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Dubrovnik Airport. Galiot – MAINTENANCE. Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer. Maintenance function .

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  1. Dubrovnik Airport Galiot – MAINTENANCE Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. Author: Tomislav Macan,DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  2. Maintenance function • All actions necessary for retaining an item, or restoring to it, a serviceable condition, include servicing, repair, modification, overhaul, inspection and condition verification • Increase availability of a system • Keep system’s equipment in working order • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  3. Question? • Why do we need maintenance? • What are the costs of doing maintenance? • What are the costs of not doing maintenance? • What are the benefits of maintenance? • How can maintenance increase profitability of company? • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  4. Purpose of Maintenance • Attempt to maximize performance of production equipment efficiently and regularly • Prevent breakdown or failures • Minimize production loss from failures • Increase reliability of the operating systems • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  5. Principle Objectives in Maintenance • To achieve product quality and customer satisfaction through adjusted and serviced equipment • Maximize useful life of equipment • Keep equipment safe and prevent safety hazards • Minimize frequency and severity of interruptions • Maximize production capacity – through high utilization of facility • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  6. Maintenance Objectives • Must be consistent with the goals of production (cost, quality, delivery, safety) • Must be comprehensive and include specific responsibilities • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  7. Maintenance Costs • Cost to replace or repair • Losses of output • Delayed shipment • Scrap and rework • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  8. Maintenance types • Threetypes of maintenance • Breakdown maintenance – emergency or priority repairs on failed equipment • Preventive (scheduled) maintenance– routine inspection and servicing to keep facilities in good repair • Predictive (Condition-based) maintenance • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  9. Corrective or Breakdown Maintenance • Corrective or Breakdown maintenance implies that repairs are made after the equipment is failed and can not perform its normal function anymore • Quite justified in small factories where: • Down times are non-critical and repair costs are less than other type of maintenance • Financial justification for scheduling are not felt • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  10. Disadvantages of Corrective Maintenance • Breakdown generally occurs inappropriate times leading to poor and hurried maintenance • Excessive delay in production & reduces output • Faster plant deterioration • Increases chances of accidents and less safety for both workers and machines • More spoilt materials • Direct loss of profit • Can not be employed for equipments regulated by statutory provisions e.g. cranes, lift and hoists etc • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  11. Preventive Maintenance (PM) • Principle – “Prevention is better than cure” • Procedure - Stitch-in-time • It • locates weak spots of machinery and equipments • provides them periodic/scheduled inspections and minor repairs to reduce the danger of unanticipated breakdowns • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  12. Implementing Preventive Maintenance • Need to know when a system requires service or is likely to fail • High initial failure rates are known as infant mortality • Once a product settles in, MTBF generally follows a normal distribution • Good reporting and record keeping can aid the decision on when preventive maintenance should be performed • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  13. Candidates for Preventive Maintenance Frequency of Failure Good candidates have more normal distribution with low variability Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  14. Advantages of PM • Advantages: • Reduces break down and thereby down time • Lass odd-time repair and reduces over time of crews • Greater safety of workers • Lower maintenance and repair costs • Less stand-by equipments and spare parts • Better product quality and fewer reworks and scraps • Increases plant life • Increases chances to get production incentive bonus • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  15. Predictive (Condition-based) Maintenance • In predictive maintenance, machinery conditions are periodically monitored and this enables the maintenance crews to take timely actions, such as machine adjustment, repair or overhaul • It makes use of human sense and other sensitive instruments, such as • audio gauge, vibration analyzer, amplitude meter, pressure, temperature and resistance strain gauges etc. • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  16. Predictive Maintenance (Contd.) • Unusual sounds coming out of a rotating equipment predicts a trouble • An excessively hot electric cable predicts a trouble • Simple hand touch can point out many unusual equipment conditions and thus predicts a trouble • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  17. Data Files Output Reports Inventory and purchasing reports Equipment file with parts list Equipment parts list Maintenance and work order schedule Equipment history reports Repair history file Inventory of spare parts Cost analysis (Actual vs. standard) • Data entry • Work requests • Purchase requests • Time reporting • Contract work • Work orders • Preventive maintenance • Scheduled downtime • Emergency maintenance Personnel data with skills, wages, etc. Computerized Maintenance System • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  18. Maintenance Costs • The traditional view attempted to balance preventive and breakdown maintenance costs • Typically this approach failed to consider the true total cost of breakdowns • Inventory • Employee morale • Schedule unreliability • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  19. Total costs Preventive maintenance costs Costs Breakdown maintenance costs Maintenance commitment Optimal point (lowest cost maintenance policy) Maintenance Costs – traditional view • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  20. Total costs Full cost of breakdowns Costs Preventive maintenance costs Maintenance commitment Optimal point (lowest cost maintenance policy) Maintenance Costs – Full cost view • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  21. Maintenance department Manufacturer’s field service Depot service (return equipment) Operator Competence is higher as we move to the right Preventive maintenance costs less and is faster the more we move to the left How Maintenance is Performed • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  22. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) • Designing machines that are reliable, easy to operate, and easy to maintain • Emphasizing total cost of ownership when purchasing machines, so that service and maintenance are included in the cost • Developing preventive maintenance plans that utilize the best practices of operators, maintenance departments, and depot service • Training workers to operate and maintain their own machines • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  23. Categorization of facilities, equipment and systems • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  24. DUBROVNIK AIRPORT MAINTENANCE CONCEPT Documents : • Zakon o zračnom prometu 69/09 (čl. 79) • Pravilnik o aerodromima NN 64/12 • Pravilnik o održavanju i pregledanju aerodroma te mjerama potrebnim za njegovu sigurnu uporabu, NN 65/05 • ICAO Annexes and Airport service manuals (Annex 9) Brochures and practices: • Strategic Approach to Facilities Life Cycle Management • Product technical sheets • “Best practice” • the result is • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer


  26. GALIOT Device structure • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  27. Galiot Device structure layers • Categories: 96 (GSE 19) • Devices: 600 (GSE 300) • Procedures: 400 • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  28. GALIOT Departments • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  29. Implementation • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  30. GALIOT History at DBV Airport • 2003. - Maintenance of GSE equipment • 2004. – UKMP, Accident report, NOTAM, RIFF, Update with lighting equip. • 2005. – update with electrical equip. and infrastrucutre • 2006. – reporting, messaging, alarm, scheduling, update with security equip. • 2008. – Emergency module • 2009. – update with Airport manual (incl. electronic and mechanic equip.). Iphone application for Emergency module • 2010.-2013. full integration of Galiot based at Airport Manual including new module structure. • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  31. GALIOT Maintenance 2014. • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  32. Izbornik 1 • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  33. Izbornik 2 • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  34. Report – GSE Maintenance • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  35. Report – Lighting Maintenance • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  36. Report – GSE repair • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  37. Statistics and Audits • AUDITS by Airlines, Agency and others Authorities: • Total 15-20 yearly checking procedured and SLA • of which 3-5 checking in detail GSE maintenance • and 2-3 checking in detail operational surfaces, pavements, strips, lighting, signage and markings. • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  38. GALIOT – Maintenance conclusion • easy planning and control • automatic counting and scheduling • self-made procedures • easy administration • useful reports and notifications • important warnings by levels • history • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  39. GALIOT – Maintenance module • THANKS TO MER SYSTEMS for development of the module according to best practice and custom made by DBV Airport inside National and EU regulatory frame & keep it up to date. • Galiot Conference, Split 8/9. MAY 2014. • Author: Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer

  40. THANK YOU Tomislav Macan, DBV Airport Chief Technical Officer tomislav.macan@airport-dubrovnik.hr

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