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BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS. THE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION STANDARD. INTRODUCTION. What is the bloodborne pathogens standard? Who needs bloodborne pathogens (BBP) training? What content needs to be covered?. Duties of Employers provide a plan
INTRODUCTION • What is the bloodborne pathogens standard? • Who needs bloodborne pathogens (BBP) training? • What content needs to be covered?
Duties of Employers provide a plan identify job types and classifications provide appropriate training provide appropriate equipment Compliance Duties of Employees to follow the employer’s plan to use equipment provided by the employer Compliance OSHA’S EXPECTATIONS
OSHA REQUIRED INFORMATION • Documents • General explanation of bloodborne pathogens • Hepatitis B immunization • Explanation of tasks that may involve exposure
BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS DEFINED • Disease-causing microorganisms that may be present in human blood or OPIM (other potentially infectious material) • Viruses • Bacteria • Parasites
MODES OF TRANSMISSION • Puncture wounds or cuts • Contact (Touch, Splash, or Spray) with blood or OPIM on: • mucous membrane • non-tact skin • cuts, abrasions burns • acne, rashes • papercuts, hangnails • contaminated sharps
RISK OF EXPOSURE • The objective of the BBP standard is to minimize or eliminate the hazard posed by work that may expose you to blood or OPIM
RISK OF EXPOSURE • If a risk of exposure exists, you must know: • if there is a way to prevent infection • the symptoms and course of infection • that counseling is available • that post-exposure treatment & follow-up are available
OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE INCIDENTS • Occupational contact with blood or OPIM is considered an exposure incident • If an exposure occurs: • wash with soap & water • report the incident • document the incident • seek “immediate” medical evaluation • follow employer’s exposure control plan
IMMEDIATE MEDICAL EVALUATION • Immediate means prompt medical evaluation and prophylaxis • An exact time cannot be stated • Time limits on the effectiveness of prophylactic measures vary depending on the infection of concern
Date and time of the incident Job classification Location in the worksite where the incident occurred Work practice being followed Engineering controls in use Procedure being performed PPE in use REPORTING AN INCIDENT Minimal information to report
Medical Evaluation After an Exposure Incident • Entitled to confidential medical evaluation • Personal decision about blood testing • Blood may be tested only with consent • Blood may be stored for 90 days, while considering testing • Interpretation of any test results occurs with the health care provider
BLOOD TESTING • Blood may be tested for antibodies to: • Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) • Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) • Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) • Other disease-causing organisms • Source blood may also be tested with consent • The results of the tests of source blood will be made known to you
SPECIFIC BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS • Definition • Signs and Symptoms • Course of infection • Prevention and control • Post-exposure prophylaxis and follow-up care
HIV DEFINED • HIV is the Human Immunodeficiency Virus • HIV causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) • Risk of HIV infection from a puncture injury exposure to HIV infected blood is very low -- 0.3%
SIGNS & SYMPTOMS OF HIV • Signs and symptoms include: • Weight loss • Night Sweats or fever • Gland Swelling or pain • Muscle and/or joint pain • Cannot rely on signs and symptoms to know if you are infected
COURSE OF INFECTION OF HIV • Incubation period from HIV infection to AIDS may be 8 to 10 years • Varies greatly among individuals
HIV PREVENTION • There is no vaccine to prevent HIV infection • Follow Universal Precautions
There is no cure for HIV infection Testing for HIV antibodies at time of exposure at 3 months at 6 months HIV antibodies usually become detectable within 3 months of infection Treatment of HIV requires visits with your health care provider OSHA requires recommended treatment meet the most recent CDC guidelines Treatment can include antiviral medications and a protease inhibitor HIV Post-exposure Prophylaxis & Follow-up
HCV Defined • HCV is Hepatitis C Virus • It affects the liver • It is the most common chronic bloodborne infection in the United States • Needlestick injury is the only occupational risk factor that has been associated with HCV • Risk of HCV infection after exposure to HCV infected blood is 1.8% • 70 to 75% of those with acute HCV infection have no symptoms
SIGNS & SYMPTOMS OF HCV • Jaundice - a yellow color to the skin • Fatique • Headache • Abdominal Pain • Loss of appetite • Nausea & Vomiting
COURSE OF HCV INFECTION • Incubation period averages 7 weeks • Chronic liver disease may occur in 70% of those infected with HCV
HCV PREVENTION • There is no vaccine to prevent HCV infection • Follow Universal Precautions
There is no cure for HCV infection No recommendation for post-exposure prophylaxis Tests for HCV antibodies & liver function tests should be done at time of exposure Tests should be repeated 4 to 6 months after exposure Treatment of HCV requires visits with your health care provider OSHA requires recommended treatment meet the most recent CDC guidelines HCV infection may require liver transplantation for treatment HCV Post-exposure Prophylaxis & Follow-up
