significant difficulties, either academic or behavioral

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Hudson RTI R esponse t o I ntervention

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  1. Hudson RTIResponse to Intervention

  2. Understanding the Process • This presentation is a general guide to understanding the RTI process. TIER 3 TIER 2 Tier 1

  3. Tier 1 dd • Student is identified for significant difficulties, either academic or behavioral • Teacher implements general classroom interventions and documents in notes (DMAC) • Continue for 9 weeks Continue using normal classroom interventions Good teaching practice Success? YES NO

  4. NO Tier 1 • Teacher holds parent conference • Parent completes information sheets and health forms • Health form is forwarded to nurse TIER 2 AND Teacher contacts RTI Coordinator to request Tier 2 meeting Tier 2 meeting scheduled AND

  5. Tier 2 • Teacher provides Tier 1 data, information sheet, and health form • Committee develops initial plan in DMAC (intervention plan) • Teacher implements interventions for 9 weeks, monitoring every 3 weeks Hold follow-up meeting to review data/progress Success? Modify goals YES NO

  6. NO Hold follow-up meeting to review data/progress • Modify interventions • Continue implementation for 9 weeks Modify goals Success? YES NO TIER 2 TIER 3

  7. Tier 3 NO Hold follow-up meeting to review data/progress • Develop Tier 3 interventions with guidance from Special Services • Implement interventions for 9 weeks Continue implementation of interventions and progress monitoring Success? TIER 3 YES Special Education NO

  8. RtI is not intended for all Students, and Only a small Percentage Should be Tier 3.

  9. Intervention Examples: Tier 1 Interventions (80-90% of students) “Universal” interventions that are provided to ALL students. These are system-wide and prevention focused. Interventionist: General Ed Teacher Setting: Regular Classroom Environment Examples: High Quality Instruction, Evidence Based Practices, Differentiated Instruction, Research based core curriculum, Classroom reinforcement systems, Corrective feedback for academic and/or behavioral errors, clear rules and procedures, predictable and consistent consequences, paired reading, peer tutoring, i-station, morning/afternoon tutorials , pre-teaching strategies, re-teaching ……. Tier 2 Interventions (5-10% of students) Identified students with marked difficulties that have not responded to Tier 1 interventions Typically small group supports, “supplemental supports” Typically 2-3 times per week Evidence based practices Interventionist: General Ed teacher or specialized teacher Setting: May be in the classroom or pull out Examples of Academic: ARI, Fast ForWord, Read 180, Dyslexia therapy, iPass ….. Examples of Behavior: School or community based mentors, check-in check-out, group social skills training, individual reinforcement systems, behavioral contracts, self-management training ……. Tier 3 interventions (1-5% of students) Targeted students that have not responded to Tier 1 or Tier 2 interventions Individualized Intensive intervention (Frequency and/or duration may account for intensity) Targeting specific skill deficits Daily intervention – typically longer in duration than previous interventions (60 minutes/full class period) Interventionist: Typically a specialist in the particular area of deficit Setting: Typically outside the classroom Examples of Academic: Individualized reading or math instruction focused on the specific skill deficits. Special individualized programing… Examples of Behavior: Individual social skills training, Individual counseling or skill training with LSSP, interagency involvement…

  10. Next Steps.. • RTI is a process, not a program, that will be modified as best practice and research changes • RTI is a support system for students who are struggling significantly • Administrators/teachers should attend RTI training for academic and behavioral interventions

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