How to get rid of double chin By jasmine-beauty
What Causes a Double Chin? 1. GeneticsSome people’s genes mean that they are more likely to store fats underneath their chin, which gives a bloated look and look heavier than you are.
2. AgeIt is a fact of life that as we age, our muscles tend to atrophy, our skin tends to lose collagen and start to sag. In many older people, this is the main cause of a double chin.
3. Excess WeightIf you put on weight, some of the fat is going to be stored around the chin and face.
4. Improper postureYour posture actually has a very significant effect on the appearance of your double chin.
5. GravityEven gravity plays a role. When the skin becomes less elastic, gravity causes your eyebrows and eyelids to droop, creates looseness and fullness under the cheeks and jaw, and lengthens ear lobes.
Ways to Reduce double chin Exercises a. Sit up straight and retain a good posture. Hold your head high above your shoulders with your jaw slightly jutted throughout the day.
b. Open your mouth as wide as you can, hold for 10 seconds and relax. For better results, add resistance under your chin--like a tennis ball--or push out your jaw as if you're trying to scoop with it and work it up and down a few times.
c. Place one hand on your forehead. Push your head forward while providing resistance with your hand.
d. Point your chin up. Pucker up your lips, push them as far out as you are able to and hold for 10 seconds.
e. Push your chin forward while keeping your upper body and shoulders still. Hold for 10 seconds.
f. Lean your head back as far as possible while sitting upright. Hold for five to 10 seconds.
g. Chew sugar-free gum to keep your jaw and facial muscles moving. Working your jaw line will prevent excess fat. The muscles in your face responsible for keeping your jaw line tight are the same muscles that you use to chew and make facial expressions. Chewing gum and making facial expressions will help retain that jaw line.
Food that kill face fat Oatmeal In a review of several studies on oatmeal’s benefits, published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, the data concludes that the soluble fiber in oats does indeed lower cholesterol and contains properties that bolster cardiovascular health. Other oatmeal benefits mentioned in the study include: Preventing oxidation of arteries Curbing weight gain Preventing type 2 diabetes Bolstering the immune system
Beans Fiber supports in washing out lots of “toxic waste” and helps a lot in reducing your face fat
Green Tea It contains potent antioxidants and a lot of research has connected green tea as a fat reducing agent. It also increases your metabolism
Cinnamon Scientists have claimed that cinnamon holds a certain type of antioxidant that makes your insulin all the more sensitive, which in turn effectively stabilizes your blood sugar
Chilli peppers Researches claimed that chili peppers and powders contain certain active ingredients termed as capsaicin that supports calorie burning and steadying blood sugar (also supports in reducing fat storage). It also works as a potent antioxidant
Yogurt Many yogurts are made using active, good bacteria. One of the words you’ll be hearingmore of in relation to yogurt is ''probiotics.'' Probiotic, which literally means ''for life,'' refers to living organisms that can result in a health benefit when eaten in adequate amounts
Thank you By Jasmine-beauty