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Explore the interconnected short-term and long-term changes of the 1920s, from the rejection of the Versailles Treaty to the rise of Fascism and the Roaring 20s cultural explosion. Witness the emergence of labor movements, consumerism, and authoritarian shifts in Eastern Europe. Delve into revolutionary patterns in Mexico, China, and the Soviet Union, from Pancho Villa's rebellion to the Bolsheviks' rise to power. Understand the dynamics of power struggles and revolutions that shaped the world between the wars.
Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars 30.1How do short-term and long-term changes relate in analyzing the 1920s?
Versailles Conference 1919- US rejects Versailles Treaty and League of Nations Roaring 20s- Jazz Music- Big Band sounds- Dance craze- Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars 30.1How do short-term and long-term changes relate in analyzing the 1920s?
Muralist movement (Mexico) Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars 30.1How do short-term and long-term changes relate in analyzing the 1920s? Cubist movement (Picasso) Architecture and skyscrapers-
US economic power grows- Assembly lines Labor movements Consumerism Credit economy Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars 30.1How do short-term and long-term changes relate in analyzing the 1920s?
British Commonwealth- Canada, Australia, New Zealand Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars 30.1How do short-term and long-term changes relate in analyzing the 1920s?
Rise of Fascism- Benito Mussolini and Italian Nationalism- WW I goals and promises unkept… 1922- Mussolini forms new Italian government, 1926 suspends elections Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars 30.1How do short-term and long-term changes relate in analyzing the 1920s?
Eastern Europe moves toward authoritarian government- Poland- Yugoslavia (Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia) Agricultural based economies of Eastern Europe struggle with low agricultural prices Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars 30.1How do short-term and long-term changes relate in analyzing the 1920s?
Japan’s Industrial boom Agricultural production increases, more labor for industry Dependent on export sales to cover cost of raw materials needed Military influence grows and tension with civilian government increases Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars Japan’s military begins to formulate independent operations involving China 30.1How do short-term and long-term changes relate in analyzing the 1920s?
Syndicalism- Political use of labor movement to gain political power in Latin America… Mexico- 10 year long Civil War rooted in economic disparity, disrupted markets (WW 1), and political corruption Porfirio Diaz- dictator since election to President in 1876 Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars Francisco Madero- runs against Diaz, election is rigged, Madero arrested Pancho Villa- leads a coalition of rebels in Northern Mexico Emiliano Zapata- southern Mexico peasant rebellion seeking land reform 30.2 What were the common patterns of early 20th century revolutions, and what were the major differences among Mexico, China and the Soviet Union? General Victoriano Huerta- military dictatorship fails (1914) 1917- Mexican Constitution (end of Mexican Revolution) Caudillo- personal rule
Russia- Food riots and strikes in St. Petersburg (March 1917) Soviet forms and takes over St. Petersburg government Alexander Kerensky- leads provisional government Supports continued ties to Britain, France and WW 1 Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars 30.2 What were the common patterns of early 20th century revolutions, and what were the major differences among Mexico, China and the Soviet Union?
Bolsheviks- V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin)- Take over the St. Petersburg Soviet, and government offices Sign Treaty of Brest-Litovsk to end war with Germany WW I ends, Britain, France, Japan and USA attempt to intervene Civil war (Bolsheviks vs Mensheviks) 1918-1921 Leon Trotsky leads Bolshevik Army to victory 1921- Lenin announces the New Economic Policy 1923- Capital returns to Moscow, USSR is formed (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) Bolsheviks on guard at government building Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars 30.2 What were the common patterns of early 20th century revolutions, and what were the major differences among Mexico, China and the Soviet Union?
1924- Lenin dies and leadership is in question Trotsky and Stalin vie for leadership Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars 30.2 What were the common patterns of early 20th century revolutions, and what were the major differences among Mexico, China and the Soviet Union?
Stalin becomes head of Communist Party and Premier of USSR- Trotsky is murdered in exile Comintern (Communist International)- established to encourage and facilitate Communist revolution in the industrialized world End of the NEP- Collectivization Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars 30.2 What were the common patterns of early 20th century revolutions, and what were the major differences among Mexico, China and the Soviet Union?
China- 1911- Revolutionary Alliance Sun Yatsen- Revolt topples Qing dynasty but has no organization or influence to establish a unified government Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars 30.2 What were the common patterns of early 20th century revolutions, and what were the major differences among Mexico, China and the Soviet Union?
1912- Emperor Puyi abdicates General Yuan Shikai- compromise makes him President, but he uses his army command (a Qing dynasty post) to make himself a new dynasty… Other regional generals will do the same and China deteriorates into the chaos of warlords The movie “The Sand Pebbles” is set in this time period… Yuan Shikai will resign with Japanese threat of invasion of China Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars 30.2 What were the common patterns of early 20th century revolutions, and what were the major differences among Mexico, China and the Soviet Union?
Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars 1911- Sun Yatsen- Nationalist Party- formed to oppose Yuan Shikai and the regional warlords and create a republic (KuoMinTang, KMT) 30.2 What were the common patterns of early 20th century revolutions, and what were the major differences among Mexico, China and the Soviet Union?
Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars 1919- May 4th movement of students and intellectuals trying to create a liberal democracy 1921- Marxist ideology establishes the Chinese Communist Party Li Dazhao believes peasants can lead the communist revolution MaoZedong follows Li’s idea and becomes the prominent leader of CCP 1924- Communists ally with KMT and Sun Yatsen 30.2 What were the common patterns of early 20th century revolutions, and what were the major differences among Mexico, China and the Soviet Union?
Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars 1924- Chiang Kaishek becomes head of Whampoa Military Academy founded by the KMT with Russian assistance 30.2 What were the common patterns of early 20th century revolutions, and what were the major differences among Mexico, China and the Soviet Union?
Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars 1925- Sun Yatsen dies Chiang Kaishek becomes leader of KMT Interesting trivia: Sun and Chiang married two of the Soong sisters 30.2 What were the common patterns of early 20th century revolutions, and what were the major differences among Mexico, China and the Soviet Union?
Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars 1927- Chiang Kaishek breaks the alliance with the CCP by attacking, arresting and executing CCP members…Shanghai becomes the site of a massacre that beheaded communists in the streets The anti-communist campaign receives much support from western countries and makes Chiang the “ally” in Asia 30.2 What were the common patterns of early 20th century revolutions, and what were the major differences among Mexico, China and the Soviet Union?
Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars 1934- Mao Zedong will lead 90,000 communists in the Long March from south China through the western deserts and north to Shanxi (thousands of miles) 30.2 What were the common patterns of early 20th century revolutions, and what were the major differences among Mexico, China and the Soviet Union?
Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars 30.2 What were the common patterns of early 20th century revolutions, and what were the major differences among Mexico, China and the Soviet Union?
Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars Causes of the Great Depression- Inflation of the postwar currencies of Europe- Germany’s hyperinflation makes the Mark valueless Agricultural surpluses drive prices down, farmers can’t sell profitably Overproduction of industrial nations flood market and make weak economies falter as sales drop Protective tariffs force international trade to collapse Declining sales leads to retail closures, which leads to industrial layoffs Unemployment rises Consumer boom of 20s was fueled by easy credit for both consumer goods and investment in stocks 1929- US Stock market crashes, and financial institutions fail as loans are defaulted 30.3 What were the principal regional differences in the impact and response to the Great Depression?
Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars Responses to the Great Depression- In the USA- New Deal- Roosevelt (Franklin) implements programs to feed and employ thousands Financial regulations are set up to save banks Some parts of US economy are planned and regulated 30.3 What were the principal regional differences in the impact and response to the Great Depression?
Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars Western Europe- Tariffs are raised to try to protect industries from foreign competition (doesn’t work) Political parties become increasingly polarized over policies to deal with economy Socialism and labor Parties become increasingly attracted to alliances to gain control of European Parliaments (especially in France) 30.3 What were the principal regional differences in the impact and response to the Great Depression?
Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars Germany’s issues- The Treaty of Versailles- Economic failures of Depression- Weak and corrupt parliamentary government- Fascism’s appeal- Business/middle class anti-communist fears- Anti-semitism- Totalitarian state- Gestapo- 30.4 What were the main features of the Nazi state?
Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars Fascism spreads- Spanish civil war- 30.5 Did global developments in the 1930s make another world war inevitable?
Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars Fascism spreads- Latin America- Mexico- Corporatism- Lazaro Cardenas- Brazil- Getulio Vargas- 30.5 Did global developments in the 1930s make another world war inevitable?
Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars Fascism spreads- Argentina- Juan Peron- Evita Peron- 30.5 Did global developments in the 1930s make another world war inevitable?
Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars Japan militarizes- Attempted coups- Military leaders increase power over civil government- Hideki Tojo- War with China- Japanese control expands- Depression halted by government sponsored employment and industrialization- 30.5 Did global developments in the 1930s make another world war inevitable?
Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars Soviet Union- Stalinism- The Gulag- Collectivization- Kulaks- Five Year plans- Socialist Realism- Politburo- The Great purges- 30.5 Did global developments in the 1930s make another world war inevitable?
Ch. 30 The World Between the Wars Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact- 30.5 Did global developments in the 1930s make another world war inevitable?