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Laurent Collet ( laurent.collet@lu.pwc ) European Leader, Financial Services XBRL

Taxonomies for Transparency: Five principles for regulatory efficiency and effectiveness of XBRL deployment in Europe. Laurent Collet ( laurent.collet@lu.pwc.com ) European Leader, Financial Services XBRL Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers. Challenges of Regulatory Reporting.

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Laurent Collet ( laurent.collet@lu.pwc ) European Leader, Financial Services XBRL

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  1. Taxonomies for Transparency:Five principles for regulatory efficiency and effectiveness of XBRL deployment in Europe Laurent Collet (laurent.collet@lu.pwc.com) European Leader, Financial Services XBRL Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers

  2. Challenges of Regulatory Reporting • New European regulation framework : • EU Directives (Transparency, Prospectus, UCITS 3, Market Abuse, Financial reporting IFRS) • Basel II / Credit risks • The new regulation changes in addition of a non-optimal current reporting flow is a real concern within the financial services industry • Industry will have to move towards new innovative solutions to overcome bottlenecks and meet new EU directives

  3. Overcoming today’s challenges

  4. Overcoming future challenges • Enhance supervisory co-operation in Europe • Promote information exchange between supervisory authorities (all sectors) • Provide financial information to all supply chain members in an open and transparent manner • Set up a common framework and standard for the collect and publication of the financial information

  5. Five Principles for achieving efficiency key building blocks for transitioning to a content-driven automated information Shared Vocabularies Diverse e-filing methods Structured filings Uniform validations Clear-cut transitions

  6. Leveraging structured filings Let the software do the ‘non-added value’ work by enhancing the structure of your information………… Before….. Reduced administrative workload & Enhanced analysis After

  7. Leveraging structured filings • Making software capable of performing the information preparation process: • Reduce the error rate due to manual intervention • Enable resources re-deployment to added value tasks • Speed the process • Making software capable of understanding and processing the information means : • Define data at its most basic level • Define how data relates to other data • Propose a meaningful definition to both producer and consumer • Defining data for structured regulatory reporting involves the regulators and all other supply chain members (regulated entities, other regulators, auditors, data vendors, investors,….)

  8. Leveraging structured filingsIllustration : the simplified prospectus under the new UCITS III • Fund Managers have to produce simplified prospectus (standing data, performance, fees, Total Expense Ratio,….) for the analysts, investors and update it annually for the regulators • Fund Managers have to prepare monthly, quarterly, annual financial reports to the regulator • Regulators collect and store the structured data under XBRL taxonomy from simplified prospectus and financial reports • Regulators enhance the validation and the consistence of information within financial reports and between the financial reports and the simplified prospectus

  9. Leveraging structured filingsIllustration : the simplified prospectus under the new UCITS III • Each year, regulators can save the reading, collection and presentation of more than 15,000 documents (simplified prospectus + financial reports) • Saving time is dedicated to the analysis and data consistency between actual financial figures and prospectuses information

  10. Five Principles for achieving efficiency key building blocks for transitioning to a content-driven automated information Shared Vocabularies Diverse e-filing methods Structured filings Uniform validations Clear-cut transitions

  11. Establishing shared vocabularies • Achieving efficiency for regulatory reporting is first of all a question of common vocabulary (functional) design rather than technology design • Shared vocabularies among the supply chain are core to: • Facilitate the set up of a global integrated reporting framework • Avoid redundant data and reporting processes • Reduce information collection and processing costs • The establishment of shared vocabularies refers to the set up of data classification schemes: • Hierarchical to allow classifications at multiple level • Suitable for both numeric and non numeric data • Versioned, allowing for evolution of scheme • International and multilingual • Extensible by regional or sector authorities or even by companies

  12. Establishing shared vocabularies ‘’ To the extent that there is a shift from quantitative to qualitative supervision, new additional tasks should not be introduced without critically questioning existing regulatory requirements. Regulatory tools and reporting requirements that have become obsolete should be abolished without replacement. XBRLprovides organisations with a way to prepare, publish in a variety of formats, reliably extract, and automatically exchange a wide variety of business reporting information – financial and otherwise.’’ the time is ripe for regulators to (i) examine, together with the banking industry if -and to what extent- they wish to promote the use of XBRL to cooperate across borders and (ii) take advantage of such an opportunity to re-assess not just the broad principles associated with regulation but also the specific definitions of regulatory reporting concepts. STATE OF INTEGRATION OF EUROPE’S FINANCIAL MARKETS - September 2004 COMMENTS OF THE Federation Banque Européenne ON THE REPORTS OF THE BANKING AND SECURITIES GROUPS

  13. Five Principles for achieving efficiency key building blocks for transitioning to a content-driven automated information Shared Vocabularies Diverse e-filing methods Structured filings Uniform validations Clear-cut transitions

  14. Allowing diverse e-filing methods • Why allow diverse e-filling methods? • Reporting filling methods based on regulator proprietary or unique software solutions are showing clear limitations and are globally perceived as too costly • Current solutions based on older technologies like EDI can not support the data structure flexibility required by new regulations like Basel 2 or IFRS • E-filing is not only about turning paper reports into electronic reports because that gives no process efficiencies • Tomorrow’s technology environment will likely be composed of as many or even more disparate technologies • Web services and XBRL allow different e-filling methods without requiring change of technology or creation of interfaces

  15. e-filing cost reduction at the US FFIEC FDIC OCC FRB OTS NCUA Today FDIC estimates that by requiring reports to be filed in XBRL the agency will reduce processing costs by 25 percent. 8900 Banks FDIC OCC FRB OTS NCUA FFIEC Future 8900 Banks

  16. Diverse e-filing methods opportunities

  17. Five Principles for achieving efficiency key building blocks for transitioning to a content-driven automated information Shared Vocabularies Diverse e-filing methods Structured filings Uniform validations Clear-cut transitions

  18. Uniform Validation Leverage from XBRL unique functionalities to achieve content management far above the notion of electronic form and XML schema

  19. Validation and Submission • Public • Taxonomy • Formulas • Other links • Analyze • Formulas Pre-validate Analysis Instance Post-validate Re-validate Instance with explanations

  20. Five Principles for achieving efficiency key building blocks for transitioning to a content-driven automated information Shared Vocabularies Diverse e-filing methods Structured filings Uniform validations Clear-cut transitions

  21. Enabling clear-cut transitions The lost-lost case scenario : • Stand alone reporting model developed by regulators • Regulated entities waiting the final results A win-win scenario : • Leadership must invest effort in education and knowledge transfer • Demonstrate added value of the new solutions and prepare users to change via proof of concepts • Set up dedicated team to focus on maintenance, consistency and change management aspects (maintenance organisation team at Dutch Government project)

  22. Towards standards based reporting • Awareness is done….. deployment time is coming • Regulators have integrated XBRL as a reporting solution for the future • Several European projects about enhanced regulatory framework (Spain, U.K, The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Ireland,…) • Today, local regulators and European supervisory committees have the keys to: • Promote a global framework which facilitates market transparency • Facilitate the exchange of information between regulators / supervisors • Answer to regulated entities concerns about the cost • Proprietary solution for supervisor may look good to the supervisor but costly and complex for the regulated companies • XBRL & Web services are a unique solution to set up the basis for an European framework where financial information can be exchanged and shared in an open and transparent manner

  23. Taxonomies for Transparency:Five principles for regulatory efficiency and effectiveness of XBRL deployment in Europe Laurent Collet (laurent.collet@lu.pwc.com) European Leader, Financial Services XBRL Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers

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