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EVE WAS NOT THE ONLY ONE DECEIVED BY SATAN IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN. EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN. Satan has entered the Garden of Eden, not only to deceive Eve, but also to deceive others who have entered the Garden with him.
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • Satan has entered the Garden of Eden, not only to deceive Eve, but also to deceive others who have entered the Garden with him. • Of course, I refer to Augustine-Luther-Calvin. These three, being deceived by Satan speak of imaginary happenings in Eden. • How? With their famous but false doctrines: “original sin,” “total depravity,” “inborn sinful nature,” “unconditional election,” “inherited sin,” “direct operation of the Holy Spirit,” “faith only,” “impossibility of apostasy,” etc.
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • This theology was originated in the apostate church of the fourth century by Augustine, the unscriptural “bishop” of the church in Hippo, Africa. • It was invented by Augustine due to the influence of Gnosticism that he had accepted before his “conversion” to the Catholic church. • Those of the Gnostic heresy claimed special knowledge that was not revealed in the Scriptures.
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • Gnosticism was condemned by the apostles (Col. 2:18, 23; 1 Tim. 4:1-4). • 1 Jn. 4:2, Gnostics denied that Christ came in the flesh because the body is corrupt (source of Calvinistic “corrupt nature”). • That men are divided into two groups, the elect and non elect (source of “unconditional election” of Calvinism).
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • Also the Gnostics taught that humans were predestined arbitrarily either for salvation or for condemnation. • According to them man was totally depraved because he was created by an inferior god, the Demiurge, the god of the Old Testament. • It is indispensable that we recognize that Gnosticism was the source of the theology of Augustine, a theology that was accepted by Luther and Calvin.
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • The Westminster Confession of Faith • Chapter 6: On the Fall of Man, Sin, and Its Punishment. • II. By this sin they fell from their original righteousness and fellowship with God, and so became dead in sin, and wholly defiled in all the parts and faculties of soul and body.
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • III. They being the root of all mankind, the guilt of this sin was imputed; • and the same death in sin, and corrupted nature, conveyed to all their posterity descending from them by ordinary generation. • Who did the imputing of Adam’s sin to his descendants? Only possible answer: GOD.
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • From this original corruption, whereby we are utterly indisposed, disabled, and made opposite to all good, and wholly inclined to all evil, do proceed all actual transgressions. • In other words, man does not commit sin by his own free will (he doesn’t have free will). • But rather his corrupt nature compels him to sin; that is, man sins because he is man.
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • “Original sin” = all men are born with sinful, corrupt, depraved nature … • Men sin because this sinful nature compels them to sin. • NOT PERSONAL SIN, BUT INHERENT SIN. • Man didn’t become sinful, he was born sinful. He is pre-programmed to sin.
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • Have Calvinists stopped to think what they are saying? Who imputes Adam’s sin to all men? • Obviously, God does this! Who else could? • So this doctrine means that GOD COMPELS MEN TO SIN !!! • If you program a computer and there is an error, who is to blame, computer or you?
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • Original sin has God condemning men to an eternal hell for doing exactly what He forced them to do by transferring Adam’s sinful nature to them. • This strikes at the HOLINESS of God. He hates sin, it’s repugnant, intolerable. • And yet Calvinism says He transfers the sins of one person to all other persons to condemn them? Pagan deities don’t do that.
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • Why do I say that Augustine-Luther-Calvin entered “Eden”? Read Genesis 3:16-19, the text that clearly explains the consequences of the sin of Adam and Eve. • Observe that this text does not include the supposed consequences of the sin of Adam that are taught by Augustine-Luther-Calvin. They are not in this text!
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • Where did Augustine-Luther-Calvin learn the consequences of Adam’s sin that they teach? • Only possible place would be Garden of Eden, that’s where it all took place. • Their “consequences” should be in Gen. 3, along with verses 16-19,23. • They went into Eden and let Satan deceive them and they have mistaught millions.
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • If in reality Adam and Eve and their descendants were going to suffer the horrible consequences for their sin that are proclaimed by Augustine-Luther-Calvin, why does not God mention them in this text? • Why wait until the apostasies foretold by Paul became a reality and then reveal such devastating consequences through uninspired men?
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • When God plans to punish man with severe judgments He reveals with all clarity what He plans to do. • Consider the flood (Genesis 6:7); Sodom (Genesis 19:13); Korah (Numbers 16:30); • Many texts that speak of the captivity of the people of Israel; Matthew 24 and Luke 21, a clear prophesy of the destruction of Jerusalem.
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • Therefore, if God had planned to deprive Adam and Eve of their free will, reducing them to mere puppets to be manipulated by Him, without doubt He would have told them this in clear terms in that very moment when He told them the consequences of their sin (Genesis 3:16-19). • If God had intended to take from them the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26, 27), He would have told them so in that instant.
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • If from the moment he sinned Adam had remained totally DEPRAVED, deprived of all good and wholly inclined toward evil God would have explained this catastrophe in Genesis 3:16-19, 23. • If the descendants of Adam were going to inherit that supposed sinful nature and be born sinners, God would have announced that horrible consequence of his sin in Genesis 3:16-19, 23.
