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Introducing Case Based Learning As A Teaching Method In Pharmacology For Undergraduate Students. Chetna Desai, R. K. Dikshit Department of Pharmacology, B. J. Medical College, Ahmedabad 380016, India A Curriculum Innovation Project for CMCL FAIMER Fellowship Program 2007. Introduction
Introducing Case Based Learning As A Teaching Method In Pharmacology For Undergraduate Students Chetna Desai, R. K. Dikshit Department of Pharmacology, B. J. Medical College, Ahmedabad 380016, India A Curriculum Innovation Project for CMCL FAIMER Fellowship Program 2007 Introduction The Case Based Learning approach in pharmacology is aimed at developing problem-solving skills to a relatively large class while conserving faculty and other resources. The focus of this intervention is to train the students to apply the basic principles of pharmacology to various clinical situations through development of analytical and decision-making skills. Method • Posttest scores for SAQ test were higher in CBL group as compared to Tutorial group • Higher mean scores for the MCQ test and prescription writing were observed but non-significant. • Repeater Batch: • Both groups were comparable at baseline. • Posttest scores for CBL group showed an increase in MCQ and SAQ test as compared to pretest scores (p<0.05). • Posttest scores in Tutorial group were higher for all three tests as compared to pretest scores. • Posttest scores for MCQ and SAQ test were higher in CBL group as compared to Tutorial group (p< 0.05) Student feedback • What they said about CBL… • Enjoyable and interesting • Promotes self-learning • Helps develop problem - solving ability • Better student - teacher and peer interaction • Time consuming • Highly dependent on student’s motivation • Aim: • Introduce Case Based Learning as a • teaching method for undergraduate • medical students in Pharmacology. • Evaluate whether this method helps develop analytical and problem solving skills. • Motivate students to solve the problems themselves through group discussion and effective utilization of learning resources. • Help develop interpersonal skills and team work in the learners. • Conclusions: • CBL is a useful innovative T-L method. • It helps develop analytical skills, problem - solving abilities in learners. • It promotes interpersonal and communication skills and self-learning among students. • It could be an adjunct to the conventional teaching methods in pharmacology. • It should be implemented in an organised manner by trained faculty. CBL in Progress Tutorial in Progress Faculty feedback • Acknowledgements • My thanks to: • Fellows of 2007, mentors and Faculty of FAIMER • for their valuable inputs. • The Dean and H.O.D. for administrative support and • encouragement. • Faculty and residents of my department for their suggestions and support. • Faculty of Medicine, Gynaecology and Obstetrics for helping select the clinical case. • My students for their enthusiasm and support. • Results • Regular Batch: • Both groups were comparable at baseline. • Posttest scores in the CBL and Tutorial groups were higher in the three tests as compared to the pretest scores (p<0.001).