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Grant Writing Workshop. Scouts Australia NSW Commissioners’ Conference Baden-Powell Scout Centre February 13, 2010 Presented by Jennifer Hamman. Philanthropic Trusts & Foundations The Ian Potter Foundation The Shane Warne Foundation Corporate Trusts & Foundations The Westpac Foundation
Grant Writing Workshop Scouts Australia NSW Commissioners’ Conference Baden-Powell Scout Centre February 13, 2010 Presented by Jennifer Hamman
Philanthropic Trusts & Foundations The Ian Potter Foundation The Shane Warne Foundation Corporate Trusts & Foundations The Westpac Foundation The Sony Foundation Government Departments The NSW Department of Sport & Recreation Participation Grants FaHCSIA Volunteer Grants Clubs NSW CDSE Community Development Support Expenditure (www.clubsnsw.com.au) Service Clubs Rotary Australia (www.rotary.com.au) Lions Australia (www.lionsclubs.org.au) Corporate In-Kind Woolworths Coles Caltex Local Councils Who are the grant makers?
Community Builderswww.communitybuilders.nsw.gov.au All types Free OurCommunitywww.ourcommunity.com.au All types $55/year for access to Easy Grants database and monthly newsletter GrantsLINK www.grantslink.gov.au Federal and State Government FundSeeker www.fundseeker.com.au Online magazine $25/year membership fee Some free resources Scouts Australia NSWwww.nsw.scouts.com.au Grants for Groups page Newsletters Local Council Web Sites Example: www.wyong.nsw.gov.au Community page State & Federal Government Department Web Sites Example: www.dsr.nsw.gov.au Grants page Corporate Web Sites Example: www.woolworths.com.au Community Grants page Where can we find grants?
Which grants do we apply for? • Read criteria and guidelines thoroughly. • Find out if you have previously received funding from the grant maker as there may be restrictions on subsequent funding. • Check deadlines including methods of submission (i.e. post or email). • Verify that you can provide all requested material (i.e. letters of support, building quotes, research data). • Find a match between a project/activity you need funds for and the funding criteria of the grant. • If you are unsure about any of the above, contact the grant making organisation and verify your eligibility.
Organisation Scouts Australia NSW Level 1, Quad 3, 102 Bennelong Parkway Sydney Olympic Park NSW 2127 PO Box 125 Lidcombe NSW 1258 Phone: 02 9735 9000 Fax: 02 9735 9007 Web address: www.nsw.scouts.com.au ABN 42 460 434 054 ABR registered name: SCOUT ASSOC OF AUST NSW BRANCH Proof of Incorporation Scouts Australia NSW was incorporated by an Act of Parliament in 1928. Scouts Australia NSW has NO Incorporation Number. A copy of the Act of Incorporation is available from Scouts NSW head office. Proof of Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Status Certificate is available on the Scouts NSW web site. Proof of Tax Concession Charity (TCC) Status Certificate is available on the Scouts NSW web site. Contact Information Your local Group or Group Leader’s details. Annual Review Hard copies can be obtained from Scouts NSW Head Office. Electronic submissions may ask for the document to be attached or for a link to the document on the Scouts NSW web site. Most Recent Financial Report Hard and electronic copies can be obtained from Scouts NSW head office. Letters of Support Templates for letters of support from Local MP’s and others are available on the Scouts NSW web site. Signatures for Declarations Some grants require the signature of the CEO of the Organisation. What basic information do we need?
“Organisation” Scouts Australia NSW will always be the “applicant” or “organisation” as it is the legal entity. Any questions about “the organisation” should be answered in terms of Scouts NSW. “Project” In every case, the “project” will be your Scout Group and the activity you are seeking funding for. For example: The ABC Scout Group Water Activities Program. Every project has a start and end date, even if it is an ongoing program. “Target Group” The “target group” refers to the group or groups that will benefit from your project. In Scouting, it could be your youth members, your volunteers, another community group, the community in general, or all of those things. “Partners” For most applications, the term “partners” refers to other organisations that will be responsible for one or more aspects of the planning and/or delivery of your project. Groups or individuals you have only consulted with in planning the project are not considered partners. “Aims” & “Objectives” These two terms are often interchangeable and refer to the effects you believe your project will have on the target group. They can be expressed as broad projections about what you hope to achieve by conducting your project. For example: The project aims to inspire a lifelong interest in kayaking and other paddle sports amongst our youth members and volunteers. “Outcomes” Outcomes are concrete, often quantifiable results that you will be able to document or measure at the end of the project. For example: Six volunteers and 20 youth will receive advanced kayak training. “In-kind” This refers to any contribution to the project that is not cash such as volunteer labour hours, equipment, services, or other resources. An In-kind contribution can be made by your organisation or a funding body, and should always be noted in the budget as both as expense and an income item. “Project Plan” A project plan can be as simple as a bullet pointed list but must be organised in chronological order. A good project plan includes a list of all major activities that will take place in the planning, delivery, and wrap up of the project, and the date when each will be completed. What do these terms mean?
Expenses List all of the expenses of the project with as much detail as possible. Calculate how many volunteer hours will be involved in planning, delivering, and evaluating the project. Multiply the number of volunteer hours by $20. This reflects how much labour is required to deliver the project. This should be listed as an expense. Try to be as accurate as possible when calculating expenses, at least to the nearest whole dollar. Procure quotes on items you intend to purchase and list them with their specific brand, make or model. If the total project cost is over $100,000 and not exclusively infrastructure related, include the cost of an evaluation. Total your expenses and decide how much you will be requesting. It is strongly suggested that you ask for no more than 50% of the total project cost, ideally, no more than 30%, and not the maximum request amount. Income List all of your sources of cash income for the project including future fundraising and other grants received for the project. Match income sources with expenses where applicable. Your group’s contribution will be in volunteer labour hours, so list the amount calculated as “in-kind” support. Some applications will ask you if you have requested funding from any other source in relation to the project, so be prepared to list any outstanding applications. Choose an expense to match with the income you will potentially receive from the grant maker. For example: Your Water Activities Program will cost $50,000 in total and you are asking for $5,000 from the grant maker. Find an itemised expense/s that equal $5,000 and match them. Grant makers like to know specifically what their money is going toward, rather than just to the project in general. Total your income and check to make sure it equals your expenses. A budget with a surplus or deficit will guarantee that your application is unsuccessful. How do we build the budget?
Read all guidelines and requirements thoroughly. Complete every item on the application and provide every document requested. Do not re-format the application or attach materials not specifically requested. Make sure your budget is balanced. Do not request more than 50% of the total project cost or the maximum amount of the grant. Do not recycle past applications. Include a cover letter on Scouts NSW letterhead with all hard copy applications. Have someone proof read your application before sending. Ensure the application arrives on time. If you have questions about the application or difficulty with the form, contact the grant maker and ask for their advice or assistance. Top Ten Tips to Remember