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St John Fisher Catholic High School

Diocese of Leeds. Diocese of Leeds. St John Fisher Catholic High School. “Consideration of academy status and joining a Catholic Multi Academy Trust Consultation briefing ”. Introduction. Welcome and Opening Prayer St John Fisher Mission and Aims Where we are now?

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St John Fisher Catholic High School

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  1. Diocese of Leeds Diocese of Leeds St John Fisher Catholic High School “Consideration of academy status and joining a Catholic Multi Academy Trust Consultation briefing ”

  2. Introduction • Welcome and Opening Prayer • St John Fisher Mission and Aims • Where we are now? • How do we progress? • What are the Diocese considering? • Where do we want to go? • What does this mean for our children? • What happens next? Diocese of Leeds

  3. Welcome Pictures of children or school based material

  4. Opening Prayer For Catholic Communities • God, our Father, creator of all, we cry out to you as humble servants of our Lord, Jesus Christ within our schools and parishes. • We give thanks for all we have received as we seek to teach, guide and guard the children in our care. • We call upon the gifts of our confirmation and the power of your Holy Spirit as we consider the future of the distinctive Catholic education of our children. • In all we think, say and do may we be Yours. • May we be wise and selfless and have the courage and strength to follow your way. • We ask this in Jesus’ name and through the power of your Holy Spirit. • Amen Diocese of Leeds

  5. St John Fisher Mission and Aims “Following the example of our Patron, St John Fisher, priest and scholar, we aim to love one another throughout our life at school, to learn and develop our full potential in the image of Christ.” • to help pupils to know and love God and the wonders of creation • to help pupils to understand and live the Catholic faith • to enable pupils to grow in self-esteem • to help pupils to become responsible and responsive adults • to enable pupils to develop their physical potential • to enable pupils to develop their intellectual potential • to prepare pupils for life in a multi-cultural and technological society • to create a community in which individuals respect each other regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, ability, sexuality, religion or social status.

  6. Achievements • Received “Outstanding” in the Leeds S48 RE InspectionDecember 2012 • Received “Good” in the Ofsted Inspection October 2012 “St. John Fisher is a school that lives out its Mission Statement . There is an excellent shared understanding between all members of the community of the school’s ministry to young people and its service to the Church.” Quote (Source: Leeds S48 Report, December 2012)

  7. Catholic schools • Our Catholic schools are provided to assist Catholic parents in their duty of educating their children • Governors of our schools have to perform a largely strategic role in the life of the school • School improvement – establishing policies and targets designed to achieve those objectives • School standards and pupil performance – monitoring, evaluating and reviewing the progress of the school • Strategic view – setting aims and objectives • Critical friend – offering challenge and support to the Headteacher and the team • And in particular Foundation Governors have a responsibility to ensure that, at all times, the school is conducted in accordance with the Diocesan Trust deed and serves as a witness to Jesus Christ in every aspect of its work

  8. How do we progress? • At St John Fisher, the primary aim is to be completely committed to the Catholic faith, believing that by putting Christ at the centre of everything we do, children are given a set of principles for life which are even more important than educational achievement. This is not to say that attainment is not important; we have extremely high expectations, yet we strongly believe in developing the child in mind, body and spirit. • Catholic schools are now a major component of the education system and as society changes, we have to too, in order to ensure we meet the needs of our children and young people. • We are now at the point of considering the next major change in Catholic education – that of becoming academies.

  9. Key factors to look at Mission Strategic vision, how we work together to achieve and deliver Environment Information Gathering Internal Where are we? What works for us? External What will our future look like? What is happening outside? Resources Identify resources available staffing structure facilities equipment training & development finances key stakeholders Diocese of Leeds

  10. So what is an Academy? • An academy is a state-funded school which operates independently within the requirements of national codes of practice for state schools • It receives its funding directly from central government rather than through a local authority • It is the current intention of the coalition government that all state schools should become Academies “In September 2010, 32 schools in England started term as shiny new "converter“ acadamies . By the end of the 2012 academic year, there were 1987 and the number continues to increase.

