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https://www.dope-review.com/secret-traffic-code-review/ What is it: Secret Traffic Code is a complete, step-by-step video training course along with an incredibly powerful proprietary software to help deliver results to clients faster and easier than your tribe has ever imagined. When it comes to making money online, most people fail in the “strategy” phase. By that I mean they choose the wrong clients or customers. They choose the wrong problems to solve. And they choose the wrong ways to solve those problems. When you mess up during the “strategy” phase, it not only makes everything much harder… but you’ll end up wasting time and moving in the wrong direction. It’s almost like wanting to work out and grow bigger biceps. But all you do is leg exercises like squats and deadlifts. I bring this up because recently I was talking with a couple of friends who own the fastest growing marketing agency in sunny, Maui, Hawaii. Secret Traffic Code Review And they said they see this same thing happen to new agency owners again and again. Which is why they’ve recently been testing a new system. A system that is not based on trends or fads. But that is based on solving one of the most burning, painful, and chronic problems that local businesses face. In other words, this system nails the strategy part. Because when you can solve a burning and chronic problem… clients will be willing (and even happy) to pay you big bucks to solve it. They’ll be so excited they’ll give you great testimonials and referrals. And they’ll be happy to pay you monthly recurring revenue for months or in some cases years on end. Even though it takes very little “work” for you to maintain. You can think of the difference between getting the strategy part wrong or right like the difference between having high cholesterol. And having a heart attack. If you have high cholesterol you may do a few things to solve it. You may do some research, buy a few supplements, eat healthier, and workout. (Emphasis on the may.). But if you have a heart attack? Then you’ll be begging the paramedics to do WHATEVER they can to save your life. Even if that means expensive and painful procedures. Pumping you full of experimental medicines. Or whatever. After all, your life is on the line.
Secret Traffic Code Review And the strategy that I told you about earlier? Well it is much more akin to solving a local marketing heart attack. Which again, is why clients are willing to spend so much to solve this problem. And do it without weeks of back and forth, being skeptical, or arguing over fees. It’s called The Secret Traffic Code. How does it work? Secret Traffic Code works by teaching you the all-powerful art of traffic… and just as importantly how to convert that traffic. Once you get that part right, making money online becomes incredibly simple. Of course, Tom and Nick (the remote business geniuses behind Secret Traffic Code) are backing this with a 100% guarantee. Tom and Nick are some of the most well-known people in their space. And they are notorious for having one of the best customer service teams in their industry. I’ve even seen people comment in their Facebook group about being stunned that they responded during a launch. So you risk nothing by picking it up today. But you do risk something by not picking it up. That’s because Tom and Nick usually raise the prices of their courses 10x after launch. So if you end up wanting Secret Traffic Code Review later… you’ll be forced to spend hundreds more than just getting it now. So if you’re at all interested, don’t delay. Use the link below NOW to lock in your savings while you can. Features The Secret Traffic Code comes with over 30 Trainings and Automations to Help You Close $500+ Clients every week... WELCOME MODULE: Introduction. Welcome Video. Course Overview (Traffic Expert) MODULE 1: The Million Dollar Opportunity. Paid Traffic Industry. Cold Traffic vs Intensifier Traffic. Business Opportunity Revealed MODULE 2: The Intensifier Strategy. Website Intensifier. Website Segment Intensifier. Conversion Page Intensifier. Landing Page Intensifier. Email Intensifier.
Secret Traffic Code Review MODULE 3: Mastering Fulfillment. Pixel Mastery. Ad Strategy & Creation. Campaign Creation. MODULE 4: Marketing Strategies & Selling Your Service. Creating Opportunities & Sales. Marketing Strategy 1: Pay-Per-Click + Intensifier. Marketing Strategy 2: The $500 Free Banner Ad. Marketing Strategy 3: Social Media Secret Message. Marketing Strategy 4: Groupon + Video Recording. Marketing Strategy 5: Free Banner Ad Referral Strategy.Marketing Strategy 6: Online Training / Free Assessment. Residual Sales: The Power Of 10x Intensifier. MODULE 5: Traffic Practicum: Taking Action. Practicum Overview. Creating An Ad. Install A Pixel. Create A Campaign. Create A Case Study (Using Template As Guide). Can do for you Secret Traffic Code Review works 100% of the time… It has no competition... It gets into motion fast... It literally turns losing campaigns into winners... Secret Traffic Code enables you to promise clients RESULTS with total confidence... Enjoy client conversations without fearing complaints... Restores relationships with existing clients… Secret Traffic Code helps you build a true recurring income agency... Lets you add new clients because your promises can be met.
