The City of Ember The City of Ember is a novel about a group of people who have been moved to an underground city to protect mankind from the disaster. The people in Ember do not know they are in a special protected place. Knowledge of the outside world has been kept from them. Doon, one of the main characters, goes to the library to learn about fire. The books contain only bits of information. Read this excerpt from The City of Ember.
Although he’d often found something interesting in these searches, he’d never found anything important. Today was no different. He did come across a collection called Mysterious Words from the Past, which he read for a while. It was about words and phrases so old threat their meanings had been forgotten. He read a few pages.
Heavens above Indicates surprise. What “heavens” means is unclear. It might be another words for “floodlight.” Hogwash Means “nonsense,” though no one knows what a “hog” is or why one would wash it. Batting a thousand Indicates great success. This might possible refer to killing bugs. All in the same boat Means “all in the same predicament.” The meaning of “boat “ is unknown.
The phrases Doon read are what is known as idioms. • An idiom is an expression with a meaning that cannot be guessed from the meanings of the individual words. • Idioms are common and they occur frequently in all languages. • An estimated 25,000 idiomatic expressions may be found in the English language.
Football Idioms • carry the ball • to be in charge of something, to be responsible for something • game plan • to have a strategy • run interference • to intervene on behalf of someone in order to protect him or her from something • tackle a problem • to attack a problem with much effort
Baseball Idioms • bat a thousand a guess that is in a certain area or range, an approximate guess • come out of left field • to be completely unexpected, to be a surprise • cover all one’s bases • to thoroughly prepare for or deal with a situation
Pool Idioms • behind the eight ball at a disadvantage • call the shots • to control something, to make the rules
Sailing Idioms • smooth sailing something is going well and is having no problems • take the wind out of one’s sails to become discouraged and lose one's enthusiasm
Boxing Idioms • blow by blow account a description or account that provides much detail • saved by the bell rescued from a bad situation at the last minute • hit below the belt to not follow the rules, to do something that is not fair • in someone’s corner on someone's side, supporting someone
Golf Idioms • make the cut to meet or reach a required standard • on par with someone equal in importance or quality to something or someone • par for the course what is normal or expected in a given situation
Idioms may come from many sources including: • Proverbs • Myths • Folklore • Bible • Shakespeare • American Phrases
Examples I had to race against time. • to rush to beat a deadline
He’s in a rat race. –a fierce struggle for success, especially in one's career or business
I can't keep my head above water. - to manage a situation
Can you name some of these? hit a bull’s eye to achieve the goal perfectly
folklore a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow to reach the goal you wish to obtain
jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire to go from one bad situation to worse situation
chained to the computer to spend a lot of time working
rolling out the red carpet doing everything possible to make someone welcome
Activity 1 – Idiom Cards • Match idiom pictures to their literal and figurative meanings.
Activity 2 • Complete the handout by • Writing an idiom • Write the idiom’s figurative meaning • Draw a picture to illustrate the idiom.