  11. Building the future • The phenomenal pace of developments in technology and communications, increasing secularisation and the challenges posed by a pluralistic and multi-cultural society face all schools alike. • These developments and challenges call for: ‘” … courageous renewal on the part of the Catholic school … And so, now as in the past, the Catholic school must be able to speak for itself effectively and convincingly “. • (Source: Diocese of Leeds, Office for Education and Schools, Building the Future – Considering Multi Academy Trusts, Guidance for Governors, October 2011, page 4) Diocese of Leeds

  12. What is a Catholic Multi Academy Trust • A Catholic Multi Academy Trust is a number of Catholic Academies who agree to work together within an overarching trust body • The Diocese of Leeds has suggested groupings to explore the Catholic Multi Academy Trust to avoid any school being left isolated Diocese of Leeds

  13. The Diocese Proposed Model Multi Academy Trust A Multi Academy Trust C Diocesan Council Multi Academy Trust D Multi Academy Trust B Multi Academy Trust E Diocese of Leeds

  14. Catholic Multi Academy Trust Diocese Trust Board Primary School A LGB Primary School B LGB High School A LGB High School B LGB Primary School C LGB Diocese of Leeds

  15. Trust Board 4 Head teachers 2 Staff 2 Parents Elected from schools 8 Foundation Including clergy To be confirmed! Local Academy Council Head teacher 1 or 2 Staff 2 Parent 6 Foundation To be confirmed! Trust Board and LGB

  16. The Mission of the Catholic Multi Academy Trust With Jesus Christ at the centre of the life of the Trust we; • Seek to provide learning communities offering the highest possible standards of education • Are committed to working in partnership and trust for the common good • Strive to encourage and empower children and young people to recognise and realise their God-given potential and to discern their vocation in life • Recognise as learning communities inspired by faith, we celebrate achievement, offering each other challenge and support, as together we follow Christ in self-giving love and service

  17. Key Principles Trusts are collectively responsible for all children Collective Responsibility Promotion of strong positive links through partnership working with parishes and families Partnership Working Collaboration with other academies and trusts to share best practice Collaboration No individual school left in a vulnerable position Support will be available from other schools Support The Catholic faith is at the heart of the Trust and academies will promote spiritual, educational and pastoral provision for staff and pupils United In Faith Diocese of Leeds

  18. Catholic Multi Academy Trust A place with so much more on offer • A shared vision and core principles – liturgical, sacramental and spiritual life • Improved quality of educational provision • Development opportunities for all personnel • An improvement in teaching and learning • A clear Catholic identity and distinctiveness • Shared effective skills and resources • Establishment of best practices • Sustained safe/ family environments • Strengthened social cohesion • Enhanced parish links • Greater involvement and interaction of key stakeholders (Pupils, parents, carers, school, governors, parishioners, volunteers) • Eased transition for pupils to Secondary Education

  19. Creating new opportunities in our region The proposed Catholic Multi Academy Trust in Calderdale and Kirklees district may include 16 schools 14 Primary Schools St Josephs-Halifax St Mary’s-Halifax Sacred Heart-Sowbery Bridge St Joseph’s-Brighouse St Malachy’s-Halifax St Patrick’s-Elland St Patrick’s-Birstall St Joseph’s-Huddersfield St Patricks-Huddersfield Our Lady of Lourdes-Huddersfield Holy Spirit-Heckmondwike St Joseph’s-Dewsbury St Mary’s-Batley St Paulinus-Dewsbury 2 Secondary Schools • All Saints-Huddersfield • St John Fisher-Dewsbury Diocese of Leeds

  20. Primary Schools St Mary’s-Halifax Sacred Heart-Sowbery Bridge St Malachy’s-Halifax St Patrick’s-Elland St Joseph’s-Dewsbury Secondary Schools All Saints-Huddersfield St John Fisher-Dewsbury Schools who have expressed an interest to convert - in the first stage December 2013 Diocese of Leeds

  21. So what will it mean for our children? • They will learn in the same school building • They will work with the same staff • They will wear the same uniform • The school times will be the same • They will serve and live as a part of their parish community • The school building and land will still be owned by the Diocese of Leeds • They will still be part of their local community • They will have greater opportunities … to develop their skills, knowledge and experience ‘Education is not and must never be considered as purely utilitarian. It is about forming the human person, equipping him or her to live life to the full – in short it is about imparting wisdom. And true wisdom is inseparable from knowledge of the Creator’. (Pope Benedict XVI, Address to Teachers and Religious, Twickenham, September 2010)