Frequently Asked Questions Is Secret Traffic Code Review just a re-hash of previous courses? No, Secret Traffic Code is just what they say: Completely New and Unique. Nick and I have been searching for a better way to make traffic convert online for years. Once they discovered what works, they built this training course around it. And it's not just some good instruction, they include up-to-date case studies and their "Traffic Intensifier Software" along with Referral Strategies, Residual Sales methods and a treasure trove of the lastest marketing materials. Isn't everybody selling a traffic system? Hard to say, really. Fixing traffic problems is certainly popular. You're getting paid to do what business owners can't do themselves. But with your help (once you know the secrets) businesses have a real opportunity to make traffic campaigns profitable. Why would a business need my help? Most local businesses get poor results from their online marketing... and have no idea how to improve their traffic conversions. Even if they attempt this themselves, they usually tire of it and their poor results discourage them. Secret Traffic Code Review Does this take a lot of time? Once you sign a client, it can take about an hour or two to setup. The monthly investment of time can be easily controlled by outsourcing and just monitoring the results. They show you how to minimize the time and effort. Will I need a large budget? No. You can do Secret Traffic Code with no money, just your own time and effort. A little money for an outsourcer will make it go much faster, but it's not necessary. You'll be paid before you ever have to spend any money. That way cash flow is not a problem. Will I need to hire Employees? NO (Unless YOU Want Them) —If you choose to use virtual assistants or outsource that's fine. But it's not necessary.
Secret Traffic Code Review: Is there a lot of competition from big firms? Converting traffic to sales is always an important service in their business. Your local presence will dismiss many big far-away services and their unique system gives you a further edge. If it's so good… why don't you charge more? Simple. They actually make most of their earnings from local clients, not from product launches. They do enjoy helping marketers and their 12,000 member Facebook group is more evidence that they give more than they get. Can I do Secret Traffic Code all from my computer? This entire business is totally location independent and can be done entirely by email and phone. Many of their consulting clients they reach by email and phone or Skype. How soon can I expect to land some local clients? If you follow a simple daily plan, of emailing the right candidates, you can be adding clients in just weeks. They feel a steady effort should provide you with about 3 clients in just 30 days. Success rates will vary, of course, but there's no reason you can't succeed with this method..and remember they are here to support you. Overview Secret Traffic Code Review: Imagine the impact of being able to tap into an exclusive customer acquisition strategy that leaves prospects no choice but to say YES. Most marketers think it’s out of reach, but in today’s market, new winners will rise to dominate because they are armed with the tools and strategies to create massive value. That’s why they want to introduce to you The NEW Secret Traffic Code: the Strategy that literally puts your audience in the top 1% of all marketing services providers. They’ve combined their strategy with emerging technology that allows you to do what most marketers have only dreamed of. What if you could tap into an exclusive Customer Acquisition Strategy that leaves prospects no choice but to say… “YES!” What if you knew this one repeatable (and scalable) process that regularly lands you deals and recurring income for your agency...a series of secret techniques that make competition utterly impotent.
Secret Traffic Code ReviewAnd… What if this one simple thing didn’t require you to “hard sell” anything to anybody? I’m talking about something so powerful, so foolproof and automatic, it may even shock you with its effectiveness. That’s right, unless you have imagined a perfect traffic system like this, it will seem out of reach for all but hundred million dollar mega-corporations…Having this marketing weapon in your arsenal can and will change everything when it comes to offering profitable, in-demand services. I’m talking about something so powerful, so foolproof and automatic, it may even shock you with its effectiveness. That’s right, unless you have imagined a perfect traffic system like this, it will seem out of reach for all but hundred million dollar mega-corporations… Having this marketing weapon in your arsenal can and will change everything when it comes to offering profitable, in-demand services. And We Need To Change EVERYTHING Since... The Economy Is Being Sucked Into a Violent Storm Of Hurricane Proportions! Have you noticed the price to fill your gas tank lately? It's the highest in history! Shocked by the cost of steak? eggs? bread?...milk?... and in some categories serious shortages are rearing their head... Mothers can't buy baby formula at any ANY PRICE! Experts say with inflation raging at historical levels, all the salary increases are wiped out by the price spikes... all while the stock market collapses further every week. The public feels it, but businesses REALLY feel it... and are talking about it. While the public can skip many items, businesses don't have that option. A steakhouse can't cut back on steak, a oil change shop can't wait to buy oil. They are being squeezed like never before. Secret Traffic Code Review Marketing ROI is A MUST Now! Now, in these critical times, with crises around every corner, you MUST be offering the RIGHT services. Local agencies need to be smart and offer marketing services that provide quick ROI. (Now is not the time to be pitching branding and image enhancement, for example, when most businesses need paying customers TODAY.) That's why squeezing better, faster results out of TRAFFIC is the most IMPORTANT THING YOU CAN OFFER!