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • Why did He not tell Adam and Eve all this? These are consequences a thousand times worse than the pains of childbirth and the sentence that “in the sweat of your face you shall eat your bread.” God does not deceive! Satan does, but God does not. • God would not have hidden these terrible conse-quences from Adam and Eve. He would have told them with all clarity about these consequences just as He told them about the pains of childbirth and the earning of his bread by the sweat of his brow.
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • This is the question that every Calvinist is obligated to answer. • Why did God specify the consequences of Genesis 3:16-19, 23 without mentioning the disastrous consequences taught by Augustine and Calvinists? • Why would God think it unnecessary to mention them in Genesis 3:16-19, 23? WHY?
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • One possible “explanation” would be to say that God did know about these consequences but that He hid them from Adam and Eve. • In such case they would be accusing God of deception. Does anyone really believe that God is like Satan, another deceiver?
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • Another possible “explanation” would be that Satan knew more than God, that he had knowledge of the matter of which God was ignorant. • If God is Omniscient and Satan knows things of which God is ignorant, what word would describe Satan with regard to his knowledge? • Can anyone believe that Satan is Super Omniscient?
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • It is extremely absurd to teach that the true consequences of Adam’s sin named by God in Genesis 3:16-19, 23 were more important… • more significant, more alarming, than the imagined consequences taught by Augustine-Luther-Calvin and their followers.
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • Pains in childbirth and sweat-producing work amid thorns and thistles can’t begin to compare with the horrible and unthinkable loss of free will, being totally depraved, loss of the image of God … • And being deprived of the benefits of Christ’s atoning sacrifice and in the case of multitudes of Adam’s descendants being arbitrarily doomed eternally to hell by an unconditional “election.”
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • Yes, beyond doubt, such imagined consequences could only come from the mind of Satan, the archenemy of Adam and his descendants. • Yes, these are gruesome thoughts that never entered the mind of God and that’s why they are not in Genesis 3:16-19, 23. • The word of God in Jeremiah 19:5 could well apply here: these are things that “I did not command or speak, nor did it come into my mind.” They only came into Satan’s mind, not God’s.
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • Augustine-Luther-Calvin have dared to enter into the beautiful Garden of Eden and let Satan deceive them just as he deceived Eve… • Filling their minds with this most hideous trash that Augustine learned from Gnosticism • So that they in turn could deceive multiplied millions and prevent their hearing and obeying the gospel to save their souls.
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • John 8:44, Satan “is a liar, and the father of it.” He is the deceiver. • As the serpent in his craftiness deceived Eve he has deceived Augustine-Luther-Calvin … • And also millions of their followers … with these false doctrines.
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • How does he do it? How does he deceive so many people with these lies? He cites many Bible texts and twists them to force them to say what they don’t say. Every sect does this. • Note: to make a list of texts after affirming a certain doctrine is no guarantee that that doctrine is Scriptural.
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • The Watchtower “Witnesses against Jehovah” cite (abuse) MANY texts, twisting them to force them to conform to the foolish doctrines of that religious system. • They even publish their own PERversion of the Scriptures called The New World Translation to deny the Deity of Christ.
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • The apostle Paul insists that we make proper use of the Scriptures (2 Timothy 2:15, “handling accurately the word of truth”) and the apostle Peter affirms that the “untaught and unstable twist (Scripture) to their own destruction” (2 Peter 3:16). • Vine’s Expository Dictionary says that the word “twist” or “distort” comes from strebloo, meaning to “torture” (from streble, a torture rack, which according to Webster is “an instrument of torture having a frame on which the victim is bound and stretched until his limbs are pulled out of place.”)
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • I Repeat: The Bible speaks clearly and specifically of the consequences of the sin of Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:16-19,23) but God did not say that they lost their free will … • And God did not say that after this one sin they had a corrupt or fallen nature … • And God did not say that the descendants of Adam were going to inherit his corrupt nature, being born totally depraved and inclined only to evil.
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • All of these fictitious consequences came from the mind of Satan and were accepted by Augustine and adopted from him by Luther and Calvin. • These men went into the Garden of Eden to learn about the consequences of Adam’s sin and Satan thoroughly deceived them just as he did Eve. • Satan thinks he is much more intelligent than God. These men did not receive the love of the truth (Genesis 3:14-19) and God let Satan send them a strong delusion so that they could believe a whole string of lies created by Satan.
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • 1 Peter 4:11, “If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God,” but the supposed consequences of Adam’s sin taught by Augustine-Luther-Calvin are NOT “the oracles of God.” • They cannot be found Genesis 3:16-19, 23 nor in the rest of the Bible. They are the doctrines of men (Matthew 15:9) and are condemned.
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • They are “another gospel,” which should not be classified as “gospel,” a term that means “good news.” The false doctrines of Calvinism are “bad news.” • Paul says that if anyone preaches another gospel different from the one he preached, “let him be accursed” (Galatians 1:8,9). He explains in 2 Corinthians 11 that Satan deceives those who preach another gospel just as he deceived Eve.