  22. So why change? • The Trust will give us the ability to maximise what we are able to deliver in education by sharing expertise, resources and services, including support for struggling schools • The Trust will be an example of collaborative working, providing school to school support and working closely with the local Catholic community • The Trust will provide expanded professional development opportunities for staff in Trust academies and help with succession planning • Greater flexibility with the financial resources available to us “It will help us become better at what we already do”

  23. Funding Now Academy Funding Local Authority Funding Percentage is top sliced to pay for central services 100% of the funding goes direct to the Academy Trust for distribution to the school • We can prioritise all our resources as a school in the way that best meets our objectives • We can exercise CHOICE and be innovative in how we spend our money

  24. Key questions No. We would need to spend a small amount for things like legal fees but if we decided to apply there is a small grant available (£25k) for schools to help with start up costs and there would also be the potential to share these costs with the other schools Won’t this cost us a lot of money ? No. We would have the same level of funding and it would be received directly. It is the schools responsibility to budget for costs accordingly and understand all requirements. Recent reports of difficulties in local schools were unrelated to moving to Academy Status Does becoming an Academy mean we have less money and therefore need to lose staff ?

  25. Key questions continued Would we continue to use the Local Authority ? Yes, if that is best for us, however, the Local Authority landscape is evolving too with many more moving to selling their services or reducing capacity. This way we can plan and adapt in the best way for St John Fisher. Yes, and we would need to assess how we would adapt to a new reporting structure. However, we have already had to implement significant standards and procedures to meet current regulations with regards to finance. Would this bring greater responsibility and accountability ? Challenges also provide opportunities

  26. Opportunities We can be innovative in how we spend our funding and maximise best value for St John Fisher We would no longer have to contribute 10% directly to capital projects By being part of a multi academy trust there are direct and indirect opportunities for sharing resources DIRECT The Trust could employ specialist staff directly that schools could utilise e.g. school improvement staff INDIRECT The Trust could use its economies of scale to ensure the best deals were available for schools to access goods and services

  27. Where do we go from here • Our individual governing bodies are still considering whether a Catholic Multi-Academy Trust is the way forward for our schools • Schools that receive Diocesan approval will then apply to the DfE (central government) to convert • The schools which have not chosen to proceed at this point may join at a later stage • Nothing is yet finally decided - the process is at consultation stage • The consultation deadline date is 17th May 2013 • Responses will be collated and reported to the governing body and then to all key stakeholders • Schools may withdraw at any stage from the process

  28. To move forward we need to • Work as a team • Value and encourage staff • Support staff development • Promote best practice • Work collectively to improve pupil attainment and progress • Further develop a creative and engaging curriculum for all • Engage, consult and involve all stakeholders • Evaluate service provision • Review financial viability • Develop and implement a workable action plan • Implement control systems to monitor performance • Work together to develop a three year business plan

  29. To succeed we need to manage and embrace change • Be open and transparent about the need for change • Clear communication • Clear direction • Clear Catholic identity and distinctiveness • Strong positive leadership • Acknowledge the importance of partnership working • Governors, Staff, Pupils, Parents, Carers, Parishioners and the wider community • Private, public and third sector organisations • Local schools and local communities • Influence and promote change to enhance quality of educational provision • Encourage staff to develop their potential • Inspire and promote excellence • Provide safe and friendly environments

  30. Building upon success … We’ll work with integrity to make a difference and deliver the Catholic Multi Academy’s Trust Missionand aims:- • create prayerful communities (3-19 years) based on Christian values, notably those of ‘Love, Justice, Peace, Truth and Respect for All’, and to encourage individuals in their commitment to these ideals • encourage everyone to do their best to achieve the highest standards in all areas of activity • enable children to grow into confident, open, resourceful young people with a sense of responsibility and of service • create vibrant Catholic Christian communities by working by a spirit of partnership and mutual support and respect • encourage, celebrate and empower all learners to make a positive contribution to society by living out the Gospel Values • recognize the uniqueness of each Academy within the Trust and work in partnership and collaboration in a spirit of mutual support to ensure the continued development and progress of all

  31. Further Information and Questions • Useful Websites • www.catholicacademies.org.uk • www.education.gov.uk • www.catholicpost.org.uk • www.dioceseofleeds.org.uk/education/news • Any Questions • Please feel free to ask questions • Or please forward any questions/queries on the pro forma you may have to the head teacher via post or email headteacher@stjohnfisher.org.uk office@stjohnfisher.org.uk

  32. Thank you for your timeand your continued support The Head teacher and Governors of St John Fisher Catholic High School

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