HBV DEFINED • HBV is the Hepatitis B Virus • It affects the liver • The prevalence of HBV infection among healthcare workers is 10 times greater than HCV infection
SIGNS & SYMPTOMS OF HBV • Jaundice - a yellow color to the skin • Fatique • Headache • Abdominal Pain • Loss of appetite • Nausea & Vomiting
COURSE OF HBV INFECTION • Incubation period averages 12 weeks • Most cases of HBV resolve without further complication • Chronic liver disease may occur in 6 to 7% of those infected with HBV
HBV PREVENTION • There is a vaccine to prevent HBV infection • It is required to be offered to anyone covered by the BBP standard • Follow Universal Precautions
There is no cure for HBV infection Post-exposure prophylaxis should begin within 24 hours and no later than 7 days after exposure If not previously vaccinated, the person should receive the HBV vaccine Treatment of HBV infection requires visits with your health care provider OSHA requires recommended treatment meet the CDC’s most recent guidelines Chronic HBV infection may require liver transplantation for treatment HBV Post-exposure Prophylaxis & Follow-up
HBV IMMUNIZATION • All people with routine occupational exposure to blood or OPIM have the right to receive the HBV vaccine at no personal expense • Refusal requires signing the Hepatitis B Vaccination declination form • Vaccine is Recombivax HB or Energix - B • Vaccine is prepared from recombinant yeast cultures • Must be made available within 10 working days of initial assignment to job
HBV VACCINATION SCHEDULE • Vaccine is given in 3 doses over 6 months • 1st on initial assignment • 2nd one month later • 3rd five months after 2nd dose • CDC recommends Hepatitis B antibody testing 1 to 2 months following the 3rd dose • Employer cannot require you use your health insurance to cover the cost • Pre-screening is not required • HBV is declining because of vaccine use!
PREVENTION • Engineering Controls • Work Practice Controls • Personal Protective Equipment • Universal Precautions
ENGINEERING CONTROLS • Design safety into the tools and work space organization • Engineering controls can: • Remove the risk of exposure to the hazard • Eliminate the hazard • Isolate the hazard
EXAMPLES OF ENGINEERING CONTROLS • Hand and eyewashing facilities • Sharps containers • Labeling • Self-sheathing needles • Needleless IV systems
LABELING REGULATED WASTE • Label liquid or semi-liquid blood or OPIM • Label item(s) covered with blood or OPIM • Label sharps contaminated with blood or OPIM • Labels are necessary for containers, storage, equipment that is contaminated • exception is certain blood or blood products that have been screened
SHARPS CONTAINERS MUST BE: • closable • puncture resistant • leakproof • labeled or color-coded • functional • sufficient in number • easily accessible • maintained in an upright position • replaced per policy • NOT be overfilled
SHARPS INJURY PROTECTION • Reusable sharps require proper handling (mechanical means) and decontamination • Retractable needles • Needleless systems
WORK PRACTICE CONTROLS • Behaviors necessary to use engineering controls safely & effectively • Work Practice Controls include: • using sharps containers • using an eyewash station • WASHING HANDS after using PPE • cleaning work surfaces • proper laundering
Do not break, shear, bend or recap needles Do not reach into containers of contaminated sharps Do not pick up contaminated items, such as broken glass, with your bare hands Do not use a vacuum cleaner to clean up contaminated items Do not open, empty or clean sharps containers Do not pipette or mouth suction blood or OPIM Do not eat, drink, smoke, apply cosmetics, or handle contact lenses in areas of possible occupational exposure Do not store food or beverages in refrigerators, freezers, shelves, or cabinets where blood or OPIM are present PROHIBITED WORK PRACTICES
HANDWASHING • Facilities readily available • Wash after removing PPE • Use antiseptic hand cleanser when necessary (such as when a sink isn’t handy)
HANDWASHING • First roll out your paper towel or have the towel readily available (so you don’t touch other surfaces to get it)
HANDWASHING • Turn on the tap water and adjust temperature • Use plenty of soap
HANDWASHING • Wash your hands using friction on all surfaces for at least 30 seconds
HANDWASHING • Dry your hands thoroughly • DON’T turn off the water yet
HANDWASHING • Turn off the tap with a dry part of the towel • Don’t touch surfaces with your hands
CLEANING • Clean work surfaces according to the employer’s exposure control plan • Use PPE and EPA-approved solution • 10% bleach and water, if used must be made daily • Place contaminated laundry in color-coded laundry bag, use PPE, and handle as little as possible • DO NOT take home to launder!
PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) • Specialized clothing or equipment used for protection when risk of exposure exists • Must prevent blood or OPIM from contaminating clothing or skin • Must be readily available at no cost to employee • Must be in appropriate sizes • Must be in good working condition • Must be properly maintained • Must be trained in proper use
TYPES OF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT • Gloves • Mask • Eye shields • Gowns/Aprons • Resuscitation devices
LATEX GLOVES • Medical products containing latex must be labeled • Allergies to latex have been on the rise • Substitutes to latex-containing materials must be available
UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS • Infection Control approach that treats all human blood and certain body fluids as if they are known to contain bloodborne pathogens