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • Why does Satan do this? So that sinful men will not feel responsible for their sins and therefore will not obey the gospel of Christ to have their sins forgiven. • Satan wants followers just as Christ wants followers. Satan wants everyone to be with him in hell, just as Christ wants everyone to be with Him in heaven.
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • So in order to gain all the followers that he possibly can Satan teaches men that they were born sinners, totally depraved (just like him), completely inclined toward evil (just like him) .. • And that they cannot even believe (nor want to believe) until and unless God performs a miracle on their heart (a direct and miraculous work of the Holy Spirit to regenerate them).
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • Who are the supposed recipients of this miraculous regeneration? Allmen? By no means. Only those who were unconditionally chosen before the foundation of the world. • All the rest – the vast majority of the human race – are unconditionally doomed to a devil’s hell of fire and brimstone. • According to these false and corrupt doctrines, all are born sinners and cannot simply believe and obey the gospel (Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38).
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • The gospel is the power of God unto salvation (Romans 1:16), but according to Calvinism the word of God is weaker than the word of Satan … • Because the mere word of Satan persuaded Adam and Eve to sin but the mere word of God cannot produce faith (Romans 10:17) and persuade men to obey the gospel.
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • According to Calvinism the Holy Spirit must work a miraculous regeneration in the heart of the elect and this gives them faith. • Why doesn’t Calvinism teach that Satan worked a miracle on the heart of Adam and Eve to get them to obey him? • Wasn’t necessary! Satan’s word was suffi-cient. So Calvinism teaches that the word of Satan is more powerful than the word of God
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • How could anyone be convinced of such doctrine? What makes it plausible to them? • The answer to this question is simple: They make much ado about the SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD. Salvation is wholly of God (grace alone). • And man has no part in it (faith alone and even faith is given to him by God). The word “works” is like a curse word to them because it supposedly reflects on the Sovereignty of God.
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • Man, being such a depraved sinner, how could he ever do anything related to his salvation? Forget it. • Baptism is treated scornfully because it’s treated as a human work that would merit salvation. • (Jesus didn’t realize this, but Satan did and has convinced millions).
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • Christ is coming in flaming fire to take vengeance on those who do not obey the gospel (2 Thessalonians 1:8)… • But Calvinism says that those who are not chosen arbitrarily and unconditionally from the foundation of the world to be saved cannot believe. (So obeying the gospel impossible). • Consequently, they are doomed to be tortured in the fires of hell for ever and ever. And ¡Oh, how Satan rejoices to have them with him!
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • It is indispensable that with all vigor and determination we refute these false doctrines because they are of the devil. • They are a corrupt tree that bears corrupt fruit (other false doctrines and practices) (Matthew 7:15-20).
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • They are not the innocent opinions of men, but rather the “schemes of the devil” (Ephesians 6:11) that destroy souls. • Nor are these matters of interpretation because the Bible absolutely does not teach – explicitly nor implicitly – the diabolical doctrines of Calvinism. • You will find them in Satan’s “bible” but not in God’s.
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • Consider very carefully errors of Calvinism: • 1. That having sinned Adam was no longer “in the image of God.” Adam or descendants. • Genesis 9:6 says, “Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed; for in the image of God He made man.” • But Calvinism says no, so o.k. to shed blood
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • Also James 3:9 says, “…we curse men, who have been made in the likeness of God,” but if man is not made in the image of God, it would be all right to curse him. • So here again Calvinism is false doctrine because it contradicts James 3:9. • To be made in the image of God means that every human being is like God in that he/she has intellect, will and emotions. Otherwise we would not be human, but only robots.
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • 2. That having sinned Adam lost his free will, the power of choice, the ability to choose right or wrong, to obey or not obey. • Calvinism is determined to make man a mere puppet to be manipulated by God. • There is NOTHING in Genesis 2 and 3 nor in the rest of the Bible that teaches this. MAN IS RESPONSIBLE, HE CAN AND MUST OBEY GOD
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN Genesis 6:5 says, “Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” • The wickedness of man as described in this text was not due to sin INHERITED from Adam. • As the text clearly explains it, the cause was “that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • 3. That on sinning one time Adam and Eve had a fallen (corrupt) nature … • That having sinned one time their pure and uncorrupt nature became corrupt and “totally depraved in all their faculties of soul and body.” • Satan’s lie! The principal instigator of this false doctrine was Augustine, a “bishop” of the apostate church in Hippo, in Africa, still very much under the influence of Gnosticism (says the body is corrupt and evil).
EVE NOT ONLY ONE DECEIVED IN EDEN • 4. That this supposed corrupt depraved fallen nature is inherited by all the descendants of Adam (human race sinned in Adam). Satan’s lie. (Think of “inheriting” a crime!) • Sin is not inherited, it is COMMITTED (1 John 3:4). We can commit sin in word, deed and thought but it is impossible to INHERIT SIN. • It is very difficult to understand how so many otherwise intelligent people